Orangutan being tained.
Orangutan being tained
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>support the first amendment
>stop saying mean things on twitter >:(
he represents the entire country so its obv different than a random person on twitter you idiot
He has the first amendment just as much as anyone cuck cry more about the meanie saying mean things.
Not really
gpo posting this shit should raise a red/soviet flag to any sane person
so the president shouldn't act professional? what qualifications should the president of the united states have?
congress - he's being mean, make him stop telling the truth and being mean to us!!
goddamn i hope they get term limits on these parasitical leeches
come back when you finally take the true Juche redpill, comrade faggot
What the fuck are you even trying to say you red bastard?
dumb spoiled retarded brat is in charge of usa.
Be American, and preferably not a libshit.
>Represents country
Bitch, are you retarded?
There is a reason we have ambassadors.
The job of the President was never to play nice with other countries and represent the nation. The job of the President is to oversee the Executive Branch by enforcing laws and act as Commander in Chief of our armed forces.
Be born in america and not be a cuck.
what is gpo?
a fake news central? i don't think so.
so any random homeless person would do then or do you have to be rich too?
>he represents the entire country
That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. The entire country didn't vote for him. Speak for yourself only.
Born in the USA.
At least 35 years of age.
Voted in by the Electoral College.
bullshit. the press is obviously hostile to him. twits allow him to circumvent (((their))) filters and get his message out and essential control the dialogue instead of the other way around.
those faggots in congress have medical care fit for kings while the rest of us suck hind tit if we can find a tit to suck
ITT faggot shills
male, at least 35 years of age, white, taxpayer, married w/ children
What state do you reside in?
If a hobo manage to win the majority of electoral collages in a country of 320 million people, I say let him burn his trashcans in the oval office.
That font is pretentious and annoying to read. 10/10 odds whoever wrote it has a incredibly punchable face.
glad he represents me and i hope he posts more twitter to make you act like a freedom stealing communist
What happened to America? This is horrific in my book. Hillary and Drumpf should be hanged. Fucking fucking shame.
>freedom of the press
stop blackmailing people and maybe that might happen
>fake news
the media started this after pizzagate
I didn't vote for him because he was professional.
As for qualifications
>Natural born citizen
>Enough electoral college votes
That's it
35 years old.
American citizen by birth
natural born citizen for 35 years
>red/soviet flag to any sane person
Now THIS is cringy!
your cuntry is fucked. on july 27th our puppet will start ww3. best korea will raunch a rocket.
They don't want to stop him from posting on twitter because he's hurting America. They want to stop him because he's hurting democrats.
>congress trying to control the president
Can't make this shit up
>hurr we must make shitposting illegal
literally fucking nothing
it's real
I don't give a fuck if drumpf shitposts on twatter. Society has become one big joke anyway, thanks mostly to progressivism
It's a post intellectual world now. Thanks lefties
This is becoming serious. july 27th-kimmy will launch another icbm. this time it will be us west coast.
Russia in the full control now. Save your souls.
Trump is the greatest thing to happen to politics since...Andrew Jackson.
SCOTUS would rip this bill up if Trump passed it.
It's a direct violation of the POTUS's first amendment rights, and therefor is a direct violation of constitutional law.
Trump should pass it, then sue the bill makers and anyone who voted yes for violating his 1A rights.
This is pure KGB if you ask me. We should attack them first, fuck their Perimetr system.
Perimeter is fully functional. Drumpf will just bounce like a dead cat to his demise. Or else.
A bill from the usual far-left suspects. Maxine Waters, Ted Lieu, just a couple names I noticed.
It didn't pass did it?
>This is pure KGB if you ask me.
I can confirm. gpo is one of the oldest structures of the usa gov. we are in control.
Fucking shame. USA has been humiliated beyond belief. Thank you Trump. Fuck you all
America 2017.
let's bury this, errything will be just fine. nobody cares, anime will prevail, bild le wall, maga, lock her up, gimme a burger, lol
Someone who is another victim of Communist/Marxist American school system wrote this-have no understanding of the American Constitution. Mind programmed to believe people can be forced into thought boxes-hive think. Zombie world.
Ahh, so this is what the Democrats have been doing to help the American people. Time well spent if you ask me.
>t. daily slide thread
gpo is official us gov publishing office
say again?
us president is being fucked up in his ass. propper
That's a House Democrat bill doofus
oranc3 monkey od done r4 prepare for ww3
July 27th.
gook inner circled fag here