Snopes forced to beg for shekels to prevent shutdown!
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Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of faggots
>Even their cat is fat
Are fatties infectious? Every time I see a fat kid, there's always a pair of fat parents orbiting around them. Must just be an American thing.
Everything about them is gross
What a fat disgusting family of degenerates
Also, the guy embezzled a shit ton of cash from the company and blew it on hookes. Almost $100k
Is that his man-wife in OP?
If so, I can understand the hookers
They claim they're not biased but google search predictions based on popularity don't lie. Pic related. L for left, R for right, C for conservative.
He remarried a slightly more attractive literal whore, but she still looks really broke down. His new literal whore wife is now the main writer for the site. She looks like some big titted freakshow from a $50 gangbang. Let's all take a moment to laugh at these freaks.
Heres the reason they got funding cut.
Its actually fair to Trump and made me feel a bit of remorse for all the fat lady, cat, guy buying hookers stuff I posted.
Snopes is far more respected and fact-based that the shit that passes for news here.
The real fake news sites are Breitbart, Fox, Drudge, PolticalOutsource, InfoWars
>Indeed, in many instances the false claims against him carry a grain of truth.
Nice bait you little gaywad
I don't see how that's proof of anything. If you type "Trump r" into Google it autofills Russia. Just because people search for it or it's popular doesn't make it true.
Google has already been proven to be biased.
I didn't type Snopes and then a letter. I type Snopes IS, and as you can see, all preditcions follow with "snopes is x". The (overwhelmingly in this case) popular opinion about whether or not a "fact checker" is biased counts for a whole lot. I thought I might at least see ONE differing result. Also this was originally in response to them saying "we're not biased, just look at all these emails we get of people calling us conservative!"
Holy shit its Garfeild
You got me curious though...
Strange with all the Trump hate that these are the results for Trump "is" (not just Trump followed by a letter. The important distinction here is that it's a declarative accusation). Or maybe I just live in a really liberal area.
Trump curse in full effect.
Fatties are the victims of advertising propaganda and low impulse control. The latter is indeed genetic.
Is Squaker bretty gud?
Its the mindset. Fat people love (or rather end up with) other fat people because they love food and eating, so they get a cat and feed it all garbage it wants, they get a kid and feed it all the garbage it wants. Everything they have influence/care over gets fat because they want them to be just like them; shameless, prideful hedonists with no self control. They see nothing wrong with gorging themselves because they find pleasure in eating tasty, fatty, carb filled foods, and if there's anything post-modernism has taught us, pleasure should be shameless and further, something to be boastfully proud of, no matter the negative consequences. Then, via the healthcare system in the US, we pay for their choices via premiums when they end up with heart disease, cancer, or some other negligant condition they could have prevented had they chose to close theyre mouth.
They basically get to have their cake and eat it too, being able to get as fat as they want and just suffer the bodily consequences, which they don't care about. They just keep eating
Yes, that's why their autofill shit doesn't mean anything.
That's completely irrelevant, the results for "Trump is" are just as stupid. It is still the case, either way, that Google's autofill is not evidence of anything being true. I don't see why you would even try to make this argument.
Note that I'm not disagreeing that Snopes is liberal biased, I just don't agree with your 'evidence' or 'argument'. Aside from popular results not being evidence, it's also the case that Google has manipulated their own autofill results. We saw this during the election regarding political matters and we may still be seeing it today regarding Trump.
That poor cat. We should fund his/her exodus from those stupid fucking humans.
Why should reality be decided by a fat woman who owns a cat?
They USED to be mostly unbiased. Now they don't even try. I used to see people post in comments sections all the time a link to Snopes to debunk a silly story. Not anymore.
How can we speed up the demise of (((Snopes)))?
this is the question
someone should burn their house down.
The reputation of a fact-checker counts. Snopes boasts that they're totally unbiased and dedicated to the facts. Any intelligent person can see this isn't the case, and the popular results prove the popular opinion. I'm not saying the popular opinion is proof of something being true in all cases, but when it comes to something like a fact checker that people use and rely on for true information, the opinion about the bias and which way it leans is worth paying attention to, and in this case we see that there is not one single accusation of leaning to the right with one letter following "is", and is instead almost 100% accusations of having a liberal bias. Google must do an imperfect job of controlling this since they themselves have a liberal bias.
oy vey
>Spend the last 18 months shilling furiously, losing all credibility, and showing your overt left-leaning bias throughout the election cycle like every other liberal bullshitter who can't help themselves
>return a few months after the election and ask everyone to believe that you're still unbiased and objective fact checkers
Haha fucking nope. No one even knew what Snopes was 5 years ago, it's literally two fat fucks sitting on the couch, and it's amazing that kids use them at the de-facto go-to to fact check something when they have about as much credibility as a burnt-out middle school history teacher.
they don't have a designated gibs rabbi that goes around to businesses shaming people into donating??
One of the most telling things about it for me is that they have nothing on the wagegap myth. This is a very popular topic with many differing claims. They refuse because they know it's bullshit and if they reported that it would go against their bias and enrage their fanbase.
>dead website
>dead family
>dead cat
thank god
My favorite thing about the news situation is that the left started using the term "fake news" to silence people they don't like about a year ago, now it's being used against them with great success. Hell Trump even claims he came up with it (he knows he didn't) because the media can't admit that THEY came up with it can they? Trump has been playing these morons.
'Member when aids skrillex was a top result in googles predictions for a while?
They pick and choose topics that they know are basically common that a 4 year old could understand then they use a pile of those "topics" to validate their distortion of facts and muddying of the waters on topics that actually matter. There's a reason why academia doesn't allow wikipedia to be used as a "valid source" in a thesis and Snopes is about to be added to that list. Couldn't have happened at a better time.