Welcome to the official /GGG/ general faggots
Rev up those right wing gardening squads and throw seed balls into ghettos to fuck up their infrastructure.
>lazy blacks move out as nature takes over
>productive whites move in at dirt cheap prices because the area is now a shitty jungle
>white communities reclaim the ghetto and fix it the fuck up
Other urls found in this thread:
so where do the lazy blacks move to once they're out of their containment zones?
If they can afford it, the cities (which are fucked any way) or white communities which would inevitably red pill a good chunk of whites
>tfw english ivy isn't allowed in my state but algerian ivy is, despite having the same kind of roots and growing even better in this climate
feels green man
Otherwise you will destroy you countries habitat and it will be impossible to rebuild.
Plantanon reporting in.
Archives of previous threads (In order from latest to oldest):
Previous Thread:
OP, you need to start using the template. It's there for a reason.
This. Also you dont need to keep putting archives like that, I have it taken care of.
Heres the newest draft
Welcome to /ggg/ - Go Green General!
>tfw you live to see Right Wing Botanist Squads
What is this general about?
This general is to add onto the solution of what we all know as the ghetto. Everyone knows that the ghettos of the world are run down, destroyed remnants of previously white neighborhoods. These areas lack basic maintenance. Any problem with the infrastructure of these areas does not get fixed and only worsens (further ghettofying it).
Ok, whats the solution?
The most environmentally-friendly solution: to make seed satchels. A seed satchel is a small ball of potters clay filled with seeds. All you gotta do is toss some seed satchels into the yards of these ghetto nog heavens and within a year these vicious plants will destroy their homes.
How is this gonna work?
Gentrification outprices the nigs, so we can get our beautiful cities back. Once that's done, who cares where they go?
They can't come back, too expensive.
They can't go to big (white) cities, too expensive.
Back to Africa? How about Mexico/Canada?
One less family on welfare, in my book, is a stunning success.
How do we make seed satchels?
Ingredients here: pastebin.com
/ggg/ archives can be found here
Any seed suggestions?
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Don't see a /ggg/ in the catalog? Start one using this pastebin!: pastebin.com
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Sorry m8
I tried putting flower symbols but i guess that doesnt show. Ill remove them in the pastebin
yeah use pastebin.com
bramble balls on their way famalam
will toss and give updates as they grow
>shithead Sup Forumstards that are going to at worst destroy their local ecosystems, and at beat do nothing
>shithead Sup Forumstards that think they are going to spread more seeds than birds and squirrels because they are fucking stupid
>Sup Forumstards being shitheads in general
Oh wow Sup Forums you sure are going to show them niggers something with your bird seeds you fucking retards. This is about as stupid as the Linkin Park Pizzagate threads now.
hahahaha holy shit this faggot has literally came to ever /ggg/ thread to be upset about it
mental illness at its finest
These fucking people voted for Donald Trump for president user.
I'm gonna have to assume this is some fucking kind of slide thread. What knuckle dragging retard thought this up?
>Heyo Jamal! Lookit dis shit, We gots MUHFUGGIN DAISIES growin in our yard!
>Awwww sheeeeeit Tyrone! Nows we cain't live here no mo!
>Guess we gotsta move out and let whitey have our house.
Is this what you dumb shits think will happen?
its about throwing plant species known to destroy housing and infrastructure into nog territory
they wont do yard work
thats the idea retard
not wildflowers
>seed sachels
I knew it. This isn't even a thing and you guys are totally fucking faggots. You're just making shit up.
This thread is so god damned embarrassing and you are all retards.
>Gentrification outprices the nigs, so we can get our beautiful cities back. Once that's done, who cares where they go?
You're supposed to fix shit when you gentrify it, not make it worse.
>They can't come back, too expensive.
>They can't go to big (white) cities, too expensive.
>Back to Africa? How about Mexico/Canada?
