>could of been the first female president
>could of pushed feminism into the mainstream
>could of btfo every racist redneck ever
>could of changed the world
>could of been a role model for young girls
What happened?
>could of been the first female president
>could of pushed feminism into the mainstream
>could of btfo every racist redneck ever
>could of changed the world
>could of been a role model for young girls
What happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What happened?
Russia saved the day, again.
>What happened?
She was a completely unlikable candidate who ran a horrible campaign.
fuck that, that's what.
>could of
Fuck off Achmed
>be a career politician
>lose a rigged election against a celebrity steak salesman
>media still paints your opponent as the incompetent one
Real talk, the mass shilling by "them" worked against Hillary in the end.
Every debate? Media said she won it, even the Democrat Primary debates.
Every poll? Media said she's winning by a landslide.
Every newspaper? Oh you better believe they banked on Hillary winning.
Trump got the dark horse underdog treatment. It happens in every culture throughout history. The Deep State and California/New York media is now trying to subvert Trump using everything they got. Incredible sore losers after mass spending last election to shill the hardest. Hillary spent ONE BILLION fucking US dollars right? That's insane.
Those stupid pantsuits made her ass look fat.
It just wasn't the road ham clintons time
Too dirty for the office.
She's one of the only exceptions I won't allow.
She coughed up that loogie into a glass of water on national television.
>could of
Ran a campaign that had no substance, Trump had plans, actions in every speech. Hilary kinda just showed up and talked about how inspireing she is being a candidate such as her self.
woulda shoulda coulda
she brought tha shit upon herself.
This. She's a corrupt old hag who chases power for the sake of power
She just tried to fight us but she has as we all know lost
>What happened?
she and bill grossly and arrogantly underestimated how despised she (they) was
I feel like she lost when she didn't tell that bitch at the Nevada Caucus to step the fuck down and give Bernie his victory. A win isn't a win if it bites you in the ass later on.
she got cuntfused and called everyone racist
Remember ZOG always wins
she probably would have got cuntfused and nuked russia anyway
>What happened?
What happened is she inadvertently saved our nation when she screwed over Bernie. This nation is gibs vs. earners now. She didn't promise enough gibs. Her fear mongering and race baiting was not enough to defeat a nationalist.
Both Clintons have been shameless, utterly corrupt literal felons since Arkansas. It's a stain on any honest Democrats that they lasted as long as they did.
this. i knew republicans who voted in the democrat primary back in 08' in texas for obama because they hated hillary that much. the clintons bought their own bullshit and that was that. end of story.
Poor bait.
Fuck off, kike.
She underestimated just how much resentment the general public holds for her as pointed out and evidenced by .
She could not relate to anybody, at all, let alone poor and working class Americans. She had no unified platform or message that people could rally behind so all she did on the campaign trail was make a case about why you shouldn't vote Trump which only drove his popularity ever higher.
Oh shit, lol!!! I DID THAT, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Based Russia
Nigga why are you replying to yourself? Did you forget to change the proxy or are you that new?
Hillary would've been more preferable for the ZOG faggot.
I wasn't trying to make it seem like 2 different people
Total idiots like you happened.
Hillary was the physical embodiment of the status quo, and chose the year when the American people were screaming for change to run. She had no real platform other than "It's my turn, Trump is deplorable, have I mentioned that I'm a woman?"
Honestly, if they really wanted a woman to win, they should have ran Elizabeth Warren. At least then the disillusioned bernouts wouldn't have stayed home.
>could of
Fucking nigger, learn English you utter embarrassment.
>could of
hahahah! "what happened?!" HAHAHHAHAHAHA
"what happened?" Grow up...
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Hillary is polling as the only person in the country with lower approval ratings than Trump.
And the Democrats think they just need a new campaign slogan.
learn english and sage.
She didn't throw it away. It fell out of her hand when she collapsed.
Putin would be gone and a democratic leader in.
China working with us to disarm the Norks.
Brexit tabled and Labour with a slim majority rule.
America not a pariah state with a retarded, universally hated orange slug at the helm.
Free healthcare.
Race relations fixed.
Boring Republican obstructionists like Ryan and Rubio as head of their party.
A slow, but steady progression toward a decent fucking country and a permanent Democrat majority thanks to blind demographics.
But no.
We had to throw all that away.
We couldn't let a highly intelligent, ridiculously qualified woman actually fucking WIN and fix our shit because white men had to chimp out over the idea of having a vagina in the White House.
Pathetic, really.
I actually think Bill did know how despised she was.
