>A US Navy patrol boat has fired warning shots towards an Iranian naval ship after it came within 150 yards during a tense encounter in the Persian Gulf, it has emerged.
U.S. Navy fires warning shots at Iranian boat
Other urls found in this thread:
>be usa navy
>sail directly up to iranian borders
>get scared when iranian ship appears
uh wtf? why are we fucking with their coast if we dont want to be near them? we really are the assholes of the world and need to be nuked
thanks for the contribution to this thread, leaf
he's basically calling you out for being an idiot lol
>why are we fucking with their coast?
Israel told us to
do they not have expressions in canada and you are confused?
>tense encounter
>a bunch of sand nigger rubber rafts came to close to my destroyer more then a football stadium away
What is it with the US and anything related to Iran always ending with them either fucking up or overreacting?
I appreciate that we're slowly on the way to patching things up with Russia but what the fuck is this?
I don't understand our logic, we get near their borders, yet they're the provocateurs?
What did he mean by this?
>Be Persian ship
>Sailing in the Persian gulf, doing my Persian things
>Suddenly USA ship rushes at you, firing shots while screaming freedom.
>Silenty say "What the fuck" in Persian.
Its called propaganda. Its not limited to North Korea. America is known globaly to have the best propaganda and control over its citizens thought. Of course America is the victim when it gets written up by western media.
uh you don't get to bring friends
>Sup Forums towards other muslim nations
>Fucking degenerat muslims!I hope we go destroy them all and kill off islam along with pushing the jews back to their filthy land so they stay in their containment zone while the durka durkas are vanquished! DEUS VULT!
>Sup Forums towards IRAN
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is degenerate in it's own hypocrite ways.
Really activates my almonds, event probably took place in Iran EEZ but still in international waters. I don't know what the policy is on military vessels entering another countries EEZ but It could be seen as an act of aggression.
What business does the US have in the persian gulf anyway? Get the fuck back to the americas, faggots!
>be terrorists on ship designed as your average everyday persian boat
>sail your boat right next to the US boat
>they do nothing because they're cucks
>explode my boat taking the navy ship with it
Sup Forums is brainwashed by Russian propaganda. They love Iran and Syria and North Korea because these are allies of the Russians and the Russians have had a propaganda team here for years shilling overtime.
Looks like Iran forgot Obongo isn't president anymore
>Sail in international waters
>Uh why are fucking with their coast
muh based caliphate fag
Seems to me like (((Americans))) want to bring "democracy" to the last middle eastern country they haven't bombed into ashes yet.
Thanks burgers. I can't wait for the million Iranian refugees to enrich us.
I've never observed that once.
>150 yards
How much is that in real measurements?
I haven't seen any Russian shills since the Ukraine thing died down
These are just left overs that ate up the based iran bullshit. The poeple that believe if you don't like the goat fuckers that you must be in bed with the israelis
About 130m so pretty fucking close by maritime standards
To put 130m into more perspective traditional naval artillery has a range of approx 20km
fuck off cuck
you people are such cowards when it comes to foreign policy. America rules the world and can do whatever it wants.
Persian dominance over the middle east is preferable the Arabian.
>America rules the world and can do whatever it wants
America will fall soon enough and another power will be the new america. Don't get complacent.
Iran captures US sailors
>HAHAH based Iran burgers btfo
US fires warning shot at approaching iranian ships
>y....you're trying to start a war and flood us with refugees! *votes Merkell
Do you really need to say uh? You want people to make that noise in their mind? It makes you sound like a faggot that isn't sure of what he's talking about.
If only there was another anglo nation angling for the top spot. Once were out if the picture the world will be fucked.
Trust me, they're here.
Legit Russian shill a easy to spot just like legit CTR, Shareblue fags, and Leftypol flaseflaggers
They aren't really prevalent anymore
2 dollars have deposited into your cnn™ account!
American warships shouldn't be allowed to sail in the Persian Gulf at all. They have no right to be there.
