Stop eating out of plastic bowls! Stop eating soy! Stop sitting on front of the computer for hours!
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>stop sitting on front of the computer for hours
but literally nothing else in my life brings me pleasure
>all i do is bike and sit at the computer
Are my balls fried now?
Who cares. It's not like I was going to breed anyway.
>keeping your phone in your pocket
>wearing tight pants/underwear
>consuming huge amounts of soy
>using plastic bottles for water instead of glass or metal
I put mine on airplane mode for all but one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon unless I want to call someone.
Life has improved tremendously.
Eat less meat and consume more fruits and Omega-3 fats products while drinking more milk.
>malthusians stealth-sterilized everyone
>except niggers
great job
I believe it, ever since i closed my kikebook life is so much better
>Stop eating out of plastic bowls! Stop eating soy! Stop sitting on front of the computer for hours!
Just at some steak on rice with soy sauce out of a plastic bowl while watching Cody'sLab do some science shit on YT. RIP sperm.
Soy being bad is broscience. I hate edamame every day going through puberty and I'm 6'1" with a 8" cock.
Plastic is the devil though.
Dumb goy Atrazine used in pesticides which runs off into the water supply I'd the real cause.
Water comes in plastic bottles, what do you expect me to do.
Drink water from the sink? Filter it if you're a pussy.
Stop taking receipts!
> Hebrew university
no thanks
is this why black men exists?
Why can't we go full sjw on companies and call them out for making products that are bad for men or anit-men?
Buying water in bottles?
Are you a fucking white nigger?
Can't remember how many years ago I stopped buying water. It's a behaviour for turbogoyim.
1. take a glass
2. place it under a tap in your kitchen sink
3. pour water
4. ????
5. profit, you stupid fucking goy
And I don't filter shit. It's for fucking pussies.
I live in southern, upper part of Poland. Water here is good.
It's not becouse of plastic bowls...
It's becouse of eating meat filled with hormones and eating GMO fruits that has lowered amount of vitamins and shit. Out modern diet(especially in western countries) is just so shity you don't have enough food values to ensure your body to work corectly. Also too much of sugar, fat , alcohol, sweeteners, artificial flavors, chemical conservatives. Get your diet in order and start moving more. Don't overheat your balls, and fight modified food
*only exception is a mineral water, if you have health issues and doctor advised drinking mineral water.
But having health issues is for weak fucking pussies.
>2. place it under a tap in your kitchen sink
You are drinking piss you autistic fuck. Get mineral water, its the patrician's way.
Just wait till your country gets fluoride like the americans and starts turning your men into trans.
Polyester underwear keeps your nuts too hot. It's an easy explanation.
Yea, unless water in your region is fluorinated
The globalists are pushing depopulation so we can fight back by having kids.
its just zika . europe pretended there were no zika cases after the olympics in brazil. feminist dont want to have babies so they like the idea of zika
they suppressed info about zika spreading in europe. its not just mosquitoes . zika can spread via sexual activity or blood transfusions
Maybe it's because our sperm are so fucking hardcore that they killed the weak fucking sperm and established an alpha society in our ballsacks, hense why the goys, chinks, niggers, and all the other shitskins reproduce at such ridiculous rates, and yet all manage to be inbred.
Illegal to use hormones on food cattle in EU, and GMO crops are labelled as such.
It's not either of those things.
It's xenoestrogens from plastics.
BBC Horizon, 1992, "Assault on males"
coulda been 6'2'' you fucking idiot
>He thinks a fucking display saying radio is turn off means something...
Just use a soft case made of Al and Pb layers that effectively block all signals.
>not working out and growing your own food
>not wearing loose underwear/boxers
>eating soy or soy products
It's like you want to be feminine
>Implying i ever gave a flying fuck about this flesh prison
I want to return to the void, senpai.
>I want to return to the void
I know those feels.
Boy do I know those feels...
>don't believe the media about Trump
>believe the media on white genocide topics
This the same bullshit meme peddled by the "why are white males dropping out of society?" crowds.
These studies are all biased and framed to keep pushing the "dropping fertility rates" crisis meme in order to fool the masses that the BBC from Africa is their saviour.
Jesus Christ. Let's be a bit consistent with how we treat the media.
I just want to pass by and inform you that this is an old article for a very old study and is being auto-refreshed to current date by a new algorithm that news agencies are employing to refresh their article's dates and rewrite them to some extent so they appear on the front page of both their own site and google, for extra clicks
Think about it - you create a sensational story that gets a lot of clicks, but its too old and no one clicks it anymore due to its date. What do you do? You repost it as new to get the same amount of clicks again for zero new content. I fucking hate "news" sites
The media reports on some things, and other things! WOW!
yfw sink plumbing is plastic tubing
yfw flouride in sink water does more damage
yfw theres more bacteria in tap than bottled water
yfw tap water has been bleached at the processing facility
When women are so degenerate even your sperm count shrinks as result.
Plastic in and of itself does nothing to your food. That's meme science. BPA is bad, so are certain plastics when EXPOSED TO HEAT
for example. If you live in Arizona and its 110*F out, and you leave a water bottle sitting on your seat for 6 hours then come back and take a huge chug from that bottle, then yeah you are going to JUST your insides up.
But modern water bottles are fine if you don't do that dumb shit. Look for BPA-free as well.
>Sup Forums
you are throwing around big words that dont work together around here
This is so obvious it's ALMOST funny.
>Don't worry goy. Your birthrate is falling but Jamal and Ma'Tembe here are going to sort things out. They're doctors, and lawyers goy.
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