There was a story circulating around the news during the campaign that while he was in his private apartment Atop The Clinton Library in downtown Little Rock he threw his phone off of the roof Terrace and an aid had to go downstairs to the lawn area and retrieve it
What caused bills rage was apparently he was trying to tell Hillary how to connect with audiences at rallies and that she needed to visit some of the states that she had been ignoring because the people there were feeling marginalized and left out and she flatly told him the the internal data that the campaign had didn't support that view.
pic + the dab
Openly a Wall Street shill, nobody trusted her, decades of scandals and skirting the laws with zero consequence, represented the status quo when people were fed up with the status quo, pissed off Bernie supporters with her positions and how the DNC handled the primary, didn't pick a minority VP, and worst of all she had no charisma. A lot of the same reasons Obama beat her except her image was worse by 2016.
No personality & would've never been anywhere near elected office if not for the ring on her finger.
Even libfag Bill Maher said she "couldn’t fill the function room at the Olive Garden" so the DNC made sure no potentially more likable Democrat ran in the primary so HRC wouldn't face a usurper like she did with Obama in '08.
Think about it: the party that bills itself as the party of inclusion had HRC and four dopey, pasty white men in its primary. Nothing weird about that. They were there to fail and were the Washington Generals of the Dem primary. They didn't even let another white woman run for fear she'd overtake HRC in popularity. Bernie was an unanticipated fluke and became the hipster favorite as he became the kewl old uncle and was essentially the PBR & bacon of politics. But once he got too big for his britches, HRC ordered the DNC to humble him, he got the message, took the payoff and went to his new vacation home. She ordered the DNC to give her the nomination but was too lazy, arrogant and in frail health to campaign aggressively and felt safe doing so because she & all the other Dems had screeched ad nauseam since 2012 that the GOP will never win another national election due to demographics. She botched the general election by trudging out of hiding every two weeks to do the late night shows & suck billionaire cock in LA & NY and thought that would win the election. Barfing up a lung every time she was seen in public and blacking out the 9/11 memorial certainly didn't help matters. The few people who attended her rallies had to wait an extra 45 minutes to an hour and a half as she showed up late to sneer at them. Wonder why the blue collar voters were uninspired by her? /sarc
The Russia™ bullshit was shit out to protect her from being remembered as a miserable failure who botched a layup election against her dream candidate. By January, it morphed into a cover for the disgustingly corrupt Obama administration and it's unmasking.
Interesting blog post.
She had the near-unanimous support of Wall Street and the political establishment and still lost to a non-politician reality TV host.
>mun three million
It should have been thirty million. Hillary is an absolute failure. She will not be remembered as the first female president, but as the neoliberal shill who lost to Trump and represented the last dying gasp of the establishment.
>Race relations fixed.
Wasn't Obama supposed to take care of that?
>muh sexism
Had Warren run, Bernouts would have said "Bernie who?" and Hillary wouldn't have beaten fucking Lincoln Chaffee.
based Bill
your pathetic and dumb
omfg we had this exact same thread yesterday, word for word, it's literally just a slide thread.
Mods please do your job.
>could of pushed feminism into the mainstream
the 90s did that\
>could of btfo every racist redneck ever
she supported goldwater who was anti civil rights movement. she admitted it on camera. i posted the vid multiple times during the election
>could of changed the world
as secretary of state she was told by both pakistan and india to fuck off when she told them to kiss and make up
>could of been a role model for young girls
she is to old and doesnt shake her ass enough
And the same thread a few days before that now that you mention it.
das eet main
love trumps hate
that slogan happened.
Literally saying "love trump" in your slogan.
unstumpable happened
Who cares about a female president, get over race, sex, and any other stupid categories we put ourselves in. The only thing we should be worrying about are well equiped leaders. Period.
I always heard it in my mind as Love Trump's Hate.
Okay, don't mind if I do.
You are retarded.
If Hitler came out and talked up about how he was going to push Jews into the mainstream and btfo all those antisemites, would you believe him? No? There you go. Democrats this time around were all just useful idiots. Clinton is in it for Clinton. Not the holy church of white girl feminism or anyone else.
WTF she never had anything user youre delusional
>What happened?
she got out matched by Trump, put too much faith and confidence on the power of legacy media
didn't match her main opponent for bravado, when Trump opened the door to conspiracy theorists she had to do the same
this was fucking terrible because it can be taken in some many ways. It could have been a slogan for trump's team if they were desperate
this was all I saw
from the based Dilbertman-
We’ll start with Clinton’s new campaign slogan:
Based on the slogan, I can tell you with confidence that the Clinton campaign doesn’t have anyone with a persuasion background helping with the big decisions. Here’s why:
1. Humans put greater cognitive weight on the first part of a sentence than the last part. This is a well-understood phenomenon. And the first part literally pairs LOVE and TRUMP.
2. The slogan increases exposure to the name Trump. That’s never a good idea.
3. Spoken aloud, the slogan sounds like asking people to agree with Trump’s hate, as in “Love Trump’s hate (because Trump hates war, terrorism, and bad trade deals, same as you?).
This is the sort of mistake you never see out of the Trump campaign. The slogan is pure amateur hour. It accomplishes the opposite of its intent, and you can’t fail harder than that.
