Final destination lads
Final destination lads
Profit denial
Men jerk off way more, meaning at any given time, our sperm counts are way lower than men of the past who would, at most, jerk off a couple times a week.
Gee I wonder if this is in any way related to the plummeting testosterone levels the last 40 years
This just screams propoganda
arent latinos / hispanics """westerm"""?
we still are having loads of babies
Less physical labour, soy based food (they feed the bulls etc soy) and hormones all over the plays.
It will mess you up. Also an explosion of single moms and a feminine society that also screws with the hormone balance.
Objectively wrong.
No, in this case "Western" is code for whites
You archived that article in 23 seconds.
Y-you're good.
No they are right
>Estrogen from food
>Estrogen from water
>Estrogen from beer
>Alcohol, Tobacco, weed fast-food and drugs ruin sperm-count
I'm just amazed people still manage to have 1 kid per couple.
I stopped taking snus (nicotine) because I dont want to risk shooting blanks.
Keep your sperm levels High Sup Forums dont end up being the "my wifes son" man
>weed lowers sperm count
Tell that to Snoop's kids, his illegitimate ones too
How do you do it, Norge? How do you archive so quickly? What are your secrets?
Did capitalism destroy us?
remember everytime you archive a link
>pic related
butt gets filled with more of YOUR cum
so please, archive all links. don't deprive of this fine specimen butt the cum she deserves.
>weak testosterone-deficient betas have less/no kids
>strong, testosterone-rich men with good moral standards and healthy masculine traits get more action
>women progressively grow tired of fucking dindus and shitskins, meaning the aformentioned alphas get even more secks
its natural selection folks. we'll come out of this stronger.
no one smokes tobacco more than 3rd worlders tho
its probably more related to your fast food and milk-drinking turning you into women
>Keep your sperm levels High Sup Forums dont end up being the "my wifes son" man
>Estrogen from food
>Estrogen from water
>Estrogen from beer
That's why I have a close friend jizz into my water so I can counteract the effects of all the estrogen.
Does capitalism inhibit population growth?
Alex Jones was banging on about this years ago. It's obviously a combination of everything, not just the endocrine disruptors but if you're fat, sat down all day and eating shit food - 1000% of the sugar with health crippling nutritional deficiencies
>Estrogen from water and plastics
>Other hormones from excessive milk consumption
Did I miss anything?
Black men are sex gods. No wonder white boys are going extinct
Skinny jeans and cell phones as well, probably.
>Obesity, briefs, poor diets, more and more betas drinking soy milk and going vegan.
This is why you workout everyday guys.
Here's some more educational material, whitebois:
It's over.
What should our last hurrah be?
no. feminism did
Scientist here, this is false. In reality our sperm is turning into missiles that violate the NAP.
You cannot refute this, since I am a scientist and I confirmed it.
No. Societal advancement leading to feminism does.
OP sucked so many dicks, men cant keep up with him!
This is a result of wealthy countries with adequate sex education. They are aware of the risks associated with unsafe sex, meaning teenagers and young adults will be much more likely to use condoms and birth control.
This is a good thing. Instinct is the groundwork and foundation for the mind, and instinct is what binds us. Take Africa as an example of this. Africa is not a good place to live. It is strife with poverty, has high birth rates, and exceedingly poor education. Warlords constrict society in Africa, stealing aid sent from other countries, raising easily controllable and impressionable child soldiers, and devolving civilization as a whole.
Instinct controls the mind of these people. It compels them to strike out with rebellion that extinguishes any that would seek to establish progress.
"The west" has already begun down the path of true freedom. Their society has seen the shackles that keep them affixed to stagnancy and decay of society, and have started slowly sawing at it. Individual freedom is king. The rights of the common man and worker are the basis for law.
Natural births as a whole must be near-extinguished if we can ever hope to progress above ignorance. I suggest not something as absurd as the forced castration of all males, but something much simpler: painless sterilization and eugenics.
The west has simply started as among the first of those on the road to the zenith of civilization. Now the rest of the world must follow. We must focus on uplifting these poverty stricken countries so that they may advance with us to the stars and beyond. A man with a broken and infected leg cannot sprint - only slowly shamble, with dying tissue weighing him down. Either the tissue must be mended, or it must be excised. The years ahead will tell, but likely not in our lifetimes. We must lay the groundwork for progress and abolition of poverty and ignorance.
Tobacco raises testosterone
Mother nature knows. There's too many damn people
>We must focus on uplifting these poverty stricken countries
Stopped reading right.
