Watch as they all simultaneously realize the same exact things. Salt miners - I envy you.
Godspeed. You are the foot soldiers. We are winning.
Enjoy the next 72hrs Sup Forums
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bump for justice
It's already starting. How glorious the fallout will be
Can someone give me a QRD?
Can I get a quick run down?
Quick rundown plz.
I'm literally retarded can someone explain this to me? He's firing the guy who is investigating him? Or they just weren't aware Mueller is Trump staff and can be fired? Or just that nothing is going to happen with the Russia thing...
Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
Can I get an articulate, comprehensive analysis?
Lefties are coming to the realization that Mueller is for the Clinton case.
hmmm, this is another interesting piece of the puzzle I have been exploring over here...
I don't get it.
that will never be the cause though
Listen you mongs, it means Hillary not trump will be investigated
How did you get that from a simple tweet?
Think about this norway, have you ever heard Mueller say anything about his motives or workings?
Or has it just all been WaPo and CNN saying what he's doing?
Up next .
Lefties destroy mueller's character.
Mueller isn't really investigating Trump. He's going after the DNC and Hillary.
How are some of you coming to this conclusion? Its something I hope and pray for but this tweet doesn't really make me feel like its happening....
The left tried to scare Trump into firing Muller by making a big show about the Russia investigation.
Trump is playing everyone. Once mueller comes out and nuts all over the clintons, he will break the medias back.
God, I hope this is true
Mueller has been on our side the entire time investigating the dems from deep inside under the guise of investigating trump
>Take a close look at Mueller's team
This is the long con by a secret order of American patriots for which Trump is part of.
They will all hang for their crimes.
Prepare your tax dollars leafs, liberal refugees are coming from the south.
Word is the guy who is investigating Trump, Mueller, for Russia ties is actually Trumps own guy. Which means hes not investigating Trump at all, but Clinton and the DNC as a whole
That is indeed a fair point. I want to believe, but I can't just yet
Worlds best kept secret.
Expect massive Ree
And???enjoy what?
I share a birthday with them ;)
He's furious for being called a con man by so many. He's decided to embrace it and really show how a con works. Tick tock Dems.
oooooooor mueller is just investigating Trump's business ties and is going to find something
considering I've read the article where this quote comes from, I'm pretty sure this Paul Ryan's response to a question about what would happen if Trump would fire Sessions, not Mueller.
Haberman is a fucking idiot. Don't forget she's put out enough fake news at the NYT to create a second CNN.
I wish this were true user but mueller is not a good guy. I think some people have been on the inside/deepstate for 20+ years on trumps behalf but im not sure if mueller is one of them. I hope so but i dont trust him
Wait, do people really think the trump and his shills have been shitting on mueller for weeks, even though he's secretly been going after Clinton and the DNC? And that all reporting on the investigation is erroneous? Is that the level of cognitive dissonance you've all reached?
Either way, there is nothing to find
Trump will be out of office in 8 yrs before this sham of an investigation ends lel
Stay delusional. Trump could easily stop Mueller and replace him for whatever bullshit reason he wants. You're going to be severely upset.
>Speaker Paul Ryan says President Donald Trump gets to decide his personnel. Ryan’s comment came amid reports that the president has spoken with advisers about firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
>And House Speaker Paul Ryan punted Tuesday on a chance to defend Sessions, saying “the president gets to decide what his personnel is.”
True I can confirm. Can't say more than Sessions is a distraction and Mueller/Manafort have already been pardoned. All formal indictments and arrests will be done by next Wed. No later.
This was all strategically planned and seamlessly orchestrated. Please remember that while we've endured a horrific 8 years, there ARE more "good guys" than bad ones and yes, even in DC.
Lolllll, haven't come here in weeks. I like to stop in to see what level of damage control trump shills are at
Wh insider, is that you?
Trump is not the type of person who hides his emotions well if at all. Go look at him this past week, does he look or act like a guy that knows he's done something illegal?
there is no quick rundown. muellers team is designed to handle international financial corruption not just whether or not a cover up exists. the investigation into trump is not if he colluded with russia its whether or not he tried to cover for his associates after the fact. so far the only real info we got is that a russian lawyer was basically hired by dems to get trump jr to meet and discuss russian govt damaging info on clintons. since nothing is happening with trump himself liberals are realizing that mueller was never really after trump other than objectively collecting info on him to find the real story which does involve international financial corruption. what the real story is no one knows for sure but its certainly bigger than what everyone is talking about
tldr liberals are freaking out because trump isnt in jail and we dont actually know anything yet
apparently looking at Haberman's twatter, she's apparently defending it by saying Paul Ryan was asked about both Mueller and Sessions.
seems like more NYT fake news.
All the reporting has been unsubstantiated fluff or proven to be incorrect. Ignoring any of it at this point is simply reasonable.
Why the fuck would Mueller get a pardon idiot?
Alright guys. I am legit waffling on this. Is there any real proof that he's after the Clintons? All I've seen is a relentless buffet of nothing burgers from our media regarding absolutely fucking nothing found while prying into Trump's private affairs, and the affairs of his family. Of course that could all be one big game of jingle keys being played with the media, but other than that speculation, what does anybody have that proves this might actually be a Clinton investigation? I mean I can wait 72 hours to see if this "happening" pans out, but I'm not seeing the pieces that helped anybody arrive to this "he is going after Clintons & deep state" conclusion.
