Only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumpf. City people voted for HER.
SHE won the popular vote.
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumpf. City people voted for HER.
SHE won the popular vote.
Other urls found in this thread:
its a good thing its not a pure popularity contest then
and he won the electoral vote
how many time i have to remind Hilary's supporters that US of A is not a direct democracy
>living in a city makes you smart
Why do you hate the constitution?
Can someone explain the suburban retard meme? I can understand the rural = hick thing, but suburbs are basically apart of the city.
Remember that cities always get nuked and attacked by aliens first.
>city folk smarter than rednecks
>fail to understand the election process
Fuck off and get raked you ignorant leaf. The U.S. is a Constitutional Republic not a democracy, learn the difference faggot.
The numbers keep changing every time I see them. Last I recall it was only off by a few million.
why is Hillary's number always getting bigger? last time you posted this slide thread she had 66 million
suburbs = "white flight" havens for people that don't want to live next to darkies
Democrats/liberals signaling against both whites and non-urbanites.
I love how she won the popular vote only by 17% but the image shows she had 3x more voters
Oh hay. It's this Canadian thread again!
The suburbs have a majority of whites in a municipality. Typically they are better maintained and have a higher HDI /funding / less crime.
In liberal cities, they usually vote Democrat because of bring pro union but Trump changed this when they voted for him
ah I see, thanks
Daily Reminder
That's not how pie charts work.
Number get bigger for Hillary and smaller for Donald every time. Soon Donald will have negative votes and Hillary will have billions.
>Living in a cramp overpriced closet makes where everything costs to much makes you smart
??? This isn't even real.
Step by step guide to create the modern urbanite
And this is exactlly how we know that the system works.
>unarchived VICE video
Use hooktube to prevent views. Just change the domain in the url.
> Only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumpf
You mean the ones who actually produce something?
My apologies based Norwegian
>making up more votes for her every day
that's hilarious
The meme of Hillary voters being more affluent isn't even true, among
You fucking retard, they dont use population vote to elect.
Fucking leaves i tell you
Who did Democrats think we were talking about when we complained that THEY TOOK ERRR JERRBS?
I am honestly confused by the Democrats who say they are the party of unions and the working class. Do they think it's still the 1970's?
>>living in a city makes you worthless and your children transvestite mutants. The bizarre ideas about humanity, sexuality, religion and nature spawned in urban areas as a consequence of the mental health issues caused by overcrowding are a direct threat to the planet and species
Non whites, white urbanite liberals/ashkenazi jews, and old white women are the democrats whole base about 30% of whites 80% of non whites.
>they literally believed this was the reason she would win
Indeed did you know there is a correlation between the rise of spree and serial killers and urbanization?
If you subtract the votes from illegal immigrants (and other people who isn't supposed to vote) Trump is probably ahead by pretty far