Why don't you own a gun yet Sup Forums?
Do you plan on fighting leftists with your bare hands?
I just bought this the other day, thank you based Austria
Why don't you own a gun yet Sup Forums?
Do you plan on fighting leftists with your bare hands?
I just bought this the other day, thank you based Austria
I don't want to accidentally kill someone or myself.
I'd say take it to /k/, but I don't want your kind there.
I own a lot of 'em
>Do you plan on fighting leftists with your bare hands?
I dont plan on fighting anyone or inflicting any harm to another human being no matter how justifiable the reason may be
that shit looks like airsoft boy
it just shows that you are barbaric as the person who you are assaulting
you forgot the dragon dildo that goes along with the gun.
>Why don't you own a gun yet Sup Forums?
>Do you plan on fighting leftists with your bare hands?
why not
>not knowing about the pistol-ak's
Cucks. Nothing wrong with owning a nine millimeter heater
It's not. Neither is this
I plan on fighting altrighters (traitors) with homemade napalm.
Congratulaions, OP. You bought the Honda Civic of handguns.
Top pleb.
The pen is mightier.
Good choice. My friend has one of those.
You should get a proper gun
My country doesn't allow you to defend yourself.
So you'll just rather end in a mass grave genocided?
>glock 29
Nice man. I love mine.
>Cucks. Nothing wrong with owning a nine millimeter heater
Yes there is nothing wrong with owning a weapon for self defense, but using it on other people with horrible reasoning is barbaric
My brother has enough guns for the whole family if the race war starts tomorrow.
I have to do a lot of training and courses to eventually get a license and eventually be allowed to hold a gun locked up at home.
Can burgers redpill me on .22 vs 9 mm vs .45 calibers?
What should I aim to own in the long run in case of self defence in civil unrest situations? ( it takes +2 years before they let you buy a gun and bring it home )
Maybe in the fictional world which you are assuming I am living in
That's not true.
Are you retarded user? Because those things only happen if you're retarded. Responsible gun ownership isn't that hard.
couldn't you just use boomerangs? or raise an army of killer kangaroos?
>He doesn't open carry a draco with a 90 round drum
It's like you want to be tread on.
That's such a horrible gun. Why would you buy that piece of shit?
>Itt: people that would resort to violence to get their point across
Tell me again, how are you better than niggers? I'm all for home protection and the right to carry a gun, but if you're going to shoot your political opponents, you're probably not 100% white (or maybe a little Slav).
Didn't you fags get your asses handed to you by Serbs in the 90s?
try fitting that under your burqa, burger
This fucking thread again?
sage goes in the options field
Nigger detected
>He doesn't know about the Emus
now we are resorting to insults towards the country I live in.
>buying a new glock
I know you're on Sup Forums but just how fucking retarded are you?
emu's look scary as fuck.
>5.56 AK
>Please cuck me governtment-sama, I don't even want freedom
Works really well, actually. Just have to feed it the correct ammunition (115gr 9mm FMJ). Also I got it for $250 and they sell for about $400ish nowadays.
I would think if it's such a pain in the ass to get a handgun you'd want it in the nato standard pistol cartridge. aka 0.9x1.9cm
How do you own guns in Cucknada? Really want a classic s&w 357.
Is that some midget ass?
>being poor
ya'know those raptor things from jurassic park?
same shit
Whatever. Get removed you fucking kebab.
No longer manufactured. Paid $400 for it people on GB wanting 600-700 for 'em right now, which is stupid, but they're no longer made. When I got it, the 7.62 one was like $150 higher so yea, fuck that
Insults and not arguments.
Check the canada general over on /k/. I forget the acronym they use for it.
Everything you need to know is in the top post.
Is it possible to concealed carry or even carry it on you at all?
Nigger, glocks last longer than your grandson will after he's raped by a pack of feral dindus. Just throw your money away though whatever
eh she is pretty short
who would win? a kangaroo or an emu?
No because my country is cucked. I will have to buy a crossbow or bow while it's still legal and get a blank gun for shooting CS gas at armed niggers.
