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when will these fags commit suicide en masse?

They dont live in reality.


Suck it Drumpf

They really don't. Their picture of what is actually happening is so far off the mark that you wonder how they picture real life everyday situations.

>(((Reddit))) pushing kike agenda
I can not believe it!!!

The people in that Reddit have to be some of the dumbest people on the planet. They do not know shit about politics or what goes on. Life is not some fucking soap drama


Trump is realizing he needs to kick out all the Republican party hacks that have loyalty to the party and not to America.


Is this the largest case of mass hysteria?

Liberals are the greatest threat humanity has ever encountered, these post-truth assholes don't try to convince anyone that they're correct, instead they try to force their perception on to reality

It's sickening, these pieces of trash are sickening

These people are fucking delusional, lmao what a spectacle

Those "people" have been mentally ill for years, but now that Obama is gone the paranoia has kicked in

Holy shit, they all act like women

Its a delusional state of mind. Like a happy place or bunker that they created in their mind.

Someone called it last night.
>Boy scouts will be labeled a white supremacist group by the ADL.

I know a few people that talk about politics like this. It's completely frustrating because the only people it is really meant for are those with the same level of anger and political anxiety. I could ask them "what specifically about Trump's situation and behavior indicates extreme paranoia and desperation?", and the answers usually are variants of these
1. He tweets a lot 2. He verbally attacks political enemies (supposedly he also creates random enemies in his mind) 3. He's totally going to get impeached guiise so Trump is scared!

They have narcissistic and histrionic personality disorders. They are extremely prone to drama and over emoting over every single thing that happens in their lives.
I'm sure we've all met someone like this in our lives and you know first hand how fucking insidiously annoying they are.

Essentially they're fruit loops.

Wrong method. Asking means you don't know if you're missing anything. Tell them: "I don't see it. Define paranoia." When they try something like "But isn't it obvious?" just say "No. Define paranoia." Keep it absolutely simple. The method by which these creatures are turned into what they are relies on dulling their senses by constant high-intensity input. When you can manage to keep calm throughout a sitting you can usually get them to realise they're using words they don't know to describe things they don't understand. Then they will almost certainly default to moral justification such as "But the Holocaust bluh bluh" or any other variant of "But I've been told to act like this", "muh guilt". Then you can lay it on thicker and get personal, such as by asking how many atrocities they, personally, actually have to absolve themselves of and eventually get them to accept that they aren't monsters. From there they'll be eager to see the light.

Oh wow, I missed this. Listen to that crowd ROAR. How can libcucks even compete? My son will definitely be joining cub scouts and boy scouts.


How fucking insane and deluded do you have to be to buy any of this shit? It's almost as bad as everyone on r/politics pushing the Russia narrative. I go there on occasion for entertainment, but this is just.. wow.

Muh Fascism!! Muh literally Hitler!! Holy shit these people are not grounded in reality. What whiny little pieces of shit. Grow the fuck up.

Post-Truth world, everyone


>training camp for the kkk
>language fails me
>as eagle scouts it is our duty
>writing the council LITERALLY as we speak
good god they are so fucking dramatic

this is fantastic

Trump presidency has literally given people schizophrenia lol

yeah this puts so much fear in Shlomo's heart. Personally I'm getting goosebumps.
We're gonna win, fellas, BIG LEAGUE!

I mean as autistic and delusional as some of you faggots are, you ain't a bunch of irredeemable degenerates as those who use Reddit as some kind of social media platform.

Pic absolutely related... like how am I supposed to take you seriously if you can't at least wait 24 hours between publicly plunging a dildo in your pussy and laying down a plan for a socialist revolution. Sasuga Reddit

Point was to cool the fuck down with giving those retards any attention. Reddit is a fine site for gathering information on many topics since it does a really good job at systematizing shit, but aside from a couple communities (and no, that doesn't include cringefests that are /r/TheRedPill and /r/The_Donald) most of the """discussion""" subs have absolutely trash culture revolving around the flavor of the week/month/year circlejerks