>According to a study conducted by Omer Gokcumen, an assistant professor of biological sciences at the University of Buffalo, ancient humans had intercourse with a "ghost species" of "proto human".

>This other species is referred to by the scientific community as a "ghost species" as there are no known fossils that can be analysed.

>"It seems that interbreeding between different early hominin species is not the exception - it's the norm," Gokcumen said, quoted by the Sun.

Why are we focusing on stupid shit like proxy-wars and Obamacare when we are learning that aliums were diddling out ancestors?

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

I fucking knew it

Fucking Germans...



it's more likely to interbreed with a cactus than with an a species from another planet.

>ancient humans had intercourse with a "ghost species" of "proto human".
Humans fuck non-human animals, such as niggers, all the time. Doesn't make it less of a sin.

Didn't they find a 300k years old human skeleton like a month ago, which was also in Morocco and not sub saharian africa?

So they humped space monkeys?

What are nephalim

They were of the family of MAN (Homo) if not being Human (Sapiens) ... Most people are more closely related in Neanderthal than to Africans.

sub-saharans confirmed less evolved

checked and kek'd

So... Nephilim/Pleiadians confirmed?

I mean, whites are the only 'humans' after all

Ancient Aryans not "ancient aliens" you dumbfuck.
we are like fleas compared to the ancient advanced civilizations

The universe is only 6000 years old and ayys dont exist.
Fuck off kike.

Well duh.. any animal fucks any animal it realistically can fuck. You have apes raping pigs pigs raping cats cats raping rabbits humans raping dogs (hi canada).
Its nature for animals (ie before having enough brain to grasp itself)

Not ayyy, fallen angels

Or maybe that Turk biologist sneezed and got some roach DNA mixed into the test samples.

Skull fuckers?

>roach intellectuals

tfw born too late to sexually reproduce with non-homo sapiens

you still have niggers and abos

>mfw my alma mater is part of ayy disclosure

No I want that Atlantean pussy

Implying we don't breed with non-humans now.

Still happens today. We call them coal burners.

>neanderthals werent humans
>abos are



You guys realize that fossilization is rare right? That the sea levels have risen, giant floods etc, hence no skeletons from doggerland or atlantis. The reason that the great rift valley is thought as the cradle of humanity is that the conditions are perfect for fossilization, you literally trip over fossils there.



I bet you dont confuse her breasts with mountains

>proof niggers will fuck anything that moves
Why am I not surprised?

>>This other species is referred to by the scientific community as a "ghost species" as there are no known fossils that can be analysed.


Lloyd Pye already expertly voiced this and they killed him.

The original inhabitants of New Zealand were all blonde before the maoriniggers invaded.

They're just talking about niggers, OP.


There IS a striking similarity.. but no, that is an actual artistic representation of a Neanderthal

Sandniggers are having sex with non humans everyday. This is just another day in their lifes

The DNA came from somewhere, you scientific illiterate.

It's dna found in some humans that scientists can't explain

>Macron fucking his wife.gif


>falling for the ayy lamo jew
not even once

Cunts are still protoapes because their X chromosome is more simian and didn't get any Annunaki genes.

Kiked were created in an underground reptilian base.

The real Hebrews became druids.

That's enough redpilling for now...

And thus shows WHY we have so many non-human ancestors

Sorry fucked up

>ancient humans had intercourse with [ayy lmaos]
Why intercourse? They coulda just stuck us witg big space needles and gave us their space aids this way. They don't need to probe our aids holes, they have more sophisticated means of doing it.


Its the grave of the local hero who was buried along with his victims.

He did "fucked" them though.

>Trying to normalize bestiality
And so it has begun

Earth was a Joint Colonization with each Race picking a Continent to Colonize(Whites= Europe, Blacks = Africa, Asians = Asia). But before the Colonization happened several "Test Runs" were done to see if the Planet could be lived on, the most famous is the Neanderthal.

[Did a Thread on this recently: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

Each race came from different Planets. You can figure out which if you look at the Planet Environments & compare it to the Design/Adaptation of each Race.


>some humans bred with non-humans in the past

and thus, niggers were born

Planets automatically come with different climate zones, you oik. They're spherical.

There's one really large early Hominid that has been named as the most likely inspiration for them, but I forget the specific term. H. heidelbergensis?

NO... humans are all but clones of each other. We are genetically (minus some Africans) almost identical to each other genetically.
This is versus most other animals on earth, we actually have VERY little genetic differences between us.

whites and asians have more neanderthal dna than subraces like niggers
really makes you think

The Nordics probably

someone ban this larping faggot's tripcode already

Its called babylon and they are no longer around because of it

on another note i call my black girl friend boom mmm bap

That must be soul destroying for both of them lol


I thought french women were attractive...

