At what point should your government step in and say that the art you are making, the clothes you are wearing, or the things you are saying is too offensive for the public ear and eye?
At what point is the constitutional right to freedom of expression too much?
When you're making porn of a damned kid.
This isn't OK
And you shouldn't have the right to dress your kids like a fucking whore.
But you see this is what happens when society tells its fathers to be pathetic and weak.
not too much, its a "parody" (at least cause 2D looks nothing like 3D)
the real crime is dressing your little daughter like that
That's awful and arousing.
You end up getting sons who are the direct output of their pussywhipped father's parenting.
He's a kike, so who cares?
>At what point should your government step in and say that the art you are making, the clothes you are wearing, or the things you are saying is too offensive for the public ear and eye?
free speech is called free speech for a reason nigger thre are no exeptions to the rule.
And now look at them.
You can see the regret on their faces.
ugh user it's like you haven't noticed that it's 2017
>tfw no regrets
the things i would do to that sweet boypussy
The regret of wasting the precious bond between a father and a son.
When the public starts to vote
Never. The government has no right to enforce the people to do anything. That is, or rather was, the churches job.
well, I am not really up with celebrities since I find its culture to be a waste of time and elevating often worthless or trashy people for no reason other than being famous.
Thanks for telling me that its even worse than I expected
>when you're such a bad parent your kids look coked out and wasted at age 8
When you're making pornography.
Kek, I can't wait.
I love how shadfag triggers people.
CP should be legalized. It would prevent (((them))) from planting CP on websites they want to shut down, and it would prevent pedophiles from molesting kids.
>legalizing pedophilia would stop pedophiles
That would have the opposite effect
I fucking hate and love shadbase so much
Fucking XXers
Scum of the human race with their Y deficiency...Somehow I feel this relates to the whole 'trans question'
Freedom of speech and expression is just a failed meme. We tried it and it doesn't work.
You need to get in power and you have to restrict the speech of your enemies, that is what the left does and why they are winning.
People on the right go on about muh freedom of speech and how they will protect speech even if they don't like it, and what do leftists do? They use that freedom of expression to gain power, and once they have ANY power they start censoring you. You think these people give a single fuck about your free speech? These people want you dead.
Freedom of speech is a fucking meme. It's a way for leftists to survive even after they have lost, so they can fight you later. When the leftists get ultimate power, they are not going to leave that free speech door open for future right wingers to be able to gain a foothold. These people will kill all white males and gas everyone who doesn't think like they do.
We have to do the same, or we are idiots who deserve to be exterminated.
>mfw that little twink has already been ruined by arm length BBCs
He's been a buttslut since the moment his mom put eyeliner on him.
Let's clean our brains by looking at Syrian girl. This subject is too gross
t. the most obvious pedophile
It's never too much. But the flip side is that if you do something fucked up like this then you have to face the consequences of how people will react. You can say whatever you want but if someone doesn't like what you're saying then they'll probably do something about it. Free speech doesn't mean free from consequence.
in one hand
On the other hand
>Publically shaming mentally ill people/enables
>it would prevent pedophiles from molesting kids
Fuck off.
This. Only states should decide what the public should or shouldn't do based on an agreed list of taboos.
Stop giving him FLak for his ID
You deserve to be eVkted for that pun
Why the fuck does this guy have 212,358,744 views? Is he literally the biggest twitch streamer or something?
reddit pls leave
it's fucking sick how much attention they're getting for this. positive attention. cross dress your 5 year old and get on a magazine cover. JFC.
>CP should be legalized.
get a load of THIS demented fucking idiot.
As long as you don't damage the ears of other persons by screaming you should be able to say whatever you want or even draw whatever you want.
> Is he literally the biggest twitch streamer or something?
Yes,but not in the sense that you mean.
But what if the pedo consents, but the child is property owned by the pedo?
It is violation to the NAP which enables him to respond using a pocket nuke.