Go to an /sg/ thread. They used to be under proxy but, but niw larp with random flags, still not hard to miss.
Ha, good one dad
Pretty hard when your largest base in the region is located in Qatar.
>Go to an /sg/ thread
no thank you, I'd rather avoid that clusterfuck
>Go to Persian Gulf
>Get mad when some Persians come too close
>They have no right to be there.
says who?
pretty sure american warships = freedom
what is anybody gonna do about it? Complain to the UN in NEW YORK?
>Be US Navy Patrol boat
>Iranian Naval ship approaching
>Fire warning shots
>It turns and leaves
>One hour later
>Look over to starboard side
>A Filipino freighter
>Oh shit
>It's too late
>It plows through our $10,000,000,000 hull with it's scrap metal casing
>We sink
>Tfw fat enough to not need a life jacket
>Dude Iran owns all of the Persian gulf
kys idiot
The Persian gulf is surrounded by different nations and is a vital trade route in the region.
I was in the Navy, we are much too drained to have any reaction. At that point it's just a ship full of broken husks
>Persian Gulf
Arabian Gulf*
Very close I was in the gulf in 2003 when the USS Firebolt's Rhib was suicide bombed. Our boat came mighty close to the same. We had a dhowl come after us and our ship fired on it. It was very close.
All these butthurt Hillshills ITT
fuck off warmongers
Then who protects the oil platforms?
>We had a dhowl come after us and our ship fired on it. It was very close
Honestly any vessel that comes within a certain distance and fails to yield to warnings should be sent to the bottom of the sea
Fuck off its the Persian gulf the Arabs have a whole fucking sea.
Not to mention the red sea used to be called the Arabian gulf until it was renamed.
Americucks aren't good enough at shooting to even do that..
Both times the US were the aggressors trying to provoke Iran, but they're not stupid enough to fall for you jew tactics.
Just like your autist vessel and that Philippine freighter
If they got that close to a military vessel they are not "regular" citizens
And you probably call lefties cucks
3 members of US SF were killed yesterday in an Jordanian military base by a Jordanian soldier.
But somehow you aren't you crying about turning Jordan into glass but Iran's shitty rubber rafts getting too close is gonna spark of WW3.
Does the American fear the great Bedouin warrior?
>USS Thunderbolt
Did it go brrrrrrt?
>Both times the US were the aggressors trying to provoke Iran, but they're not stupid enough to fall for you jew tactics.
>run out of gas and float into Iranian waters
>hurr the US is the aggressor
>Sailing in international and have Iranian ships plot course to intercept you
>hurr US is the aggressor
I'm so happy that in 50 years you krautkikes will be extinct, its shame you'' by supplanted by turkroaches though
Persia? Like the Persian Empire that hasn't existed for a while now? How is it the Persian Gulf again?
By that logic Mexico owns the entirety of the Gulf of Mexico, China owns the entirety of the south china sea, and India owns the entirety of the Indian Ocean
Literally just proving my point how complacent you are.
>implying that shouldn't have been sunken too
But the headlines would have read "US warship opens fire on civilian vessel!"
>t. 52%
If the same would've happened in the US you would've sank their ship or send them to Guantanamo for some waterboarding.
Want an even better one?
It will be the reformed EU
So what would be a safe operating distance and why did the burgers let the Iranian vessel get so damn vlose.
( ( ( ( ( ( L I T E R A L L Y ) ) ) ) ) )
The USS Forebolt incident was a white flag trick. It was really common then. Saying they were fishing vessels stuck or broke down. The incident I was in it was in the middle of the night and they went dark and coasted toward us.
WOW it's literally nothing
>USS Firebolt
>USS Thunderbolt
Why are our ships named after Pokemon moves now? Did somebody let his 12 year old son christen them?
It's a name I didn't say they had sovereignty.
Otherwise India would control the whole of the Indian ocean.
>We should just rename shit every time there is a shift in power.
This is retarded you are retarded.
