Do we still hate Macron?
Do we still hate Macron?
If nothing else he pisses off liberals who thought he'd do exactly as they did.
Not sure. He's quite an enigma
Too early to tell. Seems he's mainly just navigating in an almost sociopathic way, which could wind up being good or bad.
think for yourself you cretin. if you can't, remember that he's a manlet and he'll never learn
Sup Forums is a hivemind full of double digit IQ mouth breathing retards they hate or like a person on whatever seems more edgy and contrarian. They might hate him now but they'll like him next week this board is fucking dead.
That's a sub-Canada tier shitpost.
Don't know what to think of him. So far he hasn't done anything too terrible, and I like his more authoritarian, jupiterian streak. And seeing him maneuver and backstab his way to power was interesting.
He alienated the army, the leftists, the far-left, the far-right, and generally a good chunk of the traditional political establishment. We'll see how that turns out for him.
>double digit IQ
choose one, this is one of the only places where i feel welcome with my >130-IQ
Idk, I'm not sure if he's just not left enough for the turbo left or actually kind of right so I'm reserving judgement.
fuck macaroni and fuck French fry people
Stop having black babies
Praise le Kek
>wants less niggers
>trying to cuck Germany out of EU leadership
>fostering strong relations with Trump
>stole some guys wife at sixteen
>Rothschild insider but non Jewish
The bogdanoffs will bow to him
A much better question is: why shouldn't we hate Macron?
Thanks to him there isn't another female leading yet another EU country, and also thanks to him reforms will be forced to the EU
No we (or at least I) don't. Call me when the next FN candidate is a male and I might reconsider
Too complex for me to know yet
Because he turned around after he won and stopped acting like the impotent globalist bureaucrat he seemed to be in the campaign, and started coming across as a fairly strong individual with radical ideas of how to advance his country.
Sup Forums tends to fall for the 'I don't like muslims' line every time and shitpost about kebabs, so the board naturally gravitated towards Le Pen. But now it's looking like Macron is going to be exactly what France needed, a moderate who can have the clout to actually fix problems without reverting to populist rhetoric that hurts his chances with the establishment.
By French standards, he is economically solidly right wing. For anything social, it's too early to tell and his program was very, very vague. As for international relations, he's been taking a very pragmatic approach to things. I don't see him an as idealistic guy, which could both good and bad.
Might end up as a personification of the radical centrist meme, which is probably the best outcome we could hope for for now.
>muh beastiality