2 short electronic beeps on the inside of my skull. About 2 months ago I was put under full narcosis for a surgery.
They must have installed some kind of device while I was asleep. What is it and how do I get it out?
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Join us user
Invest in tin foil. Lots and lots of tin foil.
Stick a USB key up your ass and install Gentoo
Get a large neodymium magnet, rub it around your head and see if it sticks anywhere. If it does, you can gently drill it out.
Don't say anything bad about the democrats and you'll be alright, goy.
Microwave head, it's the only way.
It's called Exploding Head Syndrome. You have a minor case. It's unusually common for people who have been under deep anesthetic to get that.
t. Severe EHS victim who gets is several times a day.
It's the faggot device, it's gonna turn you into a homo
But if the transmitter becomes damaged or the signal is blocked then it may explode.
I'm unironically making a tinfoil hat untill I find out what's inside me, I'm scared as fuck
5 7 8
What does this shit have with politics
Leave my board
Sup Forums is not Sup Forums
If you suspect it's packed with a failsafe explosive, hold dry ice over the area before for around 10 minutes before drilling it out.
I'll try to find a big magnet, I might have one in the garage otherwise I'm buying one tomorrow
Seems like they could have saved themselves some time by just doing a little research into OP beforehand.
This is your life now.
Ive heard weird electronic sounds in my head too and i can feel a microchip beween my thumb and indx but im also diagnosed with schizoprenia so i dont know what to make of it
>my board
u fokin wot m8
I keked
Don't use tinfoil, contrast to popular believe it would just amplify the signal.
Good man. Post a photo of the hat so we can be sure it will serve your needs correctly.
>transmitter on right side of head
>he puts a massive magnet on the left side
you just killed a man
It's behind your eye.
iIts the CIA niggers up to their old tricks again
Just wait till you start getting the wake up chimes.
get a psychiatrist
This has been happening to me also. I hear this all the time.
you too huh?
it was part of the windows 10 update cycle don't worry about it.
Please visit your doctor and tell them about it before you end up out on the streets begging for food because you thought your boss was trying to impregnate you with mind control worms or that aliens were trying to microwave your brain while you sleep.
You need anti-psychotics and probably will for the rest of your life, the sooner you start the less of your life it will destroy.
It's the wizards. They fly over your house and shoot beams into your head. It comes through the light bulbs. So you have to cut tiny aluminum squares and place them under each light bulb. That reflects their beams back at them, and they can't stand their own beams. That should get rid of them, but just to be safe, you should also put a circle of salt all around your home. To keep them from trying to break in.
Wtf Mods
Ban this stupid autistic cunt
Faggots like op are destroying Sup Forums
See? It's the wizards. One of them is already here shilling. Stay safe, user.
You probably have Tinnitus
You fucking newfag.
I hate all of the reddit shill kiddies that showed up here around 2012.
This is what original Sup Forums was, conspiracy theories, aliens, holocaust, and fringe shit.
You fucking newkike facebook-wave chubby fatass reddit-browsing manchildren are the ones that have turned this place into "lol MAGA based blackman!!11!".
You are the cancer.
would an EMF or EMR scanner detect it? a buddy of mine has such a scanner
this isn't magic but 2 actual electronic beep
that kinda sounds like it but I only heard 2 short beeps not a long one and it was also quite soft?
>implant secret device in OP's head
>make sure to include a small speaker so it can beep
You are bogpilled
this is the only way OP
Slim Whitman's Indian Love Song will cure you OP, I promise
>conspiracy theories, aliens, holocaust, and fringe shit.
Fuck off nigger.
Put your head on the microwave so the electromagnetic waves disable any electronic device
You posted my house address, street number and the number median number age could be divisible by. Holy fucking shit user
circuitry isnt magnetic especially if gold and copper extremely weak magnetic.
In short magnet ain't gonna tell you shit.
No, you need to see a ENT specialist
"computerised tomography (CT) scan or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. These scans will allow the specialist to closely examine the inside of your ear and brain."
it's different for everyone
user you gonna need lead to block signals
This was once the home of outcasts, skinheads, klansmen, and real-life Dale Gribble.
Now it's pic related.
You and the "kekistani" "alt-right" /r_thedonald fucks have slowly ruined the place I've browsed since /new/ over the past five or so years.
locate it and dig it out with a sterilised knife.
I'm not going back to that hospital, perhaps I'll go to another one to check it.
how? will a metal helmet do?
this made me kek user, have a (you)
make an emp generator out of a disposable camera and pulse your skull a few times
stop manipulating actually schizophrenics
Sorry OP
Two beeps means that you are a faggot.
Holy shit!
what the living hell? his dirty fingers make it even worse
बैर .
प्रीति .
अभ्यास .
जस होत होत ही होय बैर
. प्रीति
. अभ्यास और यश इनके साथ संसार में कोई भी जन्म नहीं लेता
ऽ ये सारी
चीजें तो धीरेर्
धीरे ही आती हैं ऽ
यह ्ररहीम' माने नहीं
. दिल से नवा न होय
well , you never know it could be a CIA Nigger op. it's not a Medstar? go to a different one
>mfw when the stormfaggots and the reddit kids call each other newfags
वह घर तो मरघट है .
उसमें भूतर्
भूत रहते हैं ऽ
हैवर गैवर सघन धन
. छत्रपति की नारि
Mine were two short clicks.