>niggers having sex with literal monkeys

Just like today in africa.

Stop this AYyyyylmao.
This article is about niggers in africa having proto-human genes, nothing from out of space.
Homo erectus, He walks among us.

>whites and asians have more neanderthal dna than subraces like niggers

Perhaps, Neanderthals gave the civilization genes to man... perhaps

Kek the artist must have had a fixation with shakira. There's no way around it

>this is considered hot

look at the evil nazi look glare across his face



I can feel the girl's soul getting crushed bit by bit with each thrust

They all kinda look the same once you put them on all fours.


Humans TODAY have sex with non-humans.
Look at Canada.
Or Sweden.

This isn't shocking considering we also breed with Neanderthals

Or Texas

I hear Atlantean babes got super wet.

burn the ghost, pay the most

"kinda" is a very broad term, fratello

>ghost species of which there are no fossils

So a couple of cavemen fucked a couple of slightly deformed girls. Pussy is pussy.

An hole is a hole.

Yeah would

>no fossil or other evidence of these "ghosts"
>we know they fucked

current humans as well... have you seen DeNiro's kids?


If i'm reading this right you completely missed the point.
>subsaharan africans have massively different genes because they mixed with some subhuman "ghost species".

Subsaharan africans have some of the lowest iq in the world and also are prone to things like cannibalism.. Hardly ayy material breh. Niggers probably fucked some creature that's dumber than monkeys. Would make a lot of sense.

>Be alien space captain.
>Spend 50,000 years in cryosleep.
>Worst case of morning wood ever.
>It's banging into stuff and knocking over vases.
>Alien space armada doesn't let women serve in the fleet, balls are the size of watermelons... Can't far though, the good Lord forbids it.
>Receive reports that the third planet from this alien sun has babes.
>Their DNA is roughly compatible with his own... Which means they probably have pussies.
>Space captain doesn't even care if they're sideways at this point.
>Space captain tells his exo-biology team that they need to head dirt side to collect samples or some gay science shit like that.
>480,000 years later...
>"Are traps gay, Sup Forums?"

>yfw the claims of abduction by tall blonde white people in saucers are true

Someone has been watching "quest for fire"

Randy is right, this dude doesn't know shit.

When they die they are going to have an interesting judgement trial

From the article:
>"It seems that interbreeding between different early hominin species is not the exception - it's the norm," Gokcumen said, quoted by the Sun.

So subsaharans were breeding with a retarded early hominoid species that was even more retarded than the dumbest monkey.

>but fellow subsaharnigger, what in the world are you doing, you are fucking a lower hominoid, we'll become even dumber not smarter by this, even the monkeys are smarter!
>you don't know that shit.. Keepin' it real!

It seems "muh dick" goes a long way back.. Nigger.. subnigger.. sub sub sub nigger.. If it's got a pulse and is willing, niggers gonna fuck it!

They are attractive compared to British women.

yup, but not that women.

I wish I was that guy.


Being this retarded and this angry at the same time.
The reason for that is they can tell by the dna that it's wildly different from others. Leading them to conclude that subsaharans in particluar fucked an earlier hominoid, because the dna is wildly different. In other words subsahara niggers might have fucked some sub sub sub human which might explain why they have 65 iq pretty much the lowest in the world except for maybe some abbos.

White race came from Eden at the north pole after they got kicked out. They made it into africa and had sex with beasts & this is where the out of africa theory comes from.
The nazis found something at the south pole though maybe there was another type of Eden there that nobody ever heard about because the Bible never talked about it.

The last part was just me rambling I forgot lot's of stuff it's been so long.

>White race came from Eden at the north pole

Not the North Pole, but the Inner Earth World (which is the same as Eden). They left Eden through the north polar opening. Earth is hollow.

>The nazis found something at the south pole

Yes, they found the south polar opening.

That's all very fascinating but the discovery in the article is that subsaharaniggers had sex with an early homonoid/protohominoid with much different dna but still at the time of mating anyways, sexually compatible, that was dumber than themselves and very different. They can't find any fossils of them though, they were probably totally integrated into the subsahara nigger subspecies or maybe destroyed by the nogs, subsahara nogs are prone to cannibalism, subsahara niggers are the dumbest people on the entire planet except for abbo's. (65 iq or lower) Essentially mentally retarded by western standards. Also iq works different for niggers, european iq of an arbitrary amount means far higher intelligence than nigger scoring similar due to various reasons. Suffice to say.. whatever "ghost species" the subsaharans mated with, made them dumber not smarter. So that pretty much rules out ayy's don't it?

Alyums destroyed kangz' empire and liberated their wemenz