Yep. What a sick society we live jn. The physical bodies of society reflect its spiritual decline. Modern Rome, lead in the water and all.
Is there any doubt that liberalism is anathema to life itself?
Why would she do this to whites then? You population control people are retarded, it's the Africans and Indians you should be worried about.
Is there a way to get your sperm count up? Does working out and getting high T get your spunk flowing? What affect does porn have, and fluoride?
Thankfully there are plenty of middle eastern and sub-saharan young men willing to come to the west to help us with this problem.
>“The fact that the decline is seen in Western countries strongly suggests that chemicals in commerce are playing a causal role in this trend.”
We have to stop these damn chemtrails
Objectively fake news.
This is how it is done..
work out, get some sun and stop wearing underwear, also these foods
>eggs, almonds, spinach, bananas
Maybe Westerners are the most adaptive to nature's cues. That's why we live in places with food and water unlike retard Africans
My balls are almost always full. Work out, eat right, it's not so hard.
>also these foods
>>eggs, almonds, spinach, bananas
What about them? Should I eat them or avoid them? Any proof this helps?
I came here to post this
this is a lie desu a young man who wants to preserve his looks should actually take some T-blockers as well as a reasonable amount of estrogen, you'll still look like you're 25 when you're 35
Nature needs to find some better cues then, or she's going to get fucked up the asshole.
Wanking off and having sex lots increases your sperm count
Who gives a fuck if you look ten years younger when you've got tits and noodle limbs?
vaccines , well the aluminum in them.
Look at this cuck shilling his one-sided view. In reality, I know dozens of people who have kids who have been affected
t. SB277 californian protestor
Don't give me the nonsense that vaccines are "science" - yes of course they are, it's all the other adjuvants they put in the vials that are giving us mild retardation.
Probably what makes is JO more.
This, i've taken t-blockers for the past few years and I will be lolling when all of you über-masculine dudebros go bald while I am looking young, sexy, and handsome
Not entirely capitalism, but unregulated genetic modification of crops and other consumables did.
I'm going to fuck you in the anus.
Cuck 2.
>chemically castrating yourself just for a few more years of hair
I know the impotence thing is a meme, but deliberately reducing your test levels fucks with you in a lot more ways than is obvious at first.
There is less social, and cultural pressure in the west to have large families. Problem is a lot of migrants still have that cultural pressure until their 3rd or 4th generation.
A gradually declining population isn't entirely a bad thing, less strain on global resources. Though it could mean less pressure to expand the human sphere of influence.
Clearly they're not counting western socks
This is a myth, and is in part why there is a decline. There is a full scale info and chemical war on our populace. If you were all so fertile why don't you ever grow past 14% in America? They, the powers that be, don't want you anymore than they want us. When they are done using you they will throw you out. We may be declining, but you have not inclined either. Mexicans have inclined, but not blacks. Quit believing your own hype (even though it is not your own). They want to destroy ALL cultures, and make "unified" slaves. That is all.
If you don't want to be a slave, which you have never been personally, you better start learning to work together and note hate. Remember, it is racist to hate whites, gender discrimination to hate men, and materialism and lust will never get you out of the ghetto. only poor people spend money big casually, and if they do it while rich they won't be rich long.
Sacrifice, discipline, and focus. Everything you want has a cost, and the main problem with modern man is the consumerist society. They want it all without any of the work, and don't realize that it is a paper house. No amount of hustling will get you ahead if you spend it all to look cool or please yourself. No amount of sex will make you a man if you cannot provide for your family, and be a father. Don't take the easy way out, and be proud of yourself for real.
I've just accepted my balding head, not like I'm a permavirgin or ugly anyway. Live with my gf right now who is 7 years younger than me. Reading the endless amount of anxiety and drama from the mouths of "men" on the internet about what regimen of DHT blockers and rogaine they should put on their head makes me know I made the right decision.
I suggest you read the rest of that post for more context on what I am trying to convey.
If you'd rather not, then let me explain further in this post instead:
To leave these countries as they are is impossible. It spells death and degeneration of civilization. This sounds like fear-mongering, but it's legitimate. Some feel a moral obligation to help the weak, others have more 'selfish' reasons. Whatever the case, there is a point where we cannot advance alone.
