How come the alt-right doesn't fight ISIS?


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have you met any soldiers?

>LGBT supporters are fighting back against the Islamic State militant group (ISIS)
>on the Syrian battlefield after three years of persecution in which their community suffered stonings, executions from rooftops
>and a deadly shooting at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

They do. They just do it with fighter jets.

The only soldiers I have ever met were Americans hired by the Jews. Considering Jews had a hand in creating ISIS along with the US I don't see the point of your post. The average soldier is a obiediant Jew loving faggot ready to be killed defending a country that created and supports ISIS.

>they don't actually kill anybody
>western leftists that go there aren't trusted in actual combat and work ECPs in the rear echelon
>the k*rds get training and weapons from Trump, Putin, and Netanyahu, all fascist dictators according to the left
>the k*rds get fucking rekt when they don't have CAS from the US and Russia

>they don't actually kill anybody

What part of 'THESE FAGGOTS KILL FASCISTS' did you not understand?

>obedient jew loving faggots
You mean k*rds?

How many people have these gimps killed?


Why don't you go ask them, or are you scared?

>THESE FaggotS Kill faSHISTS

the alt right is just a strawman fabricated by the kike msm to pigeonhole their opposition into an easily dismissed group. gj falling for the bait and the attention whore e-celebs that are trying to profit off a manufactured "movement," retard

I did. I even told them I was a Nazi and to kill me. They refused. Wouldn't even punch me in the face.

>kills muslims
>stones homos
>brown people killing brown people
basically takin' our jabs

The one on the right with flip flops gives me a chuckle.

Because IS is not an enemy of alt-right meaning it's not an enemy of white people. IS is an enemy of many kurds and arabs in the middle east. If white people go fight IS in the middle east, it benefits whites in no way. The most reasonable thing alt-right can do right now is to fight in the metapolitical arenas in their own countries and that's what they are doing.

>Why don't you nationalists go fight globalist wars for kikes?

Really activates those almonds.

Because isis was created by kikes. Always kill a traitor before the enemy jimbo

>Kurds finally get their own state
>gets subverted by the LGBTQWERTYUIOP left before they can even draft a constitution

The alt right wants people to stay in their own nations.

Alt rigt going to other nations would be not living up to your own ideals

They do

Another proper invasion of the middle east is dumb we can probably agree. It would wipe them out in weeks but then result in another 10 years occupation. So we train the iraqis to fight their own battle. And they have taken back most of their lands. And they have executed isis scum on the spot. You'd probably want to send us to jail for that. But it needs to happen.

.t soldier who trained useless iraqis

They aren't dumb enough to be cannon fodder.
LONG LIVE SULTAN ERDOGAN! Islamic and Neo-Ottoman State in Europe. Insha'Allah. Kurd lovers Wh*tes will be beheaded

Wish you got killed while fighting for the kikes you faggot. It's alright though. 3 military rats got killed by a based sandnigger after training (((rebel terrrorists))) to fight Assad's rightful government. Eat shit welfare queen.

>Muslims stoning and murdering gays is equal to conservatives not wanting them to get married
Stopped reading there

>tips vagina