WHanon with an important announcement. July 27th will still be an important date to observe. There will be something else slightly less exciting, but still highly relevant on July 26th. It will lead into the events on the 27th. It will start on the president's Twitter feed and snowball from there.
WHanon with an important announcement. July 27th will still be an important date to observe...
Other urls found in this thread:
We shall see
anymore info OP? quit leaving us hanging
Fuck off LARPing faggot.
Assuming you're legit WHA, is the fact that pol got too distracted by slides to pursue April Lorenzen and the fabrication of the DNS logs a deathblow to any chance of draining the swamp?
To be honest, I doubt that if Trump is playing 432432D chess, that he'd be laying all on a bunch of easily distracted autists.
Also, the obligatory prove you're not a LARPer
LARP sage
No it won't faggot. His latest twitter rant about sessions and Hillary shows you to be a fucking huge homosexual.
If this turns out to be another Badselfeater I'm gonna be pretty bummed.
Sessions had a chance to be a patriot, turned out to be a deep state leaning anti-pot nut job. He needs to spine up or get out.
Are you going to redpill the world?
I believe you
Time travel user here you're full of shit
hmmm inconsistent with what we've seen in the past ...
lemme know when it happens now fuck off
Hahahahahaha, did Tzipi Mazuz, Frank, or VOTL tell you this?
It was Swordfish wasn't it?
Sage. This is a LARP. Keywords are missing.
Thats getting pretty specific. And I obly gotta wait one day.
Are you POTUS?
Its probably POTUS
Oh, and the 25 will be even less irrelevant than the 26, but posts on twitter from president will still somehow materialize to something him and his admin do at a later date.
Hey, I hope this shits true too, but it isn't. Why would anyone give Sup Forums a heads up? Lol
I was just going to post a countdown thread.
Everything is lining up for something...new press secretary Scaramucci...The Twitter messages about Sessions recusal....new FBI head already passed through Congress....
I'm going to go out on a limb and predict Sessions resigns, DAG Rosenstein becomes intermediate AG, and relieves Robert Mueller of special investigation with public announcement of nothing found about Russian collusion.
All that will be opened up with an Obama care repeal passed in the Senate by 51 votes.
And ultimately, Ted Cruz takes attorney general position, and secures his spot as next in line for the white house in 2024.
Since you know our culture you'll understand why your posts flag you as one of the brainwashed commie cultist shills.
you sub-human piece of garbage, you need to figure out tirpcodes.
Recommend you ask a black person since you don't appear to be smart enough to figure it the fuck out.
bump. pretty consistent timing, OP. I want to believe.
It's either POTUS, Bannon, Miller, Scavino, or Kushner
Everything sounds good until you get to Cruz, other than him having more hook ups, what makes him better than Sessions? Where did all of the "libertarians" go that were here? /pol is going to cock ride Cruz?
Consistent meaning 2 days in a row around the same time
BecAuse they said so? They're as crazy as our house retard
Why are you saying this to us?
No faggot, because theyre an inconsistent deep state larper
Hahaha, yeah, they're LARPing on Chinese finger trap board to Nazis and ironic rinos
July 27
Deep state can't stop what's about to happen. Be ready
WH user has correctly called things in the past.
Stop misdirecting with retarded shill techniques
WH user has made exactly ZERO correct predictions
Why do people still pay attention to him?
Gotta admit that was superbly done. I remember watching the video with bated breath and then... well, you know the rest.
Today is so exciting!!!!!
Prose and syntax is incorrect for the WH user(s).
Fuck off.
Faggot larper
Neck yourself pronto
Trip code. Use it you faggot
The infographic needs all the middle east corruption connected to the Clinton Foundation.
Former CIA director Brennan called for s coup on CNN. Let that sink in. He openly called for a coup against Trump on international television with Blitzer.
That's treason, and no one is doing anything about it. Shit is getting crazy, fast.
You are not good at this business.
Believable LARP requires more attention to detail.
When will we end the Fed?
Also: term limits???
I hate this place
July 26th Trump Fires Sessions
July 27th Trump pardons himself
Few months later Trump is impeached
The two people not in focus of the Russia thing take control-Pence and Bannon
Kike Trump and his Kike Family leaves white house
Actual Fascism starts with Pence/Bannon Era. 4D chess confirmed
asking the real questions
>obvious thread is obvious
Fuck off, 1 post.
