Chimpanzees are Human

Stop killing innocent chimpanzees and eating chimpanzee meat.

Chimpanzees are human. If africans can be human, all the apes are already human.

Stop racism killings

Africans are killing Chimpanzees and eating their meat.

Ape Lives Matters


I realized this already. If blacks are human then so are monkies, they're just even more unevolved

Fucking niggers

You are right


i bet its better than puppies.

You realize the middle picture here is shopped, right?

middle pic isn't shopped LMFAO


Reality is shopped then.

that's so deep...

Go fuck a chimp and create fertile offspring with it

if you can accomplish that i will be convinced chimps are humans

Hey nigger

Who does not love a deliciosa sopa de macaco?

>cooking sopa de macaco in a panela de pressão

No, it really is shopped, I can tell from the pixels and from seeing a few shops in my day.

(really though, you can see where they used the warping tool around the eyes. most people who look for it will see it.)



This is the third time today I got mislead by a tumbnail.

>Aww cute little monkeys hugging

>Why is everyone upset about that nigger eating a haunch of meat, I do it all the time at renfairs?
>Oh... that's...that's a shoe.

