White slavery

Prove to me that whites had suffered from slavery as much as other races from Roman era to 1865 ah and don't try to use arab slave trade in every example I want from Romans to 1865

arab slave trade
what does it even matter

all nigger must hang


All niggers are bad ? Every human can be good with a good education.

No doesn't but I wanna answer for the question
Nigger lives matter

>prove whites suffered under slavery without using the example of them suffering under slavery

from the 16th to 19th century 1-2 million Europeans got blackbagged with the men going off to be worked to death and the women and children taken as sex slaves, an objectively worse fate than any of the slaves brought to the US.

White people partook in slavery for the shortest amount of time relative to all other cultures and were the ones to spearhead any efforts to end it.

Are you really this retarded?
Yes, ok.

Ancient Greece, ancient Rome: if you had debts that you could not pay you became a slave for life, unless your owner decided to set you free.
Also, you went to war with another people, say Goths or Brits or whatever, you killed warriors and kept the tamest individuals as slaves.
By the way, Slavic peoples got that name because they were slaves par excellence for the Romans.
For some reason, they do not bitch and moan about it or ask for reparations like someone else does all the time: must be that they have some pride after all.

>Excluding Barbary Slave Trade
Golden Horde slave trade
Tartars - Khanates crimea (75% pop salves) + Kazan

Ottoman Slave Trade - Including Janissaries
Moorish enslavement in Hispania.

>Slavic peoples got that name because they were slaves par excellence for the jewish Khazars (before they got retaliated on and ravaged by a Rus-viking led slav army.)

fixed that for you

>Every human can be good with a good education.
i find this statement ridiculous

what do you base it on?

Some humans are inherently worth less than shite

ottomans + tatars sold ukrainians/people from balkans as slaves. Jews often would participate in such trade as managers or translators.

Literally wave after wave of Hun and Islamic barbarians invading Europe over and over again from 476 until the breaking of the Siege of Vienna

During which time Bubonic plague ravaged Europe obliterating its population time and time again

Europe suffered worse than anyone else in history from external forces.

other way around, the word slave was used for slavery because there were many Slavs used for slavery. etymology of Slavic is from slavic word "slovo", which is related to the word "word". They called themselves that because they could speak to each other. Germanic people were called Nemci, from the word nemy, meaning mute, as they could not understand what they were speaking.

this insults the bulgarian

Not what the literature is saying, friend.

No, word slav comes from the word Slovo, meaning letter in old slavic.

> prove to me that you suffered from slavery but don't mention the goat fuckers who did 99% of the enslaving
Muhammad was a pedophile and you worship the devil.

>tell me how whites suffered in slavery
>don't use examples of them being slaves as evidence
Not a terrible troll. Can't expect much from a dune coon.

>Slavic peoples got that name because they were slaves
no, it's rather word slave could appear from our name, but not vice versa

Everyone played the slave and master in the past,If a group didnt like getting enslaved he shouldnt have done the same

Now get over it and stop whinning like a nigger