Thank you based WH user! You can count on us!
Praise kek and MAGA!
please no
I will wait and see.
>WHanon with an important announcement.
The real WHanon would not say this. Nice try larper.
Hey it's me, WH user
Forget this larper, I am the real WH Insider user. Expect a big happening sometime in the future. If you have any questions, ask away.
The rumor was Rudi Giulliani, but that's a smokescreen.
Let's put it this way, Ted Cruz is clean in regards to getting through congressional approval, he's also has the opportunity to #1 create a name for himself as the enforcer of the swamp drain (buy going after Clinton Foundation and write tap legalities), and in doing so, #2 will effectively win re-election for Trump and building his brand as the eventual candidate for 2024.
The voters will be fine with it as long as he gets results, and ted Cruz isn't afraid of what media and beltway will think of him.
The other plus is his replacement will be a good conservative from Texas. And we won't have to worry about special election drama.
Sessions will not resign.
Rosenstein will not fire Mueller.
Cruz will not be AG.
Cruz does not have a place in line for POTUS or WH at all.
Cruz will be next Supreme Court nominee and will be easily confirmed because republicans support his politics but also, everyone in the Senate hates working with him.
Why isn't anybody talking about Joseph Rago? Won a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage (negative, I might add) of Obama's Healthcare. Rumor has it he was investigating the Clinton Campaign. He was found dead a few days ago, at the age of 34. There has still been no official announcement of how he died.
no, his last 2 predictions were absolutely correct.
Same fag as last time, shit jpg. shit larp.
I got the impression from an article that somehow the police knew that no foul play was involved shortly after he died...
Stop misdirecting? Shill tactics? So you're the kind of dumb fuck that is told "hey you're about to step in dog shit" and then you mutter some bitch shit and proceed to step in it. Cool, enjoy being toyed with Fuck boy
Literally nothing you say ends up true
Give me one example, I said "I'd like to believe" - I am on your side, just not as gullible
WH user says there is a happening a comin' so you better get on board from your safe space of status quo.
He called the news about loretta lynch pretty much within the hour. Happened a few weeks ago?
Don't you see shit ramping up in the news and soforth?
Something big is coming.
what were those?
>why would mueller be going after a crime family? it must mean clinton right?
LOL...this level of delusion
Loretta Lynch would be investigated and I'm trying to remember the other one. One was June 27th and other one was July 12th
Hey it's me WH user.
No happening July 27th.
The OP is a fake WH user.
what the hell is going on?
White house user when is Hillary going to Guantanamo?
saved by the trips of kek
>It will start on the president's Twitter feed
President Trump??
Either you are President Trump or you are a psychic, because how can you know what President Trump will be tweeting tomorrow and two days from now?
Becuase he's literally next to POTUS....
This is either Kushner, Bannon, Scavino, Miller, or POTUS himself.
I dunno, man. A LOT of stuff starts on his Twitter feed and snowballs from there. Anybody can make that "prediction" and it "come true" in a day or so. It's why they keep trying to take his Twitter away, lol.
LOL...this level of shilling
Hey good agent... watcha doin?
Larpers get out. Why does anybody believe this anymore? Anybody can post this.
It's hilarious to watch The_Donald eat this shit up like a buffet.
Trump does not Tweet himself. He gives the Orders and have a Team for it. Do you really think he is sitting at the desk in the oval office and tweets on his phone?
This is not the real WHAnon my dudes. Check the catalog and see what threads (((they))) are trying to slide
enlighten us pls
what does it mean LARP?
>It will start on the president's Twitter feed and snowball from there.
Wow, the shitposting president will cause media outrage with a tweet. You're a real Nostradamus, aren't you?
So Annoying
If it's the same guy he's been generally right so far but still all you can do is just wait and see.
Double time travel user here, I came in your grandaughter
There are like 5 or 6 "July 27th" or "WHAnon" threads up at the minimum. They are saturating Sup Forums with slide threads currently to dilute the credibility of the true WHAnon. Im not saying that the 27th is a LARP, Im saying your posting in a troll thread.
I know that already. I thought I missed "the" thread
Don't piss on the dream Hans, Trump is the shit posting God of our dreams
You know whanon has to be legit about the 27th. There are like 6 slide threads pretending to be him up right now. Sad!
So many shills sliding with fake WH user, real one is lurking ATM just read between the lines. Shits going down soon.