Redpill me on Switzerland.
Is it worth immigrating to and starting a new life?
How culturally enriched is the country?
Redpill me on Switzerland
Fuck off, we're full. We don't care how white or rich you are, you will never be one of us.
Every fucking country in the EU is better than your shithole
the only country in europe that eats dogs
should tell you enough about those mountain niggers
It's a islamic 3rd world shithole that nobody should ever visit. Please stay away.
>pic related
is the area where our super rich people live...
No, fuck off we are full.
looks like my neighbourhood. life in switzerland is parents immigrated to switzerland...I wish they never did...jesus I have to eat dogs and cats not starving...
It's too late for that
Sure, there are nice places left but you couldn't afford them
> Is it worth immigrating to and starting a new life?
Nigger, they make it insanely hard to get in specifically so that people like you don't.
All swiss flags here are immigrants LARPing as natives. You're still not welcome, just like they aren't.
It doesn't exist, It's just a Japanese Fishing colony like Finland.
What happens if I'm a Swiss citizen and a lawyer and I want to help my people by funneling their taxes through Switzerland. Also what would you reccomed to adjust to the culture? Military service? Was thinking of the grenadiers maybe.
It's ok as long as you bring your own chainsaw.
Did they ever catch the chainsawbro?
it is odd that your country exists just to spite your cultural overlords and still you have each other since the founding days.... humans never change.
Yeah, Switzerland is a shithole. I don't mind if Whites come, but 99% of Swiss do mind. They are the typical cuckservatives who "don't see race" and think students who immigrate from Denmark are just as bad as IQ 50 Negroid with ties to ISIS
Switzerland welcomes European Immigrants
Keep in mind Switzerland is a rich country. You will need a good job and a lot of cash. Most of our Immigrants are from other European countries. So crime and rape ain't a problem.
Welcome to Switzerland
I actually believe that, some fast-food trash cheese burger is like 7 CHF in switzerland
Sounds pretty based to be honest. Dogs are just another animal
yeah I am a secondo but doing more for switzerland than u ever did.
lovely quote from the aussies. pray it works for you too.
My country is too small already
Don't move, just focus on making where you live a better place.
people like this who don't have a clue about politics posting on Sup Forums
switzerland is full of those apes you call niggers. it's a fucking plague
Leave and never come back, gook.
...What? Are you also retarded?