To prefer to stay confined within a comfortable bubble, be it your continent, country, state, or town is a death sentence for progress. Globalism is not the sole key, but one of many on our path. It does not matter how you feel towards a certain race or religion or worldview, it is undeniable that at some point we must face either a world government and merging of all peoples, or extinction. There is no alternative.
Culture is important to the individual. It is their language, their way of life, the way they carry themselves and their art and even just their clothing - but it is also their identity. Culture creates a barrier between men. It keeps separate tribes warring over land and it keeps isolationist countries competing economically. It is the same decayed war drum tune played for thousands of years.
Separate culture must be abolished. A singular world culture. A singular language. A way of life for us all to share.
I hope that we will live to see mankind free itself from the compulsions that instinct uses to keep us feral and weak. I doubt this will be the case but only through effort, hardship, and benevolence can we advance.
>Unregulated GMO
>When large businesses are given government backed patents
They're regulated in favor of the big corps, don't mistake it for no regulation like they want you to.
They have selenium. Increased/boosts/stabilizes fertility.
Read the same in a german article today. Over 50% less sperm than 40 years ago on average.
Asian and african men not affected.
>Sperm levels among Western men have plunged to a record low, new research reveals.
>It has fallen by more than 50% in 40 years – and is showing no signs of slowing down.
>The study did not examine causes but scientists believe the amount of chemicals used in everyday products, industry and farming may be behind the crisis.
>Dr Levine said: “This is an urgent wake-up call for researchers and health authorities around the world to investigate the causes of the sharp drop in sperm count, with the goal of prevention.”
>Dr Swan added: “Decreasing sperm count has been of great concern since it was first reported 25 years ago. This shows the decline is strong and continuing.”
>The study, published in the Human Reproduction Update, found no significant decline in sperm count was seen in South America, Asia and Africa.
Nothing to see here goy. Keep drinking your sports drink out of that plastic bottle and inhaling the recycled air with plastic particles.
>work out, get some sun and stop wearing underwear, also these foods
>eggs, almonds, spinach, bananas
>stop wearing underwear
One of these things is not like the other.
Mankind has been wearing underwear since the dawn of time, not an argument. Unless you're wearing something 4 sizes too small.
Thanks user, just had a banana yesterday, and have a whole bushel left
Does reverse osmosmis filter out female pill piss and agriculture runoff hormones?
That's it, that's the final straw.
I'm gonna take anything that boosts my testosterone. Even though I feel confident in the amount I have because I work out and don't look like a sissy the mere fact that I and everyone else is a sissy compared to our ancestors two generations ago is a fucking crime.
What is the best way to boost testosterone Sup Forums? Preferably through legal means at first.
how to solve the problem:
>get enough vitamin b12
>get enough zinc and vitamin C
>sleep naked to allow your testicles to be cool for a long period every day
>don't wear tight pants
>exercise regularly
seriously if you think about how many numales wear skinny jeans and how many obese people with bad diets there are in the west it makes sense. just take care of yourself and you'll be ok.
Niggers show a far, far greater decline in sperm count of the same period: literally as much as 72%. That's because niggers are inferiors. Source shown in image.
The simple truth, gang, is the this isn't caused by chemicals. It's caused by being a fat ass. We have known for a long time now that fat men simply have lower sperm counts, on average. THAT is the actual cause of this. Stay in shape and your swimmers will be fine. Niggers are far more prone to being fat pigs, so their sperm are dying off at astonishing rates.
>> tobacco
I heard that nicotine actually increases test. This was certainly not a problem before.
Really depends on the membrane qualities, but yes, it most definitely can
OK, so how fucked are we?
The west is filled with obese men who don't work out and eat garbage junk food.
Most people in Asia and Africa are not obese.
Asians have the same technology, food, and water that we do, but they are not obese.
That's all good and well when you're in your 20's, but you have to understand how male attractiveness works.
The boyish look can only ever work for you if you are indeed young, because people who are attracted to boyish looks have actually conditioned themselves to be that way because they want clueless and fun risk takers.
People who are attracted to older men are looking for life experience and emotional development. So you better be rocking a daddy look by then or it's betadom for you.
Chugging soy, bpa in plastic bottles/forks/packaging, and 90% bpa exposure from receipt paper (no I don't want a receipt!)
- smoking raises testosterone, people stopped and got fat
- being fat lowers testosterone and sperm count
It's a bot
You don't understand anything. The time to establish birth control, education and social changes to slow down reproduction in Africa was 20 years ago. It's too late now, it's already happened.
