Heres a tip how to save the white race
>get fit (assuming you are atleast 188 cm)
>stop chasing girls FUCK THEM
>collect pussy
>Produce white children
This is a collective effort bois GET TO WORK
MGTOW will save western civ
>collect pussy
>Produce white children
How to not get caught? Also this sounds very niggerish.
Strong nations begin with strong families. Strong people rise up under strong leadership. Be a strong man and demand more from your woman and provide value in return. Raise as many strong and self reliant children as you can. A bunch of directionless bastards will not build the future you want.
>become nigger
Get caught with what?
Women LOVE when you don't pay attention to them. They will do anything to get your attention. Just get /fit/. And you dont need money, you think niggers who fuck our women have money? Are you crazy?
real men go their own way its their way of saying fuck it if women wont have any standards or expectiation or repsonsability then neither will we they can be right on some point i will admit but these guys will speed up the collapse of the west if anything
You implay that it's easy to impregnate many women, and not get caught for being the dad.
Good luck with that. Do the math, to save our whiteness you need to impregnate atleast 10 women each, unless you are suggesting polygamy whi h is fine too i guess
Dude just give a fake name and never meet again
Any chance a women gets to be a traitor she takes it.Fuck the lot of them I say.
Im talking about saving the species not your USA
Mgtow is the cringiest shit ever. While you complain women only go for 20% of men, 95% of men are laughing at your pathetic movement.
It might seem to you like this, for me too at first. But then I started investigating at turns out women are retarded and chance of womyn blowing you goes up if youre MGTOW
We laugh at it because organizing a movement for it is stupid.
"MGTOW" is literally how 95% of men aged 18-30 live their everyday lives.
Enjoy your young years, fuck women, but don't be an idiot and let them tie you down.
that life style is denegerate user
Fuck off, I'm not even white, so you have no reason to give a shit.
well then im sorry for expecting a sub-human to behave right are you (((white))) why do you try to talk other whites in to it?
when will you faggots stop with these gay acronyms?
Nigger I don't give two shits what white people do, are you stupid?
I don't think that is how mgtow works
then stop getting in their business nigger mind your own fucking problems nigger
pretty much hey goy how about you start acting like a nigger i mean women am i right? why have kids build a family
Nigger I'm not in their business faggot, fuck off to some websites that cater to your worthless eastern Euro shithole.
MGTOW in a nutshell: Live a life of hedonism and selfishness because a girl was mean to you once