Strength Sports = No Black People = Aryan Conspiracy

Strength Sports are dominated by the white man. Black people are nowhere to be seen. They can hardly qualify for these events. Are strength sports, dare I say it /oursports/?

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they don't have the discipline or fortitude required

mixed grip btfo

They aren't autistic enough to be a powerlifter desu. /fit9k/ reporting for duty

There are black people who look like they could compete there, but for some reason they don't do it.

Requires a lot of eating and hard lifting.
The amount of food is pretty $$$ intimidating.
Lifting is too much like work.

Also imagine having to do it while lactose intolerant.

That covers it I think.

No college scholarships or rap songs OP
That is all

Olympic weightlifting is filled with Chinks. Power lifting is filled with fat white people and a few ripped ass black people.

>There are black people who look like they could compete there
That's exactly the problem. Blacks have no problem getting big muscles but they genetically lack the presuppositions for becoming strong.

*blocks your path*

>The amount of food is pretty $$$ intimidating.
It's hard to imagine that could be true.

The top guy is a strongman which nearly exclusively cosists of white men.
Powerlifting is for total autists and shitters who can't get into Strongman or Weightlifting.
>Olympic weightlifting is filled with Chinks
They totally dominate the lighter weight classes, it's not even funny.
But heavyweight is mostly slavs and Iranians.

Hook grip was always superior, mixed is for pussies

I speculate that your not a shitskin, who earns more than minimum wage.

Of all places /fit/ and r/fitness has diet routines and some of those fuckers just... Gorge.


>tfw you will never have Klokov's Physique

Hook is for bitches with no forearms.

Hold in your hands like a man.

>Want to get /fit/ to be better white man
>Don't want to go to snap city
>Have shit flexibility

What do, Sup Forums?

Chinks dominate a lot of olympic weight classes.

Pumping up your muscles is not the same thing as functional strength

Strenght sports are full of asians like chinese/north koreans.
It's a communist thing.

Only once has a nigger come even close to winning WSM. Only once.

OD Wilson. And then he lost to Jon Pall Sigmarsson who is literally like half his size lmao.

No other black has EVER even made it to the podium.

And as for you weebs up there, no Asian has ever even appeared in the finals lol.

blocks your black

Short arms.

That is all.

I don't know fuck all about sport but I noticed there were no nigger in the Tour De France and I don't think I have ever seen a black person in a bicycle sport.

>But heavyweight is mostly slavs and Iranians.

Yeah....Persians are white, Bubba

uhhh stretch

how can i train for hook grip before my mixed becomes disproportionate?

>comparing carny strongman competitions to the olympics
there's your answer spud. nobody gives a shit about sm

>you will never have Klokov's legs
feels bad man

Yes, it's another proof of racial difference. Blacks have bodies that are more fit for running, whites - lifting.

More people care about strongman than care about oly lifting lol.

Only true fucking nerds and geek ass faggots do oly. The chad-mode bros all bodybuild. The strongest ones do strength sports.

And the left over losers and manlets all go into oly. Then they spend years getting poked and groped by some wrinkled old "coach" before they end up with annihilated joints and no medals.

And your mainstream representative is fucking CROSSFIT L M A O.

>Strength sports dominated by whites

Most of the records in recent decades have been Chinese, and historically, Turks. The highest Sinclair coefficient was Pocket Hercules.

>manlet records

Greek god tier

They do matter, I think, for different reasons. I damn well admire guys like Shaw, who is perhaps one of the strongest people to ever live. Strength can be measured in absolute terms, sure, but says little about athletic demonstration. This is part of the reason why people admire gymnasts, sprinters, marathon runners, weightlifters, powerlifters, and rowers.
If you also wanted a sport that was REALLY white, you'd have posted rowing, polo, or some equestrian sports.

This. Big muscles don't mean strength.

My buddy bb's and trains others, the amount of food he has to eat is disgusting and so is his weekly grocery bill. Shits 5-6 times a day, they don't eat food, they eat numbers

If you want to measure strength relatively, then you're forced to admit that an actual dung beetle is stronger than you.

In my world of absolutes, I can just step on your beetle Emperor. No effort required.

imagine destroying so many women that you start to look for strong men to have sex beyond your own boundaries, then you land on one of these competitions.


>they don't eat food, they eat numbers

I went to high school with Reagan Grimes, and let me tell you, that kid is insane. He was a few years younger, and he would eat 7000+ cal in a day of mostly complex carbs and protein.

By that extension, it must suck to pale in comparison to other animals like lions, whales, elephants, etc., who are part of the same animal kingdom we are.

Relative strength to humans, as well as the kinaesthetic value it has, is what is worthy. People being able to row, move things overhead, run quickly, and fight a fight for longer than 30 seconds are great things to watch. The actual movement patterns, and the way people display their strength through different strength efforts is great. I wasn't making the claim that "absolute strength doesn't matter!" but that when it comes to sports, other things are taken into consideration, too, I think.

I see the value in absolute strength as it matters to humans. Don't get me wrong, because I can watch strongman events all day. I just don't think it is the best way to measure strength, although, I think the way it measures absolute strength is impressive.

Plenty of blacks do well in weightlifting. For example the colombians like Mosquera or Lopez or the camerooneese who lift for France like Dabaya or Kingue Matam.

I was going to say that traditionally, weight lifting and wrestling have been dominated by the middle east and east europe

>implying animals aren't out of their league

I agree with you mostly, but I do think absolute is the best and only way to measure strength. Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

RIP thumbs

but seriously why do you not like your thumbs?

>functional strength
now i know who is behind these stupid posts on /fit/

Also, mark felix anyone? ? ? ? ?
but yeah people with nordic genetics dominate the sport

Found the crossfitter

he was a failure prone to injuries

vast majority of offensive line men in the NFL are white, whites are built to stand the line hold fast. niggers are built to run away.

>Mark Henry

Work on your flexibility and don't ego lift

Gooks dominate things just by sheer numbers.
If you have a continent that has billions of people, you will find someone in there who is extremely good at something. You can find any talent with those numbers.
Asians are short on average, but because of their insane numbers they have had some of the tallest people in the world just by genetic lottery.

If you want to know who is actually dominating something you need to look at the numbers per capita.
The baltic states have something like 6 million people living there while there are 4 billions asians in the world, yet people from the baltic states regularly pull medals in olympic events and strongmen competitions.

Start using it? There is not much to train really, it just hurts at first
Good luck lifting more than 150kg My thumbs are just fine, I deadlift once every couple of months anyway. I train for Oly

It doesn't take absolute strength to kill a bear faggot.
It takes knowledge of hand to hand combat and mammalian anatomy.

Wow calm down, autismo. It's just a bit of fun.

No wonder you don't have any friends.

I can dl up to 5pl8 using only chalk. Just do some grip work you bitch.

They're better at stealing them then riding.

There are retard strong nigs but there is no money in powerlifting so they aren't there

niggers cant even compete in swimming. i mean you float in water so you only need forwards motion, even that they cant do.

I hit 4p8s without even doing hook grip on DL. Shouldn't have to pop your thumbs out, just fucking train your grip strength with shrugs and rack pulls.

Weights are heavy and hard to steal.

Sure no hook or mixed grip, i bet you fags use straps

>the burger valiantly white knighting for his beloved pet niggers he imported to fuck his women in the promised land known as america

White cucks literally go talent scouting all over the world to find blacks who they can make money off of. The truth is that black physiology isn't good for weight lifting. The proportions and raw upper body strength of Europeans gives them an edge.