>buttblasted iranian commander orders boats to approach americans
>americans have orders to shoot anyone who gets that close
>sailors roll in thinking to themselves fuck these americucks
>cannon rounds from the merciful americans come just over their heads knocking them off their feet and they go home to cry about imperialism
>If the same would've happened in the US you would've sank their ship or send them to Guantanamo for some waterboarding.
wow those ships sure did get ventilated and those sailors waterboarded at Guantanamo
>muh 52%
any at the rate you're going, you'll still become a minority in your nation before we do
>So what would be a safe operating distance and why did the burgers let the Iranian vessel get so damn vlose.
probably because 150 yards is the minimum distance before a warning shot is fired? The ship most likely gave them auditory warnings to change course long before the shot was taken
Did you see the plot maps of the two vessel trajectories the OOD was operating his vessel like an absolute autist. Also his vessel was by far way more maneuverable than the freighter. The American OOD should have had the fucking sense to avoid the freighter and protect that expensive military asset.
that's exactly what you get to do when you're in power. when baby boomers are gone you can call them whatever you want, champ
I swear I saw those news already. Or it happened again? Anyway, it's propaganda. You should know by now that Iran and N.Korea are 2 last countries without Jewish influence and their banks. That's why America is always trying to provoke a war with them so they can invade them and do there what they did with Lybia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc. Americans were never the good guys, they are pretty much the extension of Israel.
Haha I just googled it and they are part of the cyclone class PC's. There is a typhoon and whirlwind too.
I'm certain he was reprimanded for being an idiot
International waters, and those fuckers and the russians have been playing chicken for far too long.
I could imagine though using a white flag trick militaries would send out an inflatable with armed boarders to ascertain the situation and not put the main vessel in danger.
Also sneaky fucking Arabs floating around in the fucking dark. I dont know how you combat that but if be sending them to the fucking bottom.
What happens when an unstoppable cock hits a gigantic fucking container ship?
Same thing that happens to most things that hit a gigantic fucking container ship
It's another (((America))) policing the world episode.
These idiots bitch about this but don't say a peep when Russia continues its decade long tradition of playing "I'm not touching you" with Tu-95 bombers
>muuh joooosss
fuck off m8
That's what happened on the Forebolt, VBSS team. This thunderbolt situation I don't know. I can ask my husband when he gets home
You don't send an inflatable with men on it anywhere around a vessel that hasn't communicated surrender and/or willingness to be boarded. A simple machine gun could chew them to pieces otherwise. The same kind of piece a couple of infantrymen could carry. From a couple of km away.
You do know we have Arabic speaking people on our ships. They were boarding when the bomb was set, hence the suicide bomb.... Took both vessels out
What's the problem? We don't need another incident like when the sailors were captured by Iran and had to suck their dicks under the Obama Admin.
Vessels that have signalled that they have broken down etc etc. Under maritime law your obligated to help. Do you save the men's life and take your multi million dollar vessel up to the broken down fishing boat to be suicide bombed, or do you send out trained boarding team in an inflatable or other like small vessel?
This. Watching that play out had me fuming
I'm just saying it's a disgusting trick and the vessel playing it out should end up on the bottom
This is true and as soon as the boarding vessel is fired upon by small arms fire the parent ship can send it straight to the bottom with anything it likes faster than you could probably blink, guns would be trained on it the whole fucking time. Unfortunately there is absolutely fuck all you can do if they decide to blow themselves up when they ate being boarded.
that would be very unlickely situation to begin with ... if you were patroling coast of USA and not coast of Iran
Small vessel. The small vessels usually have a mounted 50 Cal but if you don't see the guy setting the bomb off it doesn't matter. Pic related. The one that creeped up on us was a lot smaller same general build
Can almost gaurentee the US vessel is out there monitoring the qatar gulf crisis.
It's fucked, international maritime law is the navies biggest weakness, damned if you do damned if you dont.
Yes. Our Captain was a bit different though. He said shoot and I'll take the blame. And we did. It was fun.
>Looks like Iran forgot Obongo isn't president anymore