>converts tens of thousands of people to white nationalism
Converts tens of thousands of people to white nationalism
>converts tens of thousands of people to white nationalism
People that are swayed by a jewtube cam whore are brainless retards ripe to be swayed by someother talking head to beleive some other bullshit a week later. Fuck this whore, her idiot followers and her beta male orbiters that keep spamming her jew tube channel here on Sup Forums.
hi, Rabbi
Is she a virgin lads?
>constantly talking about the importance of chastity
>good friends/former coworker of Faith Goldy, devout Christian traditionalist
>seems a bit socially awkward
>didn't date in her teens according to AskFM
>is 22, female
>very attractive
>wears somewhat skimpy clothing sometimes
>sister is a bit of a slag
I'd say it's a toss-up desu.
>22 years old
Look at her.
to be fair that black chick makes anti BLM/SJW videos
>converts tens of thousands of people to jew/israel friendly/pro degeneracy civic nationalism while occasionally signaling to some issues that WNs are interested in, instead of letting the tens of thousands discover real, anti-jew/anti degeneracy white nationalism.
Get the fuck out.
We all know who she is.
Statistically speaking there are more virgin women in that age group than virgin men
Again, I'd say it's a toss-up
still a nigger
She's not Jewish though
She is seductive I will give you that
brb registering as democrat RIGHTNOW!
How is it even possible to be as virgin as you?
How fitting...
I'm 18 and just got out of a relationship a few months ago faggot
What's wrong with shitposting?
Imagine having such bad arguments that you have to photoshop the people you disagree with as ugly.
We know what you're doing, yid.
>shills for a youtube star on a hate tube producing machinist painting meme multiple times per day
Sup Forums loves you, Lauren. /ourgirl/ forever.
>this exact same thread again several times a day every day
Go away, lauren
Boy leftypol sure is mad at this woman
They shill 24/7 against her
>converts tens of thousands of anons to white knighting (again)
>heil peter!
why doesnt the left and kikes just support people that want to subvert
will they ever learn that the unwashed masses will just do the opposite
t. someone who didnt give a fuck about lauren till the kikes started smearing her
>t. someone who didnt give a fuck about lauren till the kikes started smearing her
No way she's a virgin. She's probably a homewrecker like Brittany Pettibone.
sage all eceleb threads
yeah I'm fairly certain Brittany got STICKED
FYI statistically the virginity has been trending up and the number of sexual partners has been trending down for nearly 30 years.
even if they didn't do anything there was surely some sort of attraction going on
on a side note, his hands are so big. It looks like he could wrap his fingers around her entire head
Excluding the obvious body language they banged, they fact she's wearing his sweater in that second pic says it all.
Yeah, she admitted it in a tweet recently.
I love Lauren with all my heart. I just want to hold her hand, walking through the woods together, admiring the wild life. That beautiful smile she has, she's incredibly succulent and cute. I dream of the day we have children together, they'd be beautiful.
Calm down PIL
Who cares, people bang. Well not this guy
Who is more likely trying to role play to attack his Sup Forums strawman.
These threads are pure cancer
Mods should start to ban Lauren Southern threads. Serious even the cuckpostings are better than this, at least I can laugh.
Daily reminder that she burns the coal
yeah that's what does it for me. He's pretty much a warrior. Brittany just couldn't resist after seeing him single handedly beat the shit out of a bunch of commies
I'm a big fan of Lauren and I Larp and shill as White Nationalist here just because I feel it might contribute to Laurens cause and someday she'll get my attention.
I love you Lauren, If you're reading this then please be my friend.
On a side note, it's crazy to read about Stickman's rap sheet:
it's almost like the "women love bad boys" meme is true
Id pipe Lauren is a heart beat.
she red pilled my dick
Lauren lemme smash. Please.
Is Lauren a white nationalist though? I thought she was a civic nationalist and a kike shill like everyone else involved with Rebel Media.
Rabbi media! Tommy is a sell out too
You're not wrong though.
she quit the Rebel months ago and started talking about white genocide shortly afterwards though.
Also, Faith made a video about white genocide for the Rebel and she's still working there. So I don't think Rebel Media is necessarily suppressing that.
That is so rude and coarse, Lauren is to elegant for that. She's a lady who deserves to be loved with reassurance and passionate sweet talk. Go for exquisite meals together and gaze into each others eyes.
she's a coward or plainly dumb for not admitting the fact that white race and white culture are superior.
agreed, my dick would probe her Southern regions
>Has a feminine benis
Yummy, she has quite chunky legs.
