Is this by design?

Sperm counts have been cut in half over the last 40 years, but only in the West. Also, rather than a sharp drop and then stabilization in numbers you would expect from a single offending agent, this has been a decades long, gradual downward slope with signs of increasing acceleration. Very, very strange.

Makes you wonder how much of feminism is chemically induced.

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

Come on. None of you fags have anything to say about this?

A similar study came out in 1992 showing the same thing. It was buried.

Plastics, GMO foods, insecticides, hormones in animal products, psychotropic medications

It is chemically induced.
Question is only, is that end-goal or a side effect from globalist greed?
Either way, it furthers their agenda.


I believe (((they))) are putting shit in our food OR white new borns are being given (((vaccines))) in order to fuck our bodies up in the long run. Mental illness is rampant, whether it be depression/anxiety, gay/trans, feminism.Now our sperm is being killed..

Look at western society. White men and women are being driven apart. No matter where you look. Media, school,politics..All while PoCs are popping out children like rabbits..

this isnt coincidence. If the evil kike 1%ers can steer the course of the human population(think sheep herder to sheep) they definitely will.

What I find most unusual is that there is no decline in Asia, South America, Africa, ect. They are not living in caves there. They are still exposed to the modern world and modern food production.

Just eat more fucking protein you god damn skelly

Its PC culture aka the matriarchy in which you now reside.

I have been web sleuthing my entire adult life and If I had to guess, the powers that be, know the cause, or know something we clearly don't. Don't believe the bullshit that it's undetermined, they know.

There were 7 threads about this topic when I clicked Sup Forums, 7 OP. Now there is only 4 left but still. Come on, anyone would think we are being attacked.

Evolution= white males are mutating to trannies.

"Assault on males", 1992, BBC Horizon.
We've known for 30 years.

I believe that is part of it. Testosterone and sperm count are related to social environment, but that is not all it is. And feminism has taken a hold not only in the west.

>he doesnt cum buckets

There is no conspiracy.

Obesity, lack of exercise, junk food = Low testosterone

Low testosterone = Low sperm count

Difference between the West and Asia/Africa?

The West is fucking obese and doesn't exercise.

This has been established for decades, but only guys like Alex Jones will even mention it. There should be riots in the streets.

This seems to have exploded onto here and you can see why, if true this is very fucking serious and I don't get why people shrug this off as being jew propaganda, they have been saying this shit for years now, and there is some "proof", shouldnt you fuckers be jumping with joy? You were right.

It's Population Control & Eugenics designed to decrease Western Birthrates below replacement levels. The UN(the same ones working with the EU,Zionists & Globalists to use the "Refugee Crisis" as a Army/Weapon) is involved with the Population/Demographic Replacement plans.

Both Sex's are also being Social Engineered to cause The West to implode.

[KB's talking about a wide variety of topics: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

Men are being made Weaker & Females are being made crazy with "Empowerment" destroying the Family/Society. Birth Control is also causing Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder.

Being fat doesn't halve your sperm counts. And Europeans aren't that fat.

And wow. Aren't you a faggot shill. Our biology is being fundamentally changed by something in our environment and your response is that it is unmanly to talk about it?

Chick shaming tactic. Pathetic.

Women are also hitting puberty about 4 years earlier than they used to.

>all humans live in the same environment
Its ok burger. I will fap one more time today just for you since you cant apparently.

You have to really invest in this to figure it out. Can't infer anything just from the fact that western men make less jizz. Could be caused by anything, and also could be a sampling bias/population differences. Here's an example: I'm sure you'll agree that healthcare is much worse in Asia, South America, Africa. Their fertility rates are higher, and population pyramids are actual pyramids unlike the top-heavy inverted triangles we have in the west. That means that (a) more weaklings survive in the west, and at the same time (b) more weaklings die in Africa, never getting to the age where they can actually donate their meager jizz to the eggheads. Add the two together and you'll get roughly that picture.

They say the sperm count is halved, but does that mean that every man has half as many sperms or does that mean that half of the men are normal and half has no jizz at all? I'm exaggerating, but it makes a world of difference, you'll agree.

And it's not like you can fix anything anyway. The lesser races have the reproductive momentum which will bring them to complete dominance in less than a century. Meanwhile our fertility rates are pretty much beyond the point of no return, practically speaking.

Exactly this. We're significantly fatter than we were forty years ago, many adults now were overweight throughout their teen years as well.

This is what I mean. Is this guy really just that much of a sheep that he doesn't care, or is he a shill?