Thanks Merkel..
I love short stacks fuckkkk
>All this data to mine
>who would win? a kangaroo or an emu?
Are there really no pro-fun parties to vote for in Germany?
Roo unless the emu guts him with his talon first. Emu's travel in packs though so advantage emu. A pack of roo's though.... call in air support nigga
>tfw when own 50's era Savage Model 1899M
Savage made good rifles back then but it's .308 so it's sort of "uncommon".
I honestly have no clue why anyone would ever want to live in Germany. Even a 56% white country completely blows Germany out of the water in every way.
i own a lot of guns
flag checks out
I don't think it's as bad as a lot of people think it is to get a gun in Germany. You proabbly know better than I do, but I know there are a bunch of Germans on /k/ that have pretty nice collections.
I mean i'm sure it's a pain in the ass with all the paperwork, and probably somewhat expensive, but i'm pretty sure you can buy semi-auto pistols and rifles as a civilian so long as you're not a psycho or criminal.
If you own more than a handgun, AR, and shotgun you're just a man child with an expensive hobby. I hope you shoot yourself.
>If you own more than an acoustic, a strat, and a les paul you're just a man child with an expensive hobby. I hope you blow out your own ear drums.
This is what you sound like.
do those Pearce grips work with the Gen 4?
are they a must have for the sub compacts?
You sound strongly un-American.
do you think americans donate their shitty firearms to african charities and shit
and that's why africa is a shithole warzone
Then why are all of their guns slavshit?
>implying I wouldn't excercise my rights
Oh but I do.
If you own more than a vibrator, butt-plug, and 15" rubber pecker you're just a man child with an expensive hobby.
I hope you can't control your poop with your stretched out anus.
Too lazy to keep AR clean and oiled up.
I think they do work with Gen4.
I like mine a lot. Shooting without one is not so bad if you're running range 10mm ammo or .40sw for practice. But with high power stuff, it's nice to have the extra grip.
Something that's nice for the woods, or even CCW if you don't mind the extra length, is a Glock 20 magazine with adapter. Pic related.
Lol no but we have many pro cuck parties here.
Most people are too retarded to see what's happening or don't want to.
In the end their precious refugees will dig them their grave, or make them.
For the few others, hope. We still believe in a future for our children.
If you want a legal weapon it's very difficult. It costs a shit ton of money for weapom & ammo safes, beaurocracy studd and ofc weapons. They also tightened the laws recently.
You gout ofc try tp get illegal fire arms
Even Africans have better guns then Americans because they don't have
(((weapons restrictions)))
russians hacked it obviously
holy fuck...18 round 10mm is fuckin' overkill
>Law Enforcement
>In Africa
literally impossible, they would
do it if they could
Get a rifle for the civil war.
Good for open carry innawoods, or at mcdonald's.
.22 is good for practice/range shooting, the rounds are typically much cheaper. It'll still fuck somebody's day up.
9mm is a good all around caliber. It shoots fast and heavy enough to put somebody down. In the US military's reasoning, mags have greater capacity of rounds then .45 caliber, so you can put more bullets into some shitskin.
.45's are typically way more expensive, and you can't practice nearly enough without breaking your budget. A lot of soldiers/SOF prefer a heavier round as their side arm/backup weapon when SHTF and their primary rifle goes down. Logic is that a lot of hajiis are hopped up on adrenaline plus heroin etc, and won't immediately register they've been shot. .45 in their minds leaves such a devasting wound that it guarantees putting their dicks in the dirt.
That's the basics, there's a lot of arguments and discussion on the merits of each particular rounds' benefits/drawbacks.
I have a few. This is my current carry lineup.
10 mm, nice
I just live in a white ghetto. Leftists are too afraid to come here.
Because I live in NJ and they'd rather have armed criminals than citizens protecting themselves.
>Why don't you own a gun yet Sup Forums?
I would shoot myself with it.
Why do you have two grenades?
Because in civilized countries, guns create more problems than they solve.