She is a trans u can tell by her voice u beta
Keep shilling for a e-thot
in her earlier videos her voice is much softer
sorry to ruin your trap fetish
Based Pajeet. I take back all those really mean and bad things I shitposted about you.
Shutup cunt.
She has a positive message and doesn't chimp out.
>we see what you're doing, it's so lame
did she get STICKED?
Type in Lauren's name and virgin on twitter search. You'll eventually find it. She gave it away in a response tweet.
The funny thing about Lauren is she's a documented example of what most Sup Forums tards go through on the path to get where they are
So of course the most red pilled amongst us immediately hate her for not being at their 'level' of redpilledness. But most of the arguments against her posted ITT and others are outdated pictures of her next to blacks or saying civic nationalist stuff, but she is clearly moving away from that now and moving further right
If anything that should be supported , but all she's doing is publicly doing what most of us did. Lurking politics forums/boards and slowly redpilling ourselves
good post.
Nah a lot of names have their origin in Hebrew. John, Daniel, Adam, Nathan, etc.
The difference is none of us begged for shekels whilst doing so.
To be fair, she's a more sound "white nationalist" than Richard spencer.
If I had tits I would've begged for shekels.
Hebrew is a written language...
How do you figure? Spencer is the spokesman for ethnonationalism.
True, but you didn't make content to try to convert others either
I don't give her shekels, and I wouldn't advise others too. However immediately writing somebody off because they want payment for their work doesn't make them a Jew
Jews don't have a monopoly on Greed. They just have the largest plot.
Reminder that Lauren dated a Lebanese shitskin Canadian when she was in her teens.
Reminder that Lauren has openly stated that she doesn't care what race her future husband would be, so long as he's a citizen and share the same views/ideology as her.
Here is Lauren stating that she's a proud civic nationalist:
You are retarded, most names in western euorpe derive from names in the christian bible which are translated from the original Hebrew
John, Luke, Matthew, Ben, Tom, Sarah, Rachel, Ruth, Adam, Jacob, Abe, Mary, Peter, Paul, Sam, Noah
We can go on and on,
Well, she is also a pretty face. I agree wth OP
>Reminder that Lauren dated a Lebanese shitskin Canadian when she was in her teens.
Lies. Check her AskFM
>civic nationalism
She has clearly brought attention to white genocide, she obviously cares about the existence of the white race very much. She's with generation identitaire now, last I checked they were on our side.
fuck off with your apologetics. you're betraying your race.
she looks like a german
Richard "Punching Bag" Spencer has been much worse for ethnonationalism than Lauren Southern has.
Also, Many Jews in western Europe and the USA have lost their identity and no longer know their ancestry.
Its estimated that like 40-60 million people in Europe and America have Jewish ancestry and dont know, since only 6 million roughly identify as jews.
If yo are from eastern Europe at all your probably have some jew in you.
I didn't give a shit about Lauren Southern until the trannies and fat girls of /leftypol/ tried to character assassinate her because she's the perfect Stacey that makes them want to kill themselves.
Now I watch her videos. She doesn't have anything particularly interesting to say. She really is just a cheerleader. So I watch her while I lift to keep motivated and remember what I'll be fighting for.
>6 million roughly identify as jews.
>6 million
really activates my almonds
When and where did she say the following:
>she doesn't care what race her future husband would be, so long as he's a citizen and share the same views/ideology as her
While you might think she wouldn't have a preference, realistically - I'd say she veers towards white guys.
People like that need to find Jesus and be happy with what they have. Envy is a sin.
Mods really are trash
>converts a bunch of edgy horny 13 year olds to whatever she says
Literally a basic woman using her looks before she is left with nothing.
also, she's dating an Aryan looking guy right now
I try to use finding a good woman as motivation to lift and get my shit together but it just won't work for me
I'm so blackpilled when it comes to women now. Before I even lifted or did anything to improve I just spun a bunch of PUA/TRP shit and was depressed to find it actually worked, went through a degenerate phase of sleeping with whoever
I look around at women everywhere and I just don't see the point in trying to find a Unicorn who is going to be a good faithful wife when there's so much risk involved and such a small chance my life would actually be improved by it.
How do you do it?
lol its and actual female robot.
>white nationalism
funny you fell for the cia psyop created to discredit ethnic nationalism. if you actually paid attention to your boy hitler he was in favor of preserving ethnic nationalism and cooperation amongst them. which is why he highly regarded the japaneses tight control over their culture/identity. none of that civic nationalism IM BORN GERMANY DESPITE MY PARENTS BEING ITALLIAN SO IM GERMAN :P bullshit.
you stupid fuckng goy.