>Europeans aren't that fat
Their obesity levels are right behind ours.

Why? What's the point of destroying the best civilisation on earth? Money? That seems far too short sighted. Satan? That sounds like occult bullshit to me.

Posted this in another thread and went to the catalog to see at least FOUR threads about this topic. Either some extreme shilling going on or you're incredibly gullible idiots:

>don't believe the media about Trump
>believe the media on white genocide topics

This the same bullshit meme peddled by the "why are white males dropping out of society?" crowds.

These studies are all biased and framed to keep pushing the "dropping fertility rates" crisis meme in order to fool the masses that the BBC from Africa is their saviour.

Jesus Christ. Let's be a bit consistent with how we treat the media..

Basically what happened in the movie Logan is happening in the west. The jews are sterilizing white men with their GMO foods so they can import minorities to rape white women and create a dumb, easily controlled caste of slaves.






thank you WHITE PEOPLE

Ayy lmao!! Whitebois have less sperm than the superior african bull no wonder they stealing ur woman

Because whites and Asians are the only threats to Jewish domination. Once we're gone, they can rule over Earth like it's nothing.

>Black people are like sperm, only 1 in a million works

>The Camp of the Saints (Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French novel by author and explorer Jean Raspail.
>The novel depicts a setting wherein Third World mass immigration to France and the West leads to the destruction of Western civilization. Almost forty years after its initial publication, the novel returned to the bestseller list in 2011
>Really gets the tinker flonkered

>BBC Horizon: Assault on the Male (1993)

Biological warfare part of a larger plan that's been a long time coming.

they put chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay

this is fact, look it up

what more do you need to know about these people? what else is it going to take for you to filter your water?

Are you telling me the billions of asians (which already outnumber whites like 10:1 if not more) and projected billions of africans set to arrive during the next century are all fake news? I mean it's not like they can fake the stats on the number of chinks without getting caught - all those chinks are out there in the open. And the estimates on niggers seem fairly believable as well if we assume they breed like they have been these last few decades, and frankly do they have a reason to stop? It's foolish to overlook this.

Evolution has not had time to act in the way you describe.

And yes it is a decline, not an all or nothing, but don't see your point.

I have two friends who have had sperm count problems when having kids, both successful, both married, both typical athletic alpha types (relative to our generation anyway.)

Sure that is not a good sample size, but I think a lot of people just want to believe that it is all sociological/lifestyle. Less scary than thinking we are being chemically altered.

Also the sociological/lifestyle hypothesis doesn't account for similar problems we see in animal populations. Rachel Carson was talking about this I think as far back as the 80s with the silent spring thing.

I just find it interesting that with all the global warming hysteria, this never gets any news. Of course the lobbyists for agriculture, plastic companies, big pharma, ect have an interest in keeping this from becoming an issue.

Just stop jerking off.
>Potentially harmful chemicals that were banned from children’s teething rings and rubber duck toys a decade ago may still be present in high concentrations in your child’s favorite meal: macaroni and cheese mixes made with powdered cheese.
>The chemicals, called phthalates, can disrupt male hormones like testosterone and have been linked to genital birth defects in infant boys and learning and behavior problems in older children. The chemicals migrate into food from packaging and equipment used in manufacturing and may pose special risks to pregnant women and young children.
>There is strong evidence that phthalates block the production of the hormone testosterone. “That means there is less testosterone available to the developing male fetus, and since testosterone is absolutely vital to build his reproductive organs, the worry is that you will get malformations and other kinds of problems that translate to health effects later,” Dr. Patisaul said. Those include “infertility, low sperm counts, altered male reproductive behavior and changes in the area of the brain that are important for sex differences between men and women,” as well as a heightened risk of testicular cancer later on, she said.
somewhat relevant:

"Feminization of the White Male: How to stop drinking from the poisoned well"

>Is this by design



Obesity and phytoestrogens. Try a combination of ephedrine and raloxifene if you want to reverse this in yourselves individually.

This is not wrong, just not remotely practical for someone who works for a living.

I would rather the poisons not be produced than have to live an organic vegan lifestyle in Antarctica and not wash myself to avoid them.




all of that, except GMO food
all crops are genetically modified you scientifically illiterate retard

So our sperm counts were cut in half. How long till the average white men becomes infertile?


No , calm down goy, this is how the world always was. Silly goy

Geneticist here. No they arent retard. No gmo rice is sold in the world for one example