This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
>not liking looks of a pregnant woman
u gotta be gay
Can't say fairer than that.
oh believe me user I'm not being facetious with this post at all
tits could be bigger but yeah. good shit.
even if it does a Trayvon's baby inside.
if you are an over 18 year old female that is what you should be looking like every couple of years.
you can tell the birth is gonna tear her apart.
Why are you posting images of Jordan Peterson's pregnant daughter Mikhaila Peterson?
depends, is Tyrone the dad?
>you will never date a white lower class single mother who is doing the best she can to raise her son
my wife was a small like that
she had no problems
women don't need to become fat cows when they are pregnant
>best she can
>drinks a gallon of sugar
pick one
Against libtard beliefs it's actually better to be thin. As long as the muscles are well developed and the pelvis is a normal size the baby will have no problems coming out.
You do develop your wife's appropriate muscles right?
>peak performance
>she's probably waddling and rotating her hips in order to get out of bed every morning.
Yeah, okay, fuck you OP. You don't understand how fucking annoying and scary this fucking pain is. I literally cannot sit a certain way or else my back locks up and I can't fucking breathe until my baby decides to stop extending his feet into my lungs. If anything this is peak perseverance because everything gets worse as the Due Date approaches and you're sitting there trying your damn best to deal with it.
Every race in the world with the exception of white women.
End free school. End contraception. End divorce. End all state welfare. It will fix itself.
my mom didn't develop her muscles. the doctors had to yank me out using forceps on my doughy skull. i still have indentations
Baby bump or gtfo
post pics
They use suction devices these days. I was an emergency c-section and had the forceps bruises, too.
yes thats really… sad
Well yeah American doctors are shit. Get a midwife and have the baby at home or they'll literally take the baby away from you after birth.
I bet you are a fat fucking cow and a bitch of a female
Here you go. 33 weeks.
fuck looks and ideal body. Pregnant pussy is best feeling pussy.
This is what women are for, so of course they look beautiful when doing it.
This. Every white couple should have babies like they used to.
You mean you are getting too emotional for the burden and need a man to help you?
Because that's what you sound like. A little bitch.
Agreed, if it's mine.
Don't want Tyrone's spawn gnawing at my dick.
that's really beautiful. Both from a sexual and aesthetic perspective.
I came. Thanks.
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Shut up you whiny bitch.
dont know why my post deleted but good show. hopefully you got to love her emotionally and sexually in her swollen state.
I'm not getting emotional, it's what I'm going through right now. The body can obviously handle the burden, but it's not like it's natural to lose your breath to a fucking foot and it's scary when you can't just change positions.
You're welcome.
I'm still swollen, won't be pushing him out for at least 6 weeks.
no u faggot
hows movement
Transverse, he's sideways instead of head-down or breech. Spins in the middle of the night when I'm sleeping- so I sometimes wake up not breathing. My midwife has been working to change his position but every time we are successful he goes back to being transverse.
looks like a shitskin to me. hope both die during birth
whats wrong with you why are you being a nigger
That's a big belly
Tyrone is going to be a happy dad
This is you.
It's a white baby, right now he weighs about 4 lbs so I should be getting a few inches bigger in a couple weeks.
how do you dead with cheeseburger crotch drool
damn my american fingers.
is that who I think it is?
>being so paranoid and deluded that you call white people shitskins
Vaginal Discharge? I don't get much of it- but what I do get I protect my undies with a simple panty-liner.
First of all, tell me what is inside this "ideal female body"?
A little nigger?
Content is important.
the child of this chad
Essence of womb.
Some say that if you tap a beer from it, you become an enlightened gentleman.
Others call it the Tom Cruise effect.
It's only natural for a father to love the look of his daughter.
pregnant women are disgusting. they should be locked up till they give birth, nobody wants to see that wobbling around
Sister in law is tall and slender and wieghs about 100 lbs. She gets huge, but has had three kids who all weighed more than 9 lbs at birth with no problems and is working on her forth.
Stop complaining, nobody like complainers.
