Here is Retard-proof way to move to Japan. Follow this step-by-step guide and you will be in Japan by the end.
Save this guide to your computer somewhere. I aint re-posting this shit anymore.
These steps start easy, and get gradually harder. YOU CAN DO THIS.
Step 1.) Introduce yourself at a Sup Forums japanese language learning general
>Go to Sup Forums or /jp/
Why: this step is important because you need to surround yourself in a community that will support and critique your pursuit of Japanese. You will have to stand up for yourself to make this happen
MOTIVATION TIME: If you need motivation to begin learning japanese, watch this video:
Step 2.) Start learning japanese by learning hiragana/katakana. There are many ways to do this. For average Sup Forums user I recomend steam game 'Learn Japanese to Survive: Hiragana Battle'. It's a 20 hour game that, by the end, you will be motivated to do this shit:
Step 3.) With Hiragana complete, you are mentally ready to tackle this shit. Download and begin core 6k deck. You can find it here:
Step 4.) Start Tae Kim's guide.
Step 5.) Set Anki for 15-20 words a day. Your objective is to complete core 6k/Tae Kim by end of year
Step 6.) Start attending college. Maybe a community college that is cheap in your area. You need a Bachelor's Degree to go to Japan. This is not optional unless you get a japanese girlfriend, which you will only find in college anyway.
Step 7.) It is now January 2018 (or January 2019). Apply for JLPT. Choose N3. (N2 only if Tae Kim/Core 6k are both 100% complete)
Apply here: