Sup Forums What happened to Serial killers? In the past it just feels like getting carved up by some wacko randomly was a very real possibility in the Past. Where have they all gone?
Sup Forums What happened to Serial killers...
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They all got meds. Also I read that the reason why there where so many in the past was becasue it was all vets who got fucked up in the war.
This. Fucking. Thread. Again?
Fake news. Literal fake news.
Mainstream media loves this kind of shit. They run with whatever makes them the most money. Then it was running stories on serial killers, for a while I remember they talked a lot about pedos kidnapping kids. Then they did race baiting and muh racist cops, for a while they told fake stories about fucking clowns, now it is Russia bullshit and Trump.
Shit media has always done this. The news media changes reality. It's not too much of a stretch to say that a few of the serial killers might have done it because they wanted to be famous since that is all the news talked about, similarly a lot of people started making shitty clown videos because they saw a ''clown appearances'' fake news story on CNN.
All the shit about muh Russia and Trump wouldn't exist without mainstream media. A lot of fake leaks and butthurt insiders tell the media shit about Russia, which feeds the story, which makes more people come out and start advancing the narrative.
The serial killer scare was just a scare. You had a few interesting killers like Ted Bundy and Wayne Gacy the killer clown. It's very interesting stuff. It made a lot of people a lot of money. I've watched hundreds of documentaries talking about these people.
Forensic science prohibits this in first world countries. In undeveloped countries I'm 100% positive these people still exist.
They all became politicians.
>I've watched hundreds of documentaries talking about these people.
give me a quick rundown on this man
The police have stopped giving them publicity in an effort to prevent copy cat crimes.
Less white people than before
We have more serial killers now than ever. However now a majority of them are black, unlike in 1990, so the news doesn't report on it.
He is just a less interesting less charismatic Ted Bundy. He did kill a lot of blacks and he was killed in jail by a nigger. It's a lot more pathetic way to die than getting the Mike Pence chair.
Ted Bundy seemed a lot more dignified while Dahmer was killing niggers and got beat to death by one in the end.
Can anybody please explain to me why California has the most serial killers, especially during the period of late 60s to early 90s? What was it about California at that period that made people take random hitchhikers off the road and kill them brutally?
Serial killers gave way to cult leaders, who in turn gave way to terrorist bombers, who gave way to mass shooters. The beta uprising has seen many phases of battle
There's just as many around.
MSM stopped reporting on them to try and stop copycats and giving them the limelight.
Police doesn't have control over the media. It's not like police run the stations and started telling every detail they could on air for no reason. It was (((reporters))) reporting on those stories and all sorts of greedy fags making money off of it.
This is the true nigger killer right here
>In a subsequent psychiatric session, he stated to a psychiatrist that he "had to" kill blacks
LSD. That shit sticks to your spinal cord and gives you flashbacks for the rest of your life
>implying the MSM has morals and doesnt want more chaos
I thought chaos was our thing, my dude
even back in the day when serial killers were a "thing" the killers would often say they were approached by law enforcement and govermment for hired hits and shit
maybe most of them were lying but where theres smoke..
M0st serial killers were the result of no ultra experiments or used to cover ado crimes/killings committed by a group of individuals
this. The summer of love turned California into a breeding ground of insanity
Lookout mountain
You can look into each case individually. A lot of it came from broken homes with drug addicted parents, absent fathers, poverty.
I am not from Murica so I wouldn't know much, but my guess would be that California being closer to Mexico and being full of non-whites would have a huge drug problem.
I don't know if it's even true that it was mostly in California. Ted Bundy was from Vermont, Gacy Wayne was from Illinois, Richard Ramirez was from Texas.
The Zodiac killer aka Ted Cruz was in California. He is the only one from Cali I can recall.
Read "Programmed to Kill" by David McGowan. San Francisco and LA are cesspools.
This one has to be the most fuck up I've heard of. Ties young boys to his torture board then tortures and sodomizes them before strangling them.
California also yielded Charles Manson and OJ Simpson but I guess OJ isn't a serial killer
Neither is Charles Manson. The ''Charles Manson killings'' are just Tex Watson killings.
Tex Watson is the psycho who killed people and ordered the two girls to kill for him, yet it's very hard to find any mention of him anywhere.
Even now I had to spend 5 min in google just to find his name, because I didn't remember it and I am familiar with the case.
It's very strange how Charles Manson wasn't even the one who did any killing or even order any killings, yet I have to go trough hoops just to find the name of the guy who actually did those things.
Charles Manson has been convicted for who knows what reason, it doesn't even make sense. If you ever try to find out why he is in jail all you are going to find is some shit about the ''Manson family'' doing killings, and because it has the name ''Manson'' in it, it somehow makes Charles Manson guilty.
If we could get Sup Forums autism to investigate Charles Manson and figure out why he is jail, it would be a world changer. This is the biggest disinfo insane media story we have had in modern times. This Charles Manson stuff is far crazier than the MSM pushing the Russia narrative.
Washington has WAAAY more serial killers than Cali. Bundy did a good deal of his killings here while studying Law, Robert Yates, the Green River Killer, Hillside Strangler made a visit....
Is he the one where they found the photos of victims in underwear terrified and shit? Haunts me to this day
He is a race realist. He knows how (((they))) are using whites fear of blacks to control the masses and stay in power.
He was too dangerous to (((them))) to leave him out there.
Watch his 1995 prison interview. He says some truly mindboggling shit. Dropping redpills everywhere.
>Where have they all gone?
Sup Forums
proof: me
I've seen them all.
I like the bit where he talks about having a cellmate who was a jew who had Hitler posters on his walls. He made a point about how jews enshrine people they hate because it gives them a purpose to live.