Vice visits Sweden

I just watched this and holy shit I want to puke
Skip to the last two minutes if you really want to Rage.

Words can't even begin to describe how I feel about this. I'm not laughing at the swedes, I genuinely feel bad for them, but I must ask this question: how the fuck did this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

>VICE youtube
Hooktubed that for you to prevent views


Wow. This is a new low. Sweden is beyond a fucking joke right now. Its like Sup Forums in real life.

God bless you Norse man

Im not watching anyhing that has to do with sweden.

>look, they were bornassigned male at birt, white, and able bodied, so they were born with a bundle of privileges. a little Gender Confusion is the price of social progress

This is truly the work of the Devil


How is it in Norway? Has any of the degeneracy spilled over?
Are there any state mandated gender neutral kek bdergartens that actively break down "gender stereotypes"?

*This is truly the work of the Jew

This is the sort of shit that makes Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt think "Maybe that Adolf guy was on to something with his degeneracy and all..."

Based Pole
Synagogue of Satan at work again, as always

I sometimes wish you could sage videos on youtube. Lord have mercy this people are retarded

Same shit

>Day of the lead


I don't think the gender-thing has gotten that far here. I rarely hear mention of it. Our media loves gays tho.

>climate change denial
>overpopulation - being anti-contraception and anti-pro-choice
>blatant racism and unironically seeking a racewar
>worshiping hitler
I don't know but Sup Forums's idea of world sounds kinda worse than a world where it's a little more harder to tell between a boy and a girl.
Latter doesn't hurt anybody while a racewar does.

G-ggg-gGggG-guys.. we are fine we don't need help we are okay....

You really are retarded. Your summarization of Sup Forums is not even comical nor is it true. Its just fucking dumb.

Sweden is a country that has lost its grasp on sanity. There is literally a race war right now waged on the europe, the idea of no gender is just a part of it. So one is not worse than the others, they are the same.



Hello Darkness my old friend...

Honest question. Do you guys think aliens had to deal with this bullshit? Is our current level of degeneracy and forced tolerance just par for the course of any conscious species, or have we deviated from the true path?

Shit bait m8, have a (you)

We have deviated from the true path. What you are witnessing in society is what happens when you turn your back on God and his teachings in favor of indulging yourself in sick fantasies and decadent pleasures

You really are retarded. Your summarization of Sweden is not even comical nor is it true. Its just fucking dumb.

Sup Forums is a board that has lost its grasp on sanity. They think there is literally a race war right now waged on the europe and that the idea of no gender is just a part of it.

there's no difference, user

this can't happen soon enough.

I remember visiting Sweden back when I was a normie and thinking to myself "wow they all speak fluent English despite never being ruled by England/UK how cool! all the police officers are female that's crazy! this place has a booming tourist industry, it's especially popular with Africans and Arabs!".

holy fuck


Yes the genocide of non whites creates overpopulation

>Calls other people retarded

Just realised, Sweden is the only place we haven't invaded.

where is this dumbfuck when the fuckers here post non lib yt videos?

>Skip to the last two minutes if you really want to Rage.
I feel physically ill.

I think I might start going to church again.

lel is that the PC version of "fag dad?"
Shit this guy is actually stymying his kids for the sake of equality. What ever happened to wanting your kids to succeed? Communism absolutely is the dragging down of society to the lowest common denominator.

I don't even blame the Jews for Sweden anymore. Swedes have taken control and are fucking things up way worse than Jews had ever imagined

I understood math at three doesn't mean I should have done anyone's taxes then though

>I think I might start going to church again
I've started to say the rosary daily senpai, we live in dark times

You know, I'm starting too think that filling Sweden with Muslims is a good idea.

Thank you viking

Any civilization which succumbs to this shit never reaches the stars

people say "the universe is so big it's guaranteed aliens exist!"
Yet they refuse to acknowledge the other infinite in play, Time.
imagine if things got REAL bad here and we nuke ourselves into oblivion, forever. what if that's always been the endgame? What if countless other civilizations have blossomed and burnt out within the span of a few thousand years? That's a fraction of a blink of an eye in cosmic terms.
Perhaps escaping the gravity of a planet and exploring the stars is just not feasible and all life is doomed to implode as soon as enough individuals become connected and are allowed to seed degeneracy species-wide

I'd be the First in line to volunteer
We just need a few brave men in the right place to lead the charge to revolt

> be jew
> cheat swedes for shekels
> promote degenercy
> rest of the west begins to turn right
> sweden goes into maximum overfaggot
> things are going to fast, even the jews can't keep up
> goyim pls
> get beheaded by black trannie muslim

top fucking kek

brave new world when

Did I just see a pic one of those little girls drew of "herself" that was a little niglet boy in beginning ?
>I tell them that I'm neither,and then I tell tell that I'm both.
Oh,the fucking mental gymnastics in this household.This is a joke that believes it's own shite.
Sweden confirmed for most brainwashed country in the Western world.I thought us Americans indoctrinated our children,but Sweden takes it to a whole new level.It find it disgusting that people of Sweden are moving to legalize pedophilia,CP,and necrophilia or at least are trying to currently to only appease Islam or the Swedes think they'd look "racist".
So,far their child indoctrination agendas are working,but I see this entire thing back firing when these children raised sexless "genderless" grow up,and start to HATE their parents,wait they aren't American,they won't start to hate or resist their parents indoctrination but will embrace their degeneracy even more.
The only thing I like about Sweden is it's natural beauty in the country sides.Your people are mostly indoctrinated,and that's a pity when it feels like those that don't agree with the system agendas being pushed,are then ostracized for it.I know those Swedes love their country,and want to fight for it but when there's little of you against them then trying to combat it feels like a lost cause.I know most Swedes don't like America,but some of us like you-the ones that want to free your country from this nightmare.I wish or hope that if all ends up badly,that you Swedes will want to come to America,and enjoy speaking your minds,doing the things you ever dreamed of that you couldn't do in Sweden or anywhere in the EU.
In reality,the real redpill is that gender is a kike a lie.made up by the kikes in psychology as an experiment with birthcerts,When the experiment caught on-the brainwashing was complete that sex and gender are totally different.Females were no longer GIRLS,Males were no longer BOYS under sex,but the GENDER lie.


I identify as a Somali bi-gender pansexual polygamous fish.
Nothing can stop me now.

Kekel my shekels that's funny.

yup, it's beyond saving... someone just nuke every square km from Malmö to Kiruna and end their suffering already...

raise an entire gender fluid generation of white kids, idk, give them horomones that ultimately sterilize them, we have a problem

Nothing to see here guys

Stalin made homosexuality illegal in Soviet Union. There was actually very little degeneracy in USSR.