Zuck defines cringe and is now going after Musk over AI. Glad to see him get McGregor'ed.
Zuck defines cringe and is now going after Musk over AI. Glad to see him get McGregor'ed
Buckle up, goy. You're in for a wild ride.
he looks like a lizzard
I agree with Musk. AI could either be the thing that catapults humanity to the golden age, or absolutely destroys us. There's no real way to tell at the moment other than hoping for the best. We're going to inevitably reach that point, all we can hope for is a benevolent AI.
But when it happens, or even before. Computerization, automation, and a burgeoning population will lead to massive unemployment. I'm no socialist but I think the only way to deal with it is UBI. Otherwise it's going to be very tough to make the transition. In my opinion UBI won't happen until AFTER, when things calm down....if we haven't all be genocided by an AI, or nuked ourselves into oblivion.
Hold on to your butts.
How will UBI even be possible if we're draining its potential funds to over-supply economic migrant--er... "Refugees"?
I don't really see it being possible until after society comes out the other end of the happening or calamity or singularity. Whatever word you want to use for it. We're just too divided and there's too much bullshit in this world. Technosocialism is the future in my opinion. A command economy with full automation/computerization run by a benevolent AI.
That's if we make it that far.
ubi is just a term that the communists are using to push "socialism, just socialism, we promise"
The worst part about socialism is that it's run by humans. It's just my opinion, and I'm not a socialist. But the future has the potential to be something completely different...and unpredictable. Literally impossible to know what direction the world will take. This is just my two cents. Take it or leave it.
Musk is producing interesting technology. Zuckerberg is a manchild producing murder-streaming phone apps.
digits confirm.
Wonder if he'll sell the facebook to run for prezzy...
AI is at this point a meme..
Everything is AI, google translator, siri, an image recognition software, most AI's are extremely limited software that only have an "AI-function" pertained to a very narrow field.
I really like Musk, and i think he may be right in some aspects about the threat of AI's. But as it is now, there is no storm coming.. when you get more broader functioning AI's, then the discussion of existential threat may be relevant. But that shit is +100 years into the future, at that time the world will probably be unrecognizable from what it is today.
Yeah I honestly think it's a ways off, and you're right. 100 years into the future may as well be 1000 years into the future at the rate things are changing. There's no way to know what will come.
Musk talks a lot of utter shit about AI tbf, the man clearly has zero understanding of quite how rudimentary the current state of the art in machine learning is, its literally being worried that statistics are going to come alive and genocide humanity.
>its literally being worried that statistics are going to come alive and genocide humanity.
Ironically, Zucc is in the right here and Musk is in the wrong. Musk's fortune exists solely due to government handouts and sci fi fearmongering about Doomsday, and he's back at it again with idiotic spiels about how robutts gonna getchu.
Meanwhile he's in favor of AI cars replacing regular ones, which would mean, you guessed it, robots that can kill you at will, spy on you, etc.
Musk is scum.
>britbong LARPing he's more up to date on AI and computer tech than Musk
Hi, Zuckerberg.
Telsa is the world's biggest scam artist who makes outrageous and bold claims to control the industry/get more investors.
I work with machine learning stuff every day so yeah I probably am
Probably the first Artificial general intelligence will be very different from current machine learning approaches.
I think it is likely to just be a simulation of a brain. IE we probably aren't smart enough to design one, but we could copy one from nature.
t. zuckjew
Was just listening to a story about an automated bail risk assessment program released in New Jersey.
AI for the next few decades will mainly be seeing ways to construct farms, design hardware layout quickly, or decide how much your insurance premium will be.
The only reason people say outlandish claims of AI killing everyone and raping your kids is because it grabs media attention.
As someone in the Electrical Engineering industry I completely agree. I've talked with other colleagues and even gone to lectures given by business presidents and the general consensus is Musk is full of shit.
Zucc is still a fucking kike who wants to take all your data, but this time he's correct.
so do I so I'm just as up to date as you and I say you're wrong
see the issue with citing "credentials" with no verification? anyone can fucking do it
Yeah but you obviously haven't, because literally everyone who's ever studied or worked in the field knows how these algorithms work and knows that there is no more danger of an evil super intelligence arising from then than there is of one arising from excel.
and you obviously haven't because literally everyone in the field thinks I'm right and you're wrong
we can both give unverifiable bullshit user
People are trying to compare it to nuclear weapons and it's getting old. There's so much we don't understand about how intelligence propagates it's crazy. And fear mongering is only going to cause problems.
>literally everyone in the field thinks I'm right and you're wrong
Name a scientist working in AI that thinks this.
elon musk
He doesn't work in AI, personally, you sperg. And ironically, he funds tons of it.
>AI guru Ng: Fearing a rise of killer robots is like worrying about overpopulation on Mars
Musk has a physics degree. I wouldn't expect to be taken seriously if I said the LHC was going to suck the world into a black hole so why should we take him seriously about runaway super intelligence?
AI is super powered statistics that can generate inferences that humans would never (take the time to) notice. It's basically writing software by example analysis done at computer speed.
It will be used by technocrats to tell everyone that 'the computer says we have to so we have to because it's smarter than us even if we don't understand it' like when the guy in idiocracy talks to the grass and says it wants water not gatoraid.
All this smoke screening and warning of an AI apocalypse is just to get the idea that the computers are smarter than us into peoples minds so when technocrats pump their subjectively selected data and interpretation methods into the machine learning algorithms they will have a bedrock of credibility/collective opinion of what is happening to lean on to force the results on everyone.
Elon Musk here.
You're both wrong and are faggots.
Ill volunteer to go to Mars for free if Musk destroys Zuckerberg.
I wish someone would put a .50 cal through his stupid fucking face.
Even in the what, 70's? They knew that real general AI was a pipedream.
This speech about the Lighthill Report is still entirely true today. Elon Musk is just a hypemonger.
Musk knows that Cuckerberg is moving towards AI-driven socialism. That's the only reason we're even hearing about it. It's time to cuck the zuck, from a certain business perspective.
I hate that billion faggot. Met some schmuck rich kid the other day who bragged about knowing cuckerberg at Stanford.
>Musk: "AI will kill us all."
>Zuck: "NUH UH It'll help me spy on the goyim better!"
Does that about cover it?
Part of me hopes Zuck dies in a plane crash. I don't think I can handle this fucker being the new George Soros and plaguing my existence for the rest of my life.
The worst part about socialism is that it always collapses and people still pretend it's a valid theory because they don't want to work.
The future of economy is a near-zero self-sufficient economy. Either because the Jews successfully overrun and destroy Western Civilization which will doom the planet to an unending dark age, or because whites successfully make it into space. Any space-faring civilization will rapidly be able to produce goods and services at a near-zero cost because resources are far more abundant in space than they are on Earth. A single mining operation on a metal-rich asteroid would yield a higher yearly GDP than most countries on the planet.
>Zuck: "NUH UH
Also he had the nerve to call Musk irresponsible after building a media empire on people irresponsibly uploading too much about their personal lives.
You have to take into account Moore's law. The singularity will come much sooner than 100 years.
Humans are smart enough to create the singularity. After that, we don't have to do anything. It improves itself.
I can easily kick the shit out of that pale ugly midget.
Then lose the lawsuit. Jews have us by the balls, that's why we collectively need to get rid of them by force.
I'm gonna beat him hard, then take the first plane home and wish that faggot good luck finding me.