Will generation zyklon save us all Sup Forums?

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>another gen-glued-to-phones retards thread
Stop overestimating them you fucking td cucks

Day of the rake soon brothers.

>he actually things gen z is good
You have either never seen a kid or you are an underage faggot overestimating your own potential.
Gen Z are glued to their phones and change their opinions to fit in with friends.

What's your point? Just like the printing press caused the reformation and the downfall of the Catholic church the internet will cause the downfall of the current establishment that relied on TV and newspapers.

Information is everything. Being glued to the internet is 10x more thought provoking and interesting than being glued to TV like Gen X

Better glued to the phone than glued to the kikebox, kikepages, or kikemedia.

I want a stay-at-home wife too. The extra income isn't fucking worth it. Especially when you realize that women having their own income makes them that much more likely to leave you, because you don't fill your role as provider if she can provide for herself.

Stay at home mom also means more kids. We need to have more kids. And she can take care of them herself, rather than needing to pay for babysitters and preschool and aftercare and all this other shit. Hell, I even want my children to be homeschooled so they can avoid the poz and indoctrination.

I mean, she can still work a part time job or something, but do I want a "career woman" as a wife? Absolutely fucking not.

You really think they're looking at right-wing media? They're looking at normie memes and pictures of sluts while taking pictures of themselves every 5 minutes.
Are you braindead? Kike media is easily accessible on phones

>printing press

I meant printed books

>Kike media is easily accessible on phones
Kike media is ignored on the internet my retarded leaf "friend."
None of these kids are looking at shit like WP, Salon, Snopes, FiveThirtyEight, or any of that shit.

they look at the broken families they grew up in and know that it makes for an unhappy life. my mother separated from my dad a long time ago and is now alone with very few friends. i visit her as much as i can to keep her company but i think about her being alone when im not around and it saddens me. this is not how humans should live out their later years. a large family is important if you want to live a joyful, fruitful life.

everybody who grew up with a single parent will realise this

No, they look at Kikebook where jew media is everywhere and Instashit where they promote muh faggot rights muh diversity muh women can do whatever they want

That's not true. The more amount of time you spend on the internet the higher chance is you stumble onto some Sup Forums shit. And then human curiosity does its thing. Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.

That's something you can never encounter on TV where everything is handpicked to not be offensive or thought provoking in general.

And they also look at anti-SJW media and learn just how dysfunctional those people are.
The women are a lost cause no matter what, but the men have potential.
Unfortunately, the women will have to learn the hard way after they're culturally enriched by Tyrone and Achmed.

Why do jews ALWAYS End Up Digging their Own Graves?
Why do they not understand patterns?

Exactly. The Boomers (and then Gen X) were the first to buy into the hedonism meme and destroy their family units just because they wanted to get some new cummies. Millennials are the first generation to be raised largely in these absolutely broken families, and now we have Gen Z seeing the effects too and realizing that this is not what they want.

And thank god for that. One of the biggest things keeping our birth rates down is women in the workplace. All these women who want to work instead of raising children.

You are delusional if you think there is that much pro-traditionalism in social media. Even if they do stumble across it, they will disregard it as racism or whatever.
See above. I am aware that most of them are against sjw, but they just end up swallowing controlled opposition cock instead. There are no real national socialist information on social media and kids will potentially, if not disregard all the information they see, become a zionist cocksucker.

They aren't.
You are seriously overestimating gen z.

>Millennials are the first generation to be raised largely in these absolutely broken families, and now we have Gen Z seeing the effects too and realizing that this is not what they want.
No, that would be Generation X. It's during that generation that the term "latchkey kid" came into being.

Who cares whether or not they're national socialists? I'd take more centrists/right-leaning kids over more leftists/liberal children.
I don't give a fuck if Gen Z doesn't go full on nazi, I only care that the left loses some of the ground it gained with millennials and boomers.

That makes them controlled opposition. National Socialism is the only way to break free from the Jews.

Gen z is going to kill all the liberals.

You sound like one of those shills I've heard so much about.
As a Cancuck, I'm inclined to believe that you're just spouting lip service to make it seem like you're "on our side" while calling everyone else controlled opposition.

>The term latchkey kid became commonplace to describe members of Generation X, who according to a 2004 marketing study, “went through its all-important, formative years as one of the least parented, least nurtured generations in U.S. history.” Latchkey kids were prevalent during this time, a result of increased divorce rates and increased maternal participation in the workforce, at a time before childcare options outside the home were widely available.

>this gen z is no different than late millineals its gen z and late millineals chimping out with antifa.

Just my my own experience here, and I won't claim it to be much more because that's just what I know, but all my Gen Z peers grew up with divorced families and Islamic terrorists attacks. We know that there is something seriously fucking wrong with Millennials and Boomers to have gotten us to this state, and there's just a few Greatest Generation was veterans left to let us know there's something better out there.

