What does Sup Forums think of James "Mad Dog" Mattis? How do you think he is performing as the new sec def?
What does Sup Forums think of James "Mad Dog" Mattis? How do you think he is performing as the new sec def?
I'd ask ISIS.
Oh wait, they're all dead.
He made America Stronk and feared again alright in my book.
Just another kike servant.Does it really matter who's leading your army against the enemies of the jews?
He's the perfect embodiment of what a SecDef should be. Knowing is half the battle.
and the other half is violence
Mad dog more like sedated dog.
I'm keeping him on the wait and see list until the political situation gets better sorted.
Ranks up there with Patton.
Hero for plebs, another faggot serving the elite for knowledgeable.
Here's a real Marine hero.
I like him better than Trump
No children or wife means her has no stakes in the future. Worst possible trait in somebody who can trigger apocalypse.
Scared Russian detected. What's the matter Ivan still butthurt we won't let you gas Civies anymore?
A neocon puppet with better presentation than the other kikes. Couldn't find a citation for his Bronze Star, probably stolen valor and a closeted faggot.
Yes im literally shaking.
Even that swamp donkey you call wife is better than nothing Cletus.
>americuck acting tough on internet
Oh am I laffin
>Meanwhile in the Russian army
Doing great so far. Incredible dedication to his job. Avoiding politics. A+
He's reserved except in battle. His Marines tell all kinds of stories about him. One guy who served under him was in a box with a 50 cal mounted on top when Mattis as a Major General jumped in and asked for a turn on the gun, then just started blasting and screaming like he was in Full Metal Jacket. After a few minutes he says "thanks gents", jumps out and runs off.
>Putin mass media are banned from reporting
Is this why they were dropping dagestan pictures all over Sup Forums not long after the ukraine thing escalated?
Anti-Putin russiaposters are so strange in their messaging. Those threads were full of people asking wtf we were looking at and they just couldn't give a simple explanation.
Wow, Obama's policies worked
He'll be president in 2020. Finally we can eradicate all stormfaggot nazis, all libtards, all sjw snowflakes, cuckservatives. You name it
>inb4 he's (((their))) servant
James Mattis will literally give you the squidward and drench your mothers face in splooge. Everyone is equally worthless in his eyes, you're all a bunch of faggots. He's a servant to no man, just the US Consitution.
Nobody controls him. Kek has no power over "Chaos 6" and he'll bend Kek to his will
>we got a heretic
>found the nigger
And the funny thing is, Mattis even said in an interview or press conference "I'm not into nirvana", meaning he is not into extinction or annihilation, yet as a single man without children he is as buddhist as can be.
Chickenshit liberal. Complete fag desu.
Pretty based.
He's BTFOing Assad, ISIS and Iran all in one go. Once he's finished mopping up ISIS, he'll go balls-deep up into Iran and Assad's ass.
>James Mattis will literally give you the squidward and drench your mothers face in splooge
>Chaos 6
Even if you're trolling this is too tryhard.