>keep your eyes on Mueller
Looks like >someone< knew what to look for
is the south rising...again?
>When believing that the special investigator isn't corrupt, is considered a far fetched conspiracy theory
Sad state of affairs.
Nobody here is a good guy but that is what makes this so fucking exciting, I can't believe I live in a time where Game of Thrones is real!
So does this mean Comey was a good goy all along?
>Mr Gowdy you WILL see later I'm on the right side of history
>suggests Mueller head special counsel
Is July 27 gonna be the day?
At this point it doesn't even matter if it was trump himself doing anything illegal. He hired the dumbest sloppiest people to run his campaign, and that's evident. He's legacy is tarnished. But this country is dumb enough to elect him again
welcome to 9000D chess
Try to keep up
nobody knows anything about what mueller is doing as he hasnt talked to the media at all but judging from his team he is investigating a lot more than just a cover up
interesting article, thanks
>muh 32 garillion clinton emails
Why hasn't he been charged with perjury or leaking classified memos? Because he flipped. Also look who was hurt by his testimony. Not Trump, Lynch.
The purge gains speed.
Just read the article and it's very good and in-depth but it could be read as a huge scary thing for Trump OR Hillary.
The ONLY reassuring thing is the last person they mentioned and a couple of people who handle big crime families. It really could go both ways but I am praying and hoping Mueller is not corrupt. Either way Mueller has stayed nice and quiet and made sure no leaks have come out besides stuff that is public knowledge. Notice how the MSM is less hesitant to report about anonymous sources with Mueller so thays why I say the theory he could be helping Trump is not off the table. Especially since he did a "job interview" when he had no reason to interview.
>Fires Mueller
>Fires Session
>Pardons himself, his family, and friend
>Says we are moving this Russia nothingburger
>Hires Giuliani to run the FBI
>Hires Gowdy to run the AG
get ready
>leaking classified memos
Get a load of this shill. You should send your resume to the White House
>He hired the dumbest sloppiest people to run his campaign, and that's evident.
Yeah that's why he won. Fucking idiot. You've been brainwashed by the MSM. They're the ones that push the "Trump is a buffoon" narrative.
Comey has ties going back to the Clintons going back decades, I believe. If he does anything that makes him appear as a good guy I suspect it's only to cover his ass.
This is true in all ways.
Add to this, lynch dropped her hearing. She's also flipped on Obama, Clinton, and the DNC.
>why he won
He won (barely) because he was against the most unlikeable candidate in recent memory who hired people almost as sloppy as trump. He lost the popular vote STILL.
Can anyone confirm if Obama is still out of the country?
t. butthurt hillary voter
I think the financial corruption lawyers are oppo research against trump for the 2020 election. Hoping Mueller is our goy thoigh
And yet he won without resorting to ballot stuffing and his campaign cost less. Despair!
what's this?
All of those nice juicy clinton ties are going to become public knowledge
For trump voters, the fact he won is enough. The fact he hasn't done shit for them, and won't because he's too obsessed with his own brand over the success of the country, doesn't matter too much.
Crowd at the speech trump gave to the boy scouts.
It isn't shilling unless you are getting paid. Hope you enjoy the shekels while they last.
Ahhh, okay. So I haven't missed anything. Well, I gotta' be honest - It's a stretch. A real stretch. It's POSSIBLE, of course. I won't shoot the theory down, but I can't fully buy into that with so little information.
Except the leak from a couple days ago that he would investigate trump's finances. Happened like 12 hours after Trump said he can't do that. The guy's a cock sucker
Lollll. Shilling doesn't require payment, as you know
A President Trump visit to the boy scouts jamboree. Check out the video:
Trump doesn't have any offboard shills. His supporters and his internet people don't get marching orders. We're more effective that way, with Barron, Don Jr, and Spicer as our anonymous cell-handlers
Fine. One more. He's been pardoned because he's elbow deep w/ Clinton's, Obama and both "establishment" parties. He ran a lot of back door channels w/ lots of missing money to account for (personal money too) that he'd never avoid serving time for, if ever investigated. He was trapped a long time ago, like so many, against his will. His vengeance has been earned and his pardon is retribution to decades of corruption. Trump was VERY CAREFUL who he selected to pull from the Obama trenches.
Mueller being the one to bring this home is the absolute best retaliatory ass fuck to the establishment. I will also say this, it's intended as a sign and smoke signal for those in the establishment, still unwillingly riding the coat tails of McCain, Pelosi, Graham, Schumer, etc. because they're living in fear. Mueller proves Trump know who the real criminals are. You're going to watch congress unite and rally behind Teump with the establishment's collapse because they will see the swamp can't threaten them or blackmail anymore. I really can't say anything else. Just have faith.
>Trump is not the type of person who hides his emotions well if at all.
It is in his best interest for you to believe this. Have you ever met with a skilled poker player or an actual negotiator?
It was a super alpha move by mueller. Trump has looked like a child for a while now?
Mueller might actually be investigating the DNC/Hillary/Clinton foundation for their vast crimes. The Clinton staffers that he has been putting on his team I suspect are being given immuity to help provide material witness and information about it all.
Read the damn tweet moron. It says if Ryan is concerned that if trump fires session if he's worried about Mueller also getting shitcanned.