>nose piercing
You look good. Lucky father.
Fixed that for EU
Who is this handsome dude and where is he from?
Is he from (((EU))) and let rapefugees rape European women?
Or is he from (((North America))) and he's sucking black-lives-matter Soros cock?
ive read some women describe it as swampcrotch.
i believe the time of gestation is the most attractive form the female body can have. whenever/whomever im with and can share this moment with i plan on worshipping her as the goddess she is. suck i hate the after product. i dont want children but would love to accompany somebody on the road.
Post more pregnant girls
>A heavily pregnant Anne Frank will never pin you to the wall, kissing you deeply before throwing you onto the bed
>She will never guide your throbbing hard cock into her pussy.
>She will never stare at you in pure lust as she rides your dick
>ywn cum deep inside her when her water breaks
>pregnant girls browse Sup Forums
>being this much of a faggot
Mountain Jew fuck off
>father: wtf why do i have to raise my son by myself?
>mother: um, i'm literally raising him with my legs, you fucking retard
>i dont want children
die, you worthless genetic dead end
Breath in...
Breath out...
The dance of three heartbeats, a sonata in three parts lead by the thunderpulse of her own heart. She held her breath, forcing her heart to stop its frantic hammer-blows against her sternum as the crosshairs of her K98 danced over the nazi's drab uniform. The quiet dance in her belly lagged a half-beat behind, the twins filling her gravid middle playing along with their mother's pulse. Playing like little children should, happy and full of joy. They didn't know what the world was like, and Anne swore they would never know what it was like to live under the iron eagle.
Her grip tightened on her rifle's warn stock. It wouldn't be long now. She could already feel the tingle between her legs and the tightness in her already swollen belly. Labor would be on her soon, but she forced herself not to think about it. She'd spent so long, worked so hard for this one chance. She was not letting it slip past her.
As if they sensed their mother's focus, the twins in her womb stopped their dancing. For a moment, everything was quiet on the snowy hillside. The obergruppenfuhrer in her scope was clearly more worried about entertaining his dinner guests than anything else.
The rifle slammed back against her shoulder as a single spitzer-pointed bullet roared towards its mark. Anne knew her aim was true, but she couldn't trace the round through the air. The sock of the rifle had been enough. The last straw that sent her toppling off the cliff and into labor.
A shriek of pain was hastily quenched by gnashed teeth and thin lips. She forced herself to get up and run, forced herself to ignore the great weight swelling her womb. She needed to find safety. But she was so deep in occupied territory...
Anne forced herself to push past the weight. To push past the shuddering desire to just stop and relieve the extraordinary pressure pushing so desperately at the floor of her womb. She ignored the way her twins jostled with every step, squishing her lungs and making each breath of the chilly air that much harder before they came crashing down again.
The children... her babies seemed to recognize their mother's urgency. The playful dance they'd been enjoying ceased as she ran down the broken hillside. Her boots--stuffed with layers of socks and laced loose in the kindest gesture she could make to her swollen feet--stomped through the under grown with a mad fury.
She carried her rifle in one hand, balancing it by the scope and praying she wouldn't need to take another shot. Her heart was thundering and her muscles twitching from the flood of adrenaline battling with her primal maternal instinct to give birth. She'd pushed this as long as she could, she'd fought tooth and nail with her own body for every day and minute, but biology could only be denied for so long. She *needed* to give birth, and soon.
Her free hand cradled her belly, pressing tightly against the taper of her swollen womb in a vain attempt to delay the inevitable. If she could just get home. Get somewhere safe. Somewhere she could birth her twins. Somewhere she could let the labor pains encroaching on her even now have their way with her.
"*Actung!*" A crack rang out, and a dead tree exploded in sodden termite-eaten shrapnel.
Anne couldn't get low, not with her belly swollen almost to bursting. The best she could manage was flopping on her side and bracing her rifle against a fallen log. It wasn't the best shooting position, but...
She made it work.