The AVERAGE age across most of Africa now is about 16. The average age in the EU for comparison is 42. According to the UN population projections (
This growth can't be stopped at this point by education, birth control or societal changes because the number of young people in Africa is now so immense that half of the population is under 16 and all of them are going to grow up and want to have families. (
>The strong growth of the African population will happen regardless of the rate of decrease of fertility, because of the exceptional proportion of young people already living today.
In comparison over the same time period that Africa is going to grow by 1.3 billion, Europe will shrink by 100 million because white people are not having children and every European nation is below replacement rates.
The things you are talking about are either already too late (education/birth control in these areas) or impossible (changing Islamic culture/abolishing separate culture) even if the will was there, and it is not. People don't even have the will to tell Muslims in Europe to stop blocking the street to pray and you are dreaming of a fantasy world where we tell them to stop having as many kids as possible.
Regardless, it's too late. The bomb already exploded.
we need to meme them to become public knowledge
2100? well shit nigga. thats a really sure prediction.
These numbers are all assuming that the political and environmental situations remain stable or improve dramatically in the African continent. I doubt that very much. Most of these projections will end up as being of the deathcount at some inflection point.
The simplest, most effective and best way is to lift heavy things.
Particularly in exercises where you are either underneath the weight or are moving your whole body; deadlifts, squats, bench, overhead press. Learn how to use correct form before you start doing this, there are thousands of youtubes to help.
Just do a 5x5 program. It's the best for both beginners and experienced people. Work out heavy Mon/Wed/Fri and that's all you need.
You'll feel it when she leaves you - and she will leave you. Know that.
by the year 30,000 reptilians will have replaced everyone with office furniture. so whats the point. bow to your office furniture overlords.
I just want there to be another world war before it ends.
As the poet Felix Dahn(1834-1912) put it:
"Und wenn's beschlossen ist da droben, daß unser Reich versink' in Nacht, –
Noch einmal soll die Welt erproben des deutschen Schwertes alte Macht:
Soll nicht mehr deutsches Wort erschallen, nicht deutsche Sitte mehr bestehn,
So laßt uns stolz und herrlich fallen, nicht tatenlos in Schmach vergehn.
Nein, eh' ihr herrscht in diesen Landen, draus oft euch wilde Flucht entrollt,
Sei noch einmal ein Kampf bestanden, des ewig ihr gedenken sollt:
Und wimmeln zahllos eure Horden, erfüllt von tausendjährgem Neid: –
Erst gilt es noch ein furchtbar Morden, eh' ihr die Herrn der Erde seid.
Von Blute schäumend ziehn mit Stöhnen empört die Donau und der Rhein:
Es wollen brausend ihren Söhnen die deutschen Ströme Helfer sein;
Auf! Schleudert Feuer in die Felder, von jedem Berg werft Glut ins Land,
Entflammt die alten Eichenwälder zum ungeheuren Leichenbrand.
Dann siegt der Feind: – doch mit Entsetzen, und triumphieren soll er nicht!
Kämpft bis die letzte Fahn' in Fetzen, kämpft bis die letzte Klinge bricht,
Kämpft bis der letzte Streich geschlagen ins letzte deutsche Herzblut rot,
Und lachend, wie der grimme Hagen, springt in die Schwerter und den Tod.
Wir stiegen auf in Kampfgewittern, der Heldentod ist unser Recht:
Die Erde soll im Kern erzittern, wann fällt ihr tapferstes Geschlecht:
Brach Etzels Haus in Glut zusammen, als er die Nibelungen zwang,
So soll Europa stehn in Flammen bei der Germanen Untergang!"
Milk increases sperm count. A gallon a day will give you titanium bones to stay.
Yes. All the UN numbers are based on there always being enough food for Africa and no disasters, shortages, global crises, massive global disease outbreak, etc.
They just show you how things will go there if everything goes perfectly. I don't think anyone actually thinks that's what will happen. Even without pressure from climate change Africa's staggering population growth thats going to happen over the next 30 years would arguably be unsustainable. With climate change putting pressure on global food production all it will take is one global bad year from weather or drought and there will be a massive food shortage and since most of Africa does not stockpile anything for emergencies that means a couple of billion people won't have any food.
What happens after that is pretty obvious; they will go north and try and get into Europe where there is food.
This is eugenics or dysgenics if you will. Nazis love it except when it's being done to them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>C I T A T I O N N E E D E D
Well in this case I mean nuts though. It's also good for you skin and mood, it's like an elixir man.