Make sure to raise your white children genderless, goy:
New VICE video fresh from the oven
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>unarchived VICE youtube
Change domain to hooktube, it's like for youtube
truly we have reached the bottom of the fucking barel of degeneration.
now tranny children the slipery slope just keeps sliding further down into insanity.
They are Swedes tho
this shit didn't happen in sweden until they became an american vassal state
>American in Sweden
what a brave and powerful video!
all parents should learn!
sweden yes
My immediate thoughts. Where's a new, more radical Hitler when you need him?
>hen is now commonly used among swedes
Pretty sure that's not true.
Bullshit faggot
Since the 60's Europe and mainly the Scandinavian countries have been talking shit about the US for being "Puritanical" and "backwords" this shit started in Europe and the American left/media has for decades been saying "turn to Europe look how progressive and enlightened they are" while bashing American traditional values
Everything bad comes out of Europe and that is why all the smart people left Europe for the US starting 400 years ago
What the fuck? My parents generation are absolutely Americanboos
They used to be vikings. They worshiped Thor. What happened?
There is no future
You degenerate Americans got to them
You can blame the US for nigger rap culture shit, but not white degeneracy.
They're behind Europe there.
God is punishing us for abandoning him
>somebody's gotta bring home the veggie bacon
fucking lol
Correct. I have yet to meet anyone that actually uses the word "hen" and being serious about it. The only instances where I see or hear that word is in our (commie) media, and uttered by inner city leftists. But hey, it's the liberal mindset; "If I say it, then everyone else (must be forced to) say it too!".
These people need to be Breivik'd.
As mad as it sounds, Islam in Sweden probably isnt such a bad idea when the alternative is this. .
This comes from an Afghan Vet who hates Islam, How the fuck can people think this is normal?
Nah fuck it, This is very very bad for Sweden, they even do this shit in the schools? holy fuck.
someone save the children
course it's the """""""intersex"""""""" dude who doesn't work
>Why conform to gender roles? haha I don't need to provide for my family, fuck gender roles haha
Parent that influence their children to become this because they want to show off to their progressive circle need to be executed
Hopefully kaffirs are starting to see the reasons for "radicalism." We were taken here to demonic land and wish to give all grace with the teachings of the most Merciful.
Inb4: 9 year old Aisha, peace be upon her
if only..
>child doesn't know what gender hen is
No wonder when one of your parents is this thing.
39 seconds in and I wanted to fucking die, I don't want this disease to spread
Is it true that most swedish people use "hen" commonly? Could a swedish user answer to this? Documentary is from a burger perspective, i know sweden is very leftist but I'm sure that it depends on where you are in the country.
Fuck you Jew
>Raised without gender
For what purpose? I don't understand.
at least nigger rap culture is masculine. This is just pure degeneracy.
>Burger Perspective
Listen to that accent again, Mohammed.
Fags deserve hell.
I don't see the child getting a choice when the parents force gender neutrality on them. It is as bad as religion.
Yeah sorry i can't identify different english accents as easily as a native speaker. British perspective then, doesn't matter, still someone that doesn't live in sweden and that could make dishonest shortcuts.
And my name is not Mohammed, Pedro
Where are his parents?
>Say they are raised without a gender
>raise them as girls regardless
genderless is a sham
>You will never visit Norway or Sweden when they were 99.99% white.
I just wanna see nordic godesses and huge vikangs then go to some metal concert like kvelertak.
Goat-fucking, sand-scratching arse-lifters "worship" gods.
This is madness. It makes me irrationally angry.
how is this shit real...... when did all went worng ? i mean nothing made on the past was worthy of anything,
There was a Syrian refugee there and he didn't care. This is why you people need to stop being against globalization, because most of them are able to integrate without any problems.
Would have actually pulled the trigger if the like/dislike-ratio wasn't at least somewhat sane.
>wears hats indoors
Your anger is not irrational though. We will literally die out if we keep doing this to kids.
For what it's worth, you're both sort of right. Our youth / lefties have been infatuated with Europe since the 50's. Most Millennials believe it's some kind of communist utopia where everyone gets free healthcare, school, housing, transport, and you get to work low hours at your dream job as a video game developer / blogger making $50 an hour.
For fucking decades we've been listening to lefties drone on about how we need to be more like Europe. Shit, Bernie was on the debate stage saying we need to be like Denmark.
Our lefties have some romanticized version of Europe and became Europhiles, emulating what they believed to be was your culture. In turn, your Eurofags saw that (because American culture spreads like cancer,) and fed off of it.
Basically, our lefties radicalized each other.
Bet any money that faggot molests his kids
It isn't irrational. You are witnessing the suicide of a people.
What an utter degenerate.
Fucking this country is just a meme at this point.
> "someones gotta bring home the veggie bacon"
make it stop
This is fucking disgusting.
I will follow the conservative parents when I get my first child and join the private conservative school near Stockholm. Fuck these degenerate faggots that brainwashes kids into some kind of fucking fucked up animals.
How Swedes don't cry themselves to sleep every night I'll never know
>Since the 60's Europe and mainly the Scandinavian countries have been talking shit about the US for being "Puritanical" and "backwords"
Boomers here listened to American music, ate American food, read American books, watched American films et.c
Boomers made Sweden little America.
Ever since 1945 this country has slowly become a mini version of America.
all of the degeneracy found in Europe nowadays has been exported by the americans and their jewish counterparts. Europe had by far the strongest cultures in the world around 1900 so the american jews have been working very hard ever since to destroy European values.
>somebody has to bring home veggie bacon
based bot really hates Vice
what are these kids real gender?
I'm lost for words.
This needs to end, either by nuke or revolution this has to end now.
I really hope that a bunch of Muslims move there and bully the little faggots
>but not white degeneracy.
>They're behind Europe there
You're kidding right?
They are next to him.
This what fag adoption looks like.
This is what happens when you no longer have the "bigoted church" shunning down faggotery.
The future looks bright
can you dislike on hook? if not then shut up
>$50 an hour.
What they always seem to forget is our taxrate of like
Tatoos that thing has on its back....
Nothing to see here goy
I know what the Syrian barber is thinking when they ask him about the gender shit. He thinks these people are fucking sick, you can't grow up in the middle east and possible be accepting of that shit.
why am i not surprised?
top war kek protect this poor children
Why the fuck haven't NMR stabbed that psychotic Jew cunt who runs the huge white sissification factory.
Dog bless you
It is all according to plan..
I'm sometimes depressed I have 1 son confirmed autist and 1 which probably is aspie, buy then again this brainwashing will hopefully be unaffective on them.
sweden you're so fucking fucked
how do we end jewish privilege? did you know there are jewish only camps for kids in america? They do not allow any blacks or latinos or whites in these camps.
Nord bro is best bro.
Sverigedemokraterna must get own majority 2018 or else it's all over. Unfortunately That's not going to happen even if terrorists strike 10 Times a day.
It's all over now.
pedo pride?
couldn't make it pass the 2 minute mark.
Kim if you're lurking, please nuke Sweden
before california
The fag factory is really churning them out now. That's called "forward thinking" in liberal land. At what point does enough become enough, and what form does the resistance to this shit take?
So long and thanks for all the fish
Can Sweden even be saved? I feel like they're too far in to be saved.
Jesus they are really trying hard to check those SJW-boxes huh
> watched the whole thing
> pic very related
>Norwegian bot finally took my advice and uses hooktube