They were looking for an army. Jackbooted thugs in their proud black uniforms and polished metal helmets running from door to door like scolded puppies. They'd been the terror in the night once, now they were scared of the dark. Even daylight brought them no comfort, The Nazi soldiers twitched with fear at every shade down a side alley, every noise coming from a dead-end street.
They'd marched in as conquerors. Now they saw shotguns behind every door, and rifles behind every blade of grass. The SS had taken control, stormtroopers marched the streets and tanks clattered along at night, grinding cobblestone to chewed-up dust in their wakes. They'd locked down the city, secured every access point, guarded every depot.
There was no way any guerrilla army could survive. And it didn't, it *thrived.* Despite all their effort, despite everything they'd done, the bullets kept coming. Barely a day went by without a nazi breathing his last courtesy of a seven-nine-two spitzer.
They couldn't stop it because there was no army. There was just one girl. A girl on the edge of being a mother. A girl who would not let the twins growing in her womb know a world under nazi tyranny.
Anne walked the streets as best she could with her massive middle bulging her dress to its very limits. She felt ready to pop at any moment... then again the weight swelling her womb felt too heavy to bear for the past two months. Her clothes were almost comically small on her gravid frame, and every step was a throbbing reminder of the immense weight she carried. Those who glanced her way--many did, her massive belly broke up an otherwise startlingly slender figure--looked at her with pity or sympathy. Everyone suffered under the Nazis, she was hardly the first mother forced to make do with what clothe she had.
She was, however, the first mother to secret a silent British pistol under the swell of her middle.
She cradled her belly with both hands, both to reassure her growing twins that everything would be all right and to relieve some of the pressure against her taut skin. She was ready to give birth, she probably had been for the past several weeks. She woke up every day aching from the weight in her womb, and every step was a throbbing reminder of how very pregnant she'd become. But she would not let her twins know a world under the swastika and eagle. She would stay her womb, just one day more. She told herself that every morning, just one day more.
Slowly, a hand slipped from her belly to the package secured beneath it. The touch was ever so brief, but it sent a shiver up her spine. That hint of relief that she might so soon have. Soon, but not quite. She had one more mission to complete. One more at least.
The pistol slid from its makeshift sheath and into her hand like it was made to fit. She'd left a round in the chamber, all she had do was flick off the safety and spot her target. There, a stormtrooper trailing back at the end of his patrol.
She didn't smile, she hadn't in a year. But she moved with a casual purpose. She was nine months pregnant with twins, nobody could think a woman like her was any threat, could they? My, she could barely move from the weight distending her stomach and engorging her breasts. Surely she couldn't be a threat!
In one smooth motion, she brought her gun up, pressed it into the small of his back, and tore his spine apart with a single .32 bullet. A moment later, she shrieked in manufactured horror, and pointed her free hand down a deserted alleyway.
The stormtroopers, none of whom wanted to deal with a hysterical pregnant woman when the taste of finally catching the phantom army that'd been dogging them was in the air, bolted down the alleyway. Just as she'd hoped.
Step one was done. She'd taken her turn, now it was time for the Nazis to take theirs. If they played the game with the same oppressive dedication to brutal force above all else, they'd play right into her trap. But that would take time. A day, at least. She had to give the Germans time to dig their own graves. And that meant the hardest thing of all for her, waiting.
She secreted the pistol back where it came from, a shiver racing up her spine as the hot metal silencer kissed her tender flesh. She hated waiting. Waiting meant there was nothing for her to do but ponder her belly, she couldn't distract herself from the constant ache she'd learned to deal with, there was no way to get past the throbbing need she felt. She needed to give birth, any day now even her immense will wouldn't be enough to hold back her twins another second. She *needed* to give birth. She could feel twinges and hints of labor pulling at her already, but she forced herself to ignore them.
There wasn't time for that. Not now, not while *they* still ruled. But there was one thing she'd learned. A way to let the ache slip from her mind, if only for a moment. That one precious balm that soothed her aching belly and drove the nazis from her mind for a few precious moments.
She made her way home as quick as she could. Her massively swollen belly forced her into a comical waddle, and her heart beat a pounding thunder against her chest. She needed to get back, her body was throbbing with an overwhelming need for the one thing that'd eased her gravid aches.
