What would honestly be the best way to end the Drug War, Sup Forums?
What would honestly be the best way to end the Drug War, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
kill all druggies
Fund alternates to drugs.
Throw all of our support behind one cartel.
Legalize & regulate.
If the US became the biggest drugsupplier outgunning the cartels effectivly strangling their business.
I mean how are the cartels going to win vs someone that has more resources and capacity than they do? hehe.
Just decriminalize/deregulate all drugs, and mandate all tax revenues from drug sales to go to rehabilitation, education, etc. programs for drugs to help people get off of them since companies would have no incentive to do so, and use them to fund the creation of drug clinics so druggies can just do drugs in specific areas away from non-drug users.
Make drugs legal and tell Mexicans narco corridos are fucking wack.
>Problem solved
Make it legal to kill drug dealers it wont fix anything but it would be fun
>Portuguese airsoft team
stop with this shitty baiting thread
So you want us to pay way more than the market value for drugs so that homeless people will have a place to do the drugs they shouldn't even be able to afford in the first place.
war on drugs is prohibition 2.0 except everyone is too afraid to acknowledge it
Legalize cartels
>best way to end the Drug War
Death squads. Duterte has it right. Drug users and dealers are human trash and deserve to be killed indiscriminately.
Treat it as terrorism and not a fucking picnic.
Raid, kill, imprison and execute the narco-terrorists flooding the western world with drugs, guns and violence.
No wonder Norks, Chinese and Arabs have no drug problem and half the AIDS of the western world.
I never said that. Also virtually any sane alternative is much cheaper than the current system we have for dealing with drugs and drug users.
Even paying for people to use safely ends up being way cheaper than paying for emergency center visits for retards who overdose.
Just wanna say that Portugal is one of the most peaceful countries in the world ever since they decriminalized all drugs back in 2001.
Ugliest dude I ever met was from Romania. Fucking disgusting nose he had.
>kill the manufacturer
>kill the supplier
>kill the user
basically Duterte
>tax revenues from drug sales to go to:
>rehabilitation $$$
>education $$$
>etc. $$$
All of that creates a cost increase on the drugs. How is someone who can't even afford a place to live...
>drug clinics so druggies can just do drugs in specific areas away from non-drug users (ie a home)
...supposed to afford even the base cost of the drugs not to mention your $$$ muh programs tax?
How about if you can afford and handle the drugs power to you. If you can't and go insane or get killed trying to rob for dope money oh well. How about that? Fuck your programs.
Mandatory drug testing for driving, voting, parenting and benefits.
Find druggies, interogate them at gunpoint, find their dealer, do the same thing to them then continue on doing it until you find the root then kill and destroy the root.
>What would honestly be the best way to end the Drug War, Sup Forums?
Kill all drug addicts, all drug dealers. That would end it. It's calling actually fighting.
>legalize and privatize the drug market.
>implement involuntary rehab for people arrested for drug related crimes
>build the wall and actually enforce our immigration policy
wow, so hard.
get killed for being the bloodstained despot you are
>find out the "root" is in a country you have no jurisdiction over
>cant do shit
>another "root" takes its place because its easy as shit to make drugs
>cant do shit
>waste tons of taxpayers money to get nothing done
good job dumbass
Stop importing heroin from Afghanistan.
CIA, Vatican, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Queen of England
Eliminate in that order.
>when you turn on your tv to watch the latest news
>15 minute ad runs in between break
>program keeps being interrupted by subliminal meth advertisements
>"this show is brought to you by BigMeth pharma"
>burger begins clapping
Kill all intelligence agencies
Make it legal, wait 3-4 years and the problem should sort it self out.
The government would probably ban drug advertising outright in certain mediums like it does with tobacco/cigarettes
A real shame, I'd like to see the types of ads heroin and meth companies would come up with
yep, when its legal people have no need to go to the criminals.
>What would honestly be the best way to end the Drug War
Legalize the drugs.
>When the Cartel control the whole market
Are you guys retarded?
It would just change from cartel to notCartel.inc
We already tried this, my gringo.
Yeah I really see drug companies and licensed providers decapitating the opposition and engaging in spic gangster behavior
Legalize everything and see the lowest scum kill themselves and auto-cleanse the society. It will raise the salaries due to the lack of workers, promotions, lower the cost of living and rents, lower houses prices and a debt-less economy fueled by legal drugs
>What would honestly be the best way to end the Drug War, Sup Forums?
increase potency to lethal levels
at least we wouldn't need to buy a licence to see those ads