Anyone fucking hate loving in America? We are such a barbaric and backwards country run by kikes. pic related user had to choose between getting stiches and buying food. How the fuck do you defend this, Trumpshits?
Anyone fucking hate loving in America? We are such a barbaric and backwards country run by kikes...
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rip scaranon
he will look like the ultimate MAN now
>choosing food over stitches
>How do you defend this
Chicks dig battle scars.
I'm not taaaird of luvvin dem hunniez in America, bruh sheeeit
wyt hunniez, Nubian princesses, even dem AZN ones knodumsayin
America needs to be nukes
>how do you defend this?
I can't. You should have a decent job. I'm sorry you are a failure.
I wouldn't give up being American for anything. Life here is great if you aren't an irresponsible moron.
kys manchild
I could cut my arm Off and they would put it back on for 5 bucks
That doesn't need stitches.
Oh, it is healed but left a mark because he had no stitches
now I get it
that man looks badass with that scar, what is this man ethnically its so hard to pinpoint, he looks italian
If he even considered stitches for such superficial scratches he's an even bigger bitch than half the nu-males waddling around in skinny jeans.
It isn't even a choice, because there's not even a vain reason to need stitches for those superficial scratches.
>Oh, it is healed but left a mark because he had no stitches
It would have left a mark even if he had stitches
>waaahh pay for my healthcare
>calls others a manchild
Really makes you think
Why don't Republicans want us to have free healthcare?
How the fuck is this a superficial wound, retard?
ER doctor here, I would not put stitches on that, its very superficial.
>literal scratches
>emergency room care is given with out payment
OP is a shill or a retard
call me when the right side of his face is a bloody flap hanging off his head
Depends on what it looked like
If it was like this then OP is a retard. That doesn't need stitches. You tape wounds like with suture strips. $1 at a pharmacy.
or even some type of skin glue
Looks like a fucking cat scratch.
Not deep enough to warrant stitches neither.
Just put some vitamin E oil on it and stop winging faggot.
did your cat swat you or something? how does this have anything to do with the current administration?
Chicks dig scars bro. If you're not a shithead to them they will think they got lucky meeting you.
Fuck off, as an immigrant (I'm legal and white, deal with it spics) I fucking love America. Sure this country has its problems, but it is still the golden staple of personal freedoms and prosperity, if you're willing to work that is. I'm proud to be American and I appreciate how welcoming the people of Texas has been to me.
HAHAHAHA fucking pussy crying on the Internet over a little scratch
How about not being a pussy and crying about some scratch that doesn't even require stiches. Fucking Neosporin, man
Bandage it or get tegaderm,
>occurring at or immediately below the skin
Man I wouldn't put a bandaid on that, what a pussy
Instead of blaming your own shit government, and the people in charge of it, you decided to use Jews as the target of its incompetency?
I can only imagine that if Jews didn't exist in this universe Americans would find some other group for their scapegoating purposes.
Scars look pretty cool sometimes. But I think his scar won't be really visible after it healed it's not very deep or wide.
You know you dont have to pay up front right? I have over 4 grand in medical bills and have yet to pay that shit lol
Who what where when how? Am I supposed to know who this is
>superficial scratch
>me resisting the bait
This thread is an embarrassment and you should feel embarrassed.
For starters, because you haven't posted what the scar looks like when healed.
Secondly, it would heal no worse for function without treatment.
Thirdly, if vanity is genuinely a concern, would have serviced equally well without invasive treatment - possibly even less scarring.
It's a superficial scratch. Your friend do not NEED literal surgery, and if for whatever reason he did need as little scarring as possible by virtue of his occupation or self image, stitches wouldn't even be an ideal treatment for those purposes.
Yes, it didn't need stitches. Not wide enough.
Tape or glue is enough to hold it together.
no, just some edgelord with a cat that seems to think his minor lacerations warrant stitches and apparently can't feed himself either.
Then makes vague statements about 'Trumpshits" and "America needs to be nukes"
Stitch it yourself, faggot
>cat scratches you
>need stitches
Did his cat scratch him? This is a band aid only cut. Maybe faggots like him running to the ER for minor cuts is part of the reason everything is so expensive.
Getting stitches for that tiny little scratch? What kind of pussy fuck thinks that needs stitches?
user slipped and face planted into the glass shower divider in his bathroom after showering. There was a thread on r9k about it.
I would like to live in Europe but after the past couple of years it got bad there. On Snapchat you can see people's snaps from all over the world so I went to Europe to see cool stuff and every single one was in Arabic really shook me up
Doctor here, worked 17 years in the ER.
The OP patient is a faggot. FUCK OFF!
I've had worse cat scratches
No, America is #1!
you have to be at least 18 to post here
Why not get a job you worthless fuck. And not some worthless mcdonalds bullshit.
What a fag
I don't even think you need to tape it unless it's bleeding.
I get scratches like that all the time just from doing yard work. Worst thing you have to worry about is it getting infected. One time a cat scratched me on the palm and actually hooked one of its claws under the skin, leaving behind all the filthy shit on said claw. Spent like 4 weeks with the open sore until I got drunk one night and just kinda picked what looked like a combination between a scab and a booger out of it. I still have a small cross scar on my hand where it was.
skajskaks el chicANO
>NGGER shirt
>had to choose between getting stiches and buying food
he seems to be wearing a nice cardigan and sitting on a leather sofa. those items could pawn for at least $100
life is about choices OP
i've had bigger gashes from cutting out ingrown hairs.
I don't really like it. Its not for me, but the American system does have its strengths. I just don't like the spirit of excessive materialism, among other things, but I don't care because it could be 1000x worse.
You don't need stitches for that, Tim Pool.
america is fine just get away from the east coast and the red states in the south
>america is fine just get away from the minorities
You might need stitches idk
Quit being a child, you stupid fuck.
Hey guys this happened to me last weekend. I was faced with going to the store to get a plaster or be late for my dinner reservation. WTF!
You look fat, bloated, and with a weak jawline. You don't need food lad.
It was on my girlfriend Snapchat you virgin
Tis just a flesh wound. What a pus
shit bro better head to the ER right now
I had something similar and healed naturally without the slightest scar.
Fuck off that needs stitches, I've got much bigger scars than that.
You have obviously never had a wound that actually needed stitches.
Tell me about it, we don't even have socialized healthcare, so much for being a 1st world country.
>pic related user had to choose between getting stiches and buying food.
Should have snitched then.
you are not run by kikes you are run by greed. The rich wants to deflect your anger to anyplace but themselves and you fucking idiots believe it.
The inequality in the US has reached levels where normal people are slaves or criminals, the rich are detached but see no problems in oppressing the poor.
Your whole nation is falling apart from greed. Its time to do something about it, no idea why you voted for a zillionaire who stated he wants to destroy anything for the poor which most US citizens actually are.
Bernie Sanders was what would have made america great again but you are just to stoopid and gullible to not realize that.