Trolls happened, and they happened well.
She couldn't be anything but what she is: A demon sent here to destroy us, and WE FUCKING WON. Fuck this devil bitch.
What happened? The good guys won. Now go FYS and KYS OP.
Kek found a way
>Have media and businesses, celebrities and anything popular celebrate and promote you
>Spend 1.5 billion on campaign
>Lose to a billionaire playboy with 3 baby mamas, an autistic child and who eats their steak with ketchup
Also, completely aside topic; the total levels of obsession and just total investment of memes, anime, and pop culture that was basically created for free for Trump is mind boggling, all of the Battleship Hentai girls with the MAGA hats, the pepe's, the God Emperor oil paintings were all made grassroots style and the Shillary campaign couldn't even begin to understand what the messages were or how to even respond to the underground pop culture references that Trump benefited from.
The Trump posing as John Cena, Trump atop the M1 Abrams, Trump throwing people over walls, Trump pepe's, it's all bordering on totally insane if you analyze it.
Kek wills then kills...always.
ahh maybe this?
She, and leftists in general, as well as germans, are autistic as fuck
Thats why they cant comprehend that shitskins arent human, they simply cant make sense of human interactions
Thats also why they lack self awareness, and that is ultimately why they lost
>could of
hang yourself, mahmoud
She's a Satantic, cannibalistic crypto-Jew that would have progressed the NWO main agenda to make all us unconscious robots.
>could of
Only thing sparing you is your flag. Otherwise, immediate gassing.
She oriented her campaign to appeal to leftists in major cities and California, places she would have won any way, she also wasted time and effort trying to flip the sunbelt to run up the score and neglected her own back yard in the rust belt.
>Putin would be gone and a democratic leader in.
Yes, because that's how Russian elections work
>China working with us to disarm the Norks
She made no mention of this being part of her platform, and in all her time as secretary of State did nothing to bring this about, but sure, that was TOTALLY going to be something she did
>Brexit tabled and Labour with a slim majority rule
While Trump's win could be implied to have bolstered nationalistic tendencies in foreign voter blocks, but those trends were already in place long before he arrived on the scene, and would have continued in either case
>America not a pariah state with a retarded, universally hated orange slug at the helm.
Not having the approval of refugee-loving Eurocucks is bad how?
>Free healthcare
Anyone who thinks this would have happened is beyond retard-tier and has no understanding of economics
>Race relations fixed
Yeah, because they improved SO MUCH under the last Democrat
>Boring Republican obstructionists like Ryan and Rubio as head of their party
Thank God Trump won then!
>A slow, but steady progression toward a decent fucking country and a permanent Democrat majority thanks to blind demographics
You idiots have already lost Gen Z with your race-baiting, shilling, and browbeating, what makes you think we're headed for anything other than a red nation?
>But no.
>We had to throw all that away.
>We couldn't let a highly intelligent, ridiculously qualified woman actually fucking WIN and fix our shit because white men had to chimp out over the idea of having a vagina in the White House.
>Pathetic, really.
This perfectly encapsulates the arrogance and willful ignorance of the Democratic Party and why they lost so spectacularly. But by all means, keep touting the "muh vagina" angle, it served you so well before
Imagine being such a fucking loser that you let a steak salesman and beauty pageant artiste beat you in an election (a career politician to boot)
>She had it
No, she didn't. Also.
>could of been....
It's 'could have been' in English. Often contracted to 'could've' Just saying. Fair enough, 'could of' sounds the same as 'could've' in connected speech.
No worries, though. I destroy your language when I speak German. Why do you cunts need so many words for 'the' or 'a/an'?
I say 'de' for all of the definite article in German. And 'en' for the indefinte article. I sometimes use 'das'.
I'm not going to argue about whether or not a fucking table is masculine or feminine. It's a fucking table.
And why is a simple compound noun like 'tram stop' over 6,000,000 syllables in German?
'Straßenbahnhaltestelle'? Eh? Why?
The only reason I voted to leave the EU is because you cunts have a horrible sounding language.
Now fuck off and give me currywust. And stop trying to destroy Europe.
Also Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She should be in prison. Look up how she ripped of the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.
Do a search for 'Clinton body count'.
It was lost when the left got a presidential endorsement to be 100% publicly retarded.
>"Trayvon dindu nuffin he wuz a gud boi, coulda been przidents n sheit"
>feminism isn't mainstream
She's just generally unlikeable and intelligent people don't want to be enslaved by their government.
It really is just that simple.
A born loser.
>could of
Your English teachers failed you, Ahmed.
She ran a campaign that was pretty much Obamas third term. No own ideas, nothing. Run on just one message
>madame president
Paired with a total unlikeable personality and a anti establishment zeitgeist it was a receipt for disaster.
Only humans can be president, user
that and her terrible voting record