You're busy zeroing one of her 'acquired' rifles when she comes through the door. Somehow, her massive bulging stomach is bigger than it was when she left this morning. Her skin's even tauter as she hurriedly tore open her comically small dress. Her naked belly and popped navel bulge like a larger imitation of her already engorged breasts.
"user," she straddles you. "I don't care if my water's about to break, I need it."
Cringy edgelords, teenage children, incel neets, fetish fappers, aids faggots and failing trolls, + ~3 women that have babies... the thread.
You're barely able to control her long enough to get off your chair and onto your back. She doesn't need to take much off. Even if she had a bra that fits, it wouldn't last long under her engorged bosom. There's no need for foreplay, the constant slosh of a womb strained to the very limit of it's capacity and well beyond that against her organs is enough for Anne, and just seeing the naked swell of a middle full of your children gets you the rest of the way. She knelt over you, straddling you with her massive belly resting against yours. It's heavy. You swear she gets heavier every time you come together, but as she grabs you with both hands, you suddenly don't care.
She could have a Tiger in her middle and it wouldn't matter, not with how you feel slipping in her tight slit. You sink into her as she rides you. A first slowly, she's so heavy she can barely manage more. But you get into her rhythm, working together against the Reich even as you work deeper into her sweet abyss. She's the first to moan, she's been bottling this all up all day. The thrill of the kill mingles with her natural hormones and drives her faster.
A moan from you now, it's all you can day. She's got you tight, each thrust driving your breakthrough deeper into her lines. She tries to contain your push, but her walls of flesh aren't strong enough to contain your lighting strokes. For almost half an hour the two of you are one. One body, one moaning flesh throbbing and dancing together. It'll be soon now, at least you hope. You've been telling yourself she's almost done for what feels like years, but she keeps finding ways to bring you closer.
Then you shudder, suddenly made of steel and gunpowder as you dump everything you have into her. She feels it too, a moan longer and higher than before purring through her lips. Her back arches and her eyes roll back. Then in a breath, it's finished. She falls, exhausted and content at your side, and you brush a strand of hair from her (con't
sweaty face before resting your head against her breasts. Tomorrow, there will be the war, the nazis, and the resistance. But right now... it's just you and Anne.
Really oys my vey.
bar the pregnant women that's this whole website.
i will do my responsibility to enstill ethnic nationalism in my children. i dont want them. doesnt mean i wont have/ love them.
I've never seen this copypasta before. Where did you get it?
t. AIDS infected faggot
stop whining. i had twins in me and they each came out the size of a single full term child.
I'd bang her so hard she'll go into labor
It's true. And this thread gave it to me.
/k/ of all places. An ATF gun registry thread turned into a pregnant Anne Frank fanfic writefag fest
I'm not whining, you cunt, I'm stating a fact that even one child is hard to bear and it is by no means "peak performance."
Thank you so much for sharing this. It's beautifully written. Truly a work of art.
Give /k/ my regards
p-pics plz?
She looks great
The only better would be if she was caring my baby.
Will do
You could if you wanted. I'm having to beat em off with a stick.
What's your secret?
The original copypasta is from Sup Forums, and the art is from /his/.
Being the last single male in my friend group and all of their wives/girlfriends trying to hook me up with their single parent friends.
So just wait long enough, i reckon.
Did god make pregnant women hot so that we would make them that way?
Stop posting pics of your body for sexually interested strangers on the internet. It's shitty to your husband and it reinforces the stereotype that all women are thirsty retards.
Wasted dub trips
If thats your fetish, sure.
>I post 1 pic for proof that I actually am pregnant and not a larping faggot
>Stop posting pics it reinforces stereotypes!!
>Did god make pregnant women hot
only some of them
In an ironic twist it's also why black fathers run away
Why are you trying to prove you're really a pregnant woman to a bunch of anonymous autists on Sup Forums? Attention is literally the only answer that makes sense.
>nose jewelry