He takes baths with that kid. That kid is almost certainly being sexually abused.
Am I the only one who sees no problem with boys dressing as girls?
It's very cute.
Every time i start no fap Shadman ruins it.
Dressing a little boy like a girl is abuse on its own. Speculating whether or not the kid has been diddled isn't necessary since we can already see evidence of child abuse.
10 years ago you could call cops on someone and get their kids taken away if they dressed their boy as a woman.
Based Shadman.
Just like weed/alcohol amirite?
isn't that just harle cosplay from suicidesquad?
you're not the only one but you're a raging mentally-deficient faggot. If that helps.
It's a boy.
Shaddy can do what he wants.
Shadman is a deprobate and a bad artist
He didn't make porn of it though
That's twitch he's streaming on, and he can't draw porn there, he just drew it what it looked like in the picture
It belongs in an oven anyway
Hold the FUCK up. That's his son? Rev up those gas chambers, this piece of shit need to die.
Never, 1st amendment baby
hahahaha I remember the second those pictures hit somebody said "shadbase is probably going to draw this"
>kids should walk around with their asses hanging out
>Daddy's Little Monster
Lmao you just KNOW
That's such a false equivalence I'm going to go ahead and assume you're some euro-shithead who thinks people's lives are an experiment
Thats a boy.
Tfw too old to dress as a qt 3.14 trap
>CP should be legalized
Not Okay
>Indirect/direct threats of violence
>Everything else
shut up u foking Fgg
tfw too poor to dress as a qt 3.14 trap
Wow shadmans art is finally improving I could probably fap to it now
>liking 3D loli
Called the cops
Only if it's a direct threat. Being offensive isn't an acceptable limit of free speech. A direct threat would be something like selling classified government information or yelling fire in a crowded theater.
And yet kikes wonder why we want to genocide them. For fuck sake none thing is pure to them. I pray for the day god ends this earth.
government can step in to protect a child from his parents, never to stop someone from drawing or saying or doing anything someone else finds offensive.
Social ostracism is the cure, not government intervention. Public shaming and bullying essentially, like we used to do throughout all of human history.
>lol you're a fucking child rapist
>Sir that is a lie and you are doing that with the sole intent of harming my reputation as your political opponent
>Wow, wow, wow. I was just exercising my freedom to hate, fag.
This is why you don't listen to anons on the 4chins.
>Nog trap
Beyond disgusting
Fuck off and die pedo cunt
this picture is porn to a lot of people already.
Should know better than to fetishize his son.
Degeneracy never was considered "free speech." Jewish pornographers like Al Goldstein spent millions of dollars to allow obscenity to be considered "free speech," but historically that wasn't the case.
simple...never moralfag
I think some definitions include drawings or non-explicit or non-abusive content. That should be legal. Only content that's made from abusing a child (e.g. explicit and purposeless footage or photographs of rape or molestation) should be prohibited. Drawings, photos or footage made for non-pornographic reasons (e.g. ethnography or art) and pornography made without harming anyone should be allowed.
Only a few years ago Japan banned child porn and do you honestly believe that because it was allowed for so long that somehow they are out there molesting every child they could get there hands on?
Having CP is a non-crime it is hurting absolutely no one. However the creation of said IMAGES should be punished with most extreme punishment possible but see that won't happen because society is fucked in the head. You get 40yrs for fucking have one pic of some random as kid put on a watch list. Molest some kid you get put away for 50yr and put on a watch list. You retards make it easy for kikes to shut people down easily. Just throw some CP onto this guys hard drive for a few months then report him to the police.
would fuck "her" to death
>spawning an industry that revolves around the filming of child rape will stop pedophiles
Fuck off, podesta
Ideally, anything that corrupts the mind should be destroyed
Shad is a degenerate as fuck and his art is not good by any means but god damn it I love him for drawing this kind of shit just for the shock value it constantly creates. His abominations are a gift to us all