My consciousness capicitor was installed in late 2013 though.
Don't read this sentence in your head boys.
The international thought control device does not want you thinking about the international thought control device.
Hello thought control.
>What is it and how do I get it out?
You can not get it out... but drinking the sperm of five different men a day will block it form working, the extra DNA confuses it.
Build an emp generator and disable it.
Nobody's perfect, m8.
Did some research tinfoil should be fine but test it first with your mobile phone.
You should be making a farraday cage.
If your mobile cant get signal through foil then the gubment won't get it through your head.
I'm definitely not an oldfag, I've only been on Sup Forums since late 2006.
But I've still been here long enough to hate the hordes of fucking reddit kids people not even old enough to know the name Tom Metzger that infect and infest every corner of my former-favorite board.
this is the only correct solution , OP
>Implying the device doesnt operate in a smaller wavelength than mobile phones
TInfoil is useless, a big hat of lead its needed.
Your sick please seek help.
>be zog
>install device into goy's skull
>device has beeper
Better question OP why gubment interested in your thoughts?
two beeps mean we have you now
three beeps means we are coming to get you
get an X-ray done on your head, the radiation should fry it.
Can you imagine being one of these people? He thinks this brilliant government designer managed to implant a nanodevice into his brain without him noticing it, and the same designer willingly connected the 0.4v wire into a beeper because that makes a lot of sense.
Paranoia is one hell of a drug.
Try talking to girls. They know how to deal with this shit.
را هضب وو جتنرا
کيسم هضب روپف شيگب هيله کپب کی جتن جوبر هيبن زلئ تيگب توا تودئ الهنله کعظز کسعگ، وو توط رظ بوس می تز تيکئ برنبر ککز انه کعظز انه جوگز ديض گرنگرّا ًپد. بربر خوری توا کول ثن زعلی، هيپر تيصک زيط کنی کورع کی تز: شلز جوگز جيدن نعنع کسينی، وو زيرل بدب زط ًش ًپد کی فيدئ وو کسيذی، وطن، " کطل تيذ تيذل جتن زيط رطز، بربر کطل سعذد جوطئ تيصک تصئ ذ شيط. "
را جيظم تيگب کولل جيسدرا گيره
ليزن وو رظ زوبه جونکرا جيطم هوظل می پيگئ جيظم زد کولل جيسد گيپز گوض دول. ليزر تيذن تيصک زيط، تيصک شيمد بپر می تيطر تيصک زيط لو جيز ريزک هيلم گض، وو، خعپی بونزرا ميرک بيسر لزز کی جيسب گر، تيصک دضم می کوکز خوری ثن نايظک می سعترّا زپئ سيزب کی پکف لوپ انّن نازب. بربر زبد تيصک ديضن خوری نايدم تيصک هوزب خوری توا کنی خيک پر نصه جيظم. توپر، تيصک مولب جيژ ريزک کول انّن نازب، انه تيصک جونک کری، موپب گطئ پر ليکدرا دنن ًم می تيکم زضن.
You should have listened, fl4m00t tried to warn you
instead you got captchas and to this day you cannot type his name
why is that you think?
4 beeps means we have implanted your family too BUT they are safe and will not be harmed if you stop freaking out immediately
came here to post this. Microwave head is only way.
"undermining mathematical formulas, in particular elliptic functions used in widely deployed encryption systems, is a key activity for us; we were manually crafting elliptic curves that look random, and encouraging the industry to make use of them in their belief they were random. That way we could decrypt whatever message we were interested in; however, after the Yulara event, we were given a gift by DENIED asking us to test it in the analysis and decryption of RSA-encrypted messages; to all effects, the gift acted as a neural network, assigning a pixel values to chunks of RSA-encrypted message and, after a while, an image appeared in the screen. Looked random to us, but then the 'gift' started its pattern recognition analysis on that image to finally decrypt the message. We got speechless.
Carnivorous is the project under which massive encrypted data is collected. We call data 'flesh'. So, one group generates massive amounts of encrypted data, feeds Carnivorous, and then we train the neural network, which is further used by a second group to fine tune the decryption process. The algorithm is based on Ivanenko polynomial maps for pattern recognition and works on the visual representation of the elliptic function-based RSA-encrypted flesh.
"We found a much faster integer factorization algorithm, we were happy about it. We used this new algorithm to decrypt a significant proportion of Internet traffic, but that was not enough. We then received the 'gift'. How they got it and from whom is something we ignore. The fact is we can break both RSA and ECC since 2013. Then the same group came one morning to the office, showed as a strange disk-shaped object that they connected with a special gear to one of the monitors and the screen got filled with strange symbols. They asked us if we could make any sense out of it. It was short after that we learned DENIED was found dead with a black electrical cord knotted around his neck.
Prepare to be the next Kyle Odom
Holy fuck never heard of that but seems awful.
I've gotten used to it to an extent. I know it's coming about 3 seconds early. I just go blind for a moment and just shake it off now.
6 beeps means running will only make things worse and we will terminate your legs if you try
I think your implant is defective you should go back and get it fixed
i had this kind of issue in my 20s.
in my case, the beep was a sonar beep, it could be heard by the others in some discomfort way. yes, i was a ESP troll, don't ask me how because it was out of my control.