>aged 18 to 25
>Gen z
most of these are late millineals faggot.

Gen Z is jewish controlled opposition.
Everyone that sides with the Jews belong to the Jews. If you think the centre-right isn't Jewish controlled opposition, you are blind. pic related

Note that the percentages in the graph are for those who DISAGREE with traditionalism. So three quarters of girls and just over half of boys are still opposed to traditionalism but at least the boys appear to be headed in the right direction. Girls are still for the most part retarded.

You retards can't think critically to save your lives can you?

Gen Z is not conservative.
Gen Z is not going to bring your Natsoc dreams to life.
Gen Z is not the answer to your questions.

Gen Z is not white. Gen Z hold conservative views, insofar as that any minority will likely hold conservative views.
And you know what a Muslim, a Mexican, and a Black who hold conservative views will do? He will vote Democrat. Because gay marriage and other lip service "rights" mean little next to the main reason for their vote, which is to increase their ethnic influence and percentage on the population scale of the country.
You think your average Dem voting black is pro gayboys and a trans rights activist? You think your average Muslim, who holds all the views he did before he immigrated, is going to vote red? No, you didn't think. You heard a pleasant sounding statistic, or saw a nice looking graph, and didn't even attempt to comprehend the factors which might lead to that graph being the way it was. Useless.


And I'd take centre-right kike puppets over far left kike puppets any day, because one of those can conceivably be converted.
Gen Z starts in '95.
Millennials could vote in the '08 or '12 elections, Gen Z could not.


>i'd take kike puppets over kike puppets
the absolute state of america

You retards actually want a stay at home wife?

I'd much rather want a wife working a high paying job like me but who can take time-off for kids.

Enjoying struggling on one income. Your wife doesn't get any pension or whatever either, enjoy working 24/7 and barelly being able to take any time off enjoying vacations with your family.

I thought gen z started 98
Either way it doesn't matter my statement still stands 18 - 25 the majority of these people are still millineals.

People born in 2014? Like 3 year olds? How the Fuck do you read this chart?

Gen Z's start year is all over the place.
Earliest is '93, latest is '05.

In addition the peak in faggotry at 1994 is gen X 1969 - 1976, these faggots didnt stop affecting the survey until 2001. Which also finally enough coincides with the down turn trend.

TL;DR millineal men are more based than faggot gen X, and we can only assume gen z will continue this trend.

Anyone who thinks the 19 year olds now arent millenial fuckfaces is dumb. The Gen X coming to save us arent even 18 yet

*Gen Z

>Anyone who thinks the 19 year olds now arent millenial fuckfaces is dumb.
Nigger, in order for those 19 year olds to be millennials, that ONE generation would have to encompass over 25 fucking years.
Don't be stupid.

A woman working part-time would be perfect

Boomers were 46 to 64 thats almost 20 right there

Also, if you think 19 year old millenials are the same thing as this

You arent paying attention

>Boomers were 46 to 64 thats almost 20 right there
That's 18.
Going by the '95 year, that would make millennials 1976-1995, which is 19 years.
Going from 1976-2000 would be almost 25 years.
This whole thing is idiotic anyways, no one can agree on a starting year, so what's the point?

Best yard stick to split the two is Windows 98, as it was the first operating system to come with a web browser as part of the OS. Because of this you could say 1998 is when the internet became mainstream. Gen Z = mainstream internet.

>Best yard stick to split the two is Windows 98, as it was the first operating system to come with a web browser as part of the OS.
I thought that was 9/11?
Guess it depends on the country.


Theyll get stay at home bots

Fucking kek.
Also that teacher needs to be sacked. She shouldn't be posting that sort of shit about her students on the internet.

Hmm, I was always taught mainstream internet as the divider, must depend on country.

Where have I seen this number before?

The conservative stories about gen z are being written because theyre unusual not because theyre common

The greatest generation will always be the greatest. Should these white ones somehow manage to win a world war they'd come pretty close.

Gen Z is 55% white in a 61% white country. The younger white generation especially those born after 1990 are more conservative than those born before 1990. Gen Alpha 2011 - 2025 will be just over 50% probably 51% or more if the non white birth rate continues to fall. And younger non whites are also less likely than before to identify as "a democrat."

Anyone who thinks today's kids are conservative are delusional.

They're going to be voting any liberal who will give them Universal Basic Income since they can't find jobs or refuse to work for any number of reasons like low wages or working conditions.

They are also all very soft, weak and faggotty they have grown up in the worst possible climate where victimhood is the sign of success and popularity the more victim points you have the more popular you are. This is GenXs doing most of them are gen X offspring and theyre mainly taught by gen X teachers through their early years.


Just a reminder that in Germany's its literally illegal to home school ones own child. Thanks for contributing to the worst country on Earth, I'm sure you're not completely bad but poor healthcare and shitty food is karma catching up to your country and its "people".