You're fucking serious, aren't you.
its called seed bombing and its been down for decades
they chose the name seed satchels because it doesnt have "bomb" in it
>daisies destroy houses
so what laws is this breaking?
none if using local species
none, assuming you don't plant any species banned by your state, county, or fed gov.
No, it's because this was on your fucking video game you faggot.
None of you have redeeming qualities or skills to speak of. You don't know shit about plants or how to grow them. You don't know shit about your local ecosystems. You wouldn't participate in existing programs that tear down dilapidated neighborhoods and turn them into forests because you're all edgy partisan hacks.
Destruction of private property is a crime.
damn nigga
its almost like throwing balls full of predatory vines and weeds are going grow well like
fucking weeds
you are a stupid faggot
i think as long as you use local plants, at worst it's vandalism.
>Getting caught throwing balls of seeds
You have to be mentally ill to do that user. But you are considering you came from the other /ggg/ to be annoyed here. Just fuck off and you don't need to know how to grow plants, just put them in little ball things.
>destruction of private property is a crime
it's a fucking weed man pull it out and there are now damages
i am fairly certain doing this would count as a private/public nuisance, since you would be interfering with the landowner's rights to use their property (house), even if they make it worse by not taking care of their houses. That being said, I don't think its something lawyers or the police would care about, and there'd be very, very little evidence to go off of.
>Sup Forums is a board of peace and bio-weapons
Fucking glorious. Right Wing Seeding Squads when?
how the fuck are they going to catch you?
how the fuck is anyone gonna catch you throwing a dirt clod
This is what will happen
>throw seed satchels
>birds and squirrels eat seeds
>niggers remain in ghettos
This is the most autistic plan I've heard yet
>Just fuck off and you don't need to know how to grow plants, just put them in little ball things.
lol, you're a fucking moron if you think that's how you grow plants.
This thread is filled with hopeless white trash neet fetal alcohol babies.
At least when you were calling local fire departments on shitty "artists colonies" you were doing something. This idea only has bad consequences.
This isn't the right way to go about any of this. This is a braindead SHIT idea.
Anyone from PNW, specifically Oregon, knows how destructive black berries can be. In one season, they can cover a whole house, given the chance.
Someone please do this
>it's a fucking weed man pull it out and there are now damages
Then why bother doing this at all?
This sounds completely retarded, I like it.
>how the fuck are they going to catch you?
Maybe because you are posting this on a public image board for the whole world to see?
Niggers don't pull weeds
because you know who won't pull out weeds or do yard work in general? Nigs who don't care about their property.
because nogs dont do yardword
>Put plants which are known to be incredibly invasive and easy to spread and throw their seeds into gardens
>They won't grow
How about you mind your own business and fuck off moreso if you don't think it will work.
>Implying that only blacks live in ghettos and only whites live in cities or towns
Previous Bread:
okay prove i actually did something
"user we are the cops did you throw seeds?"
"No sir it was all a LARPing idea on a mongolian sheep shearing forum I swear!"
god damnit people are dumb
Goddamn this makes perfect sense.
>Niggers don't pull weeds
Okay, Jethro. I'm so glad you warriors are defending the race against White Genocideā¢.
Just keep spreading the seeds user. I can see it now.
>Sup Forumstard idiots ride walk to the ghetto.
>reach into your hand-me-down John Cena hoodie and pull out a ball of dirt and seeds from your grandmother's house.
>it crumbles in your hand
>like a faggot, you flail and throw the crumbs into the yard of an abandoned house
>you giggle to yourself, because you sure showed those niggers!!
Fucking white trash faggots all of you. I can't fucking wait for summer to be over.
>implying that when the neighborhood turns into a rain forest the whites wouldn't start cleaning up their property
Oy vey, look at him work overtime in this thread hoping one of his degenerate allies shows up.
Get greened.
Also, blackberries are coming in now, so anyone near Portland should be able to do this just fine. Look for the berries that have already fallen from the vine, these are the ones that are almost guaranteed to grow. I have to cut mine back every year, otherwise they get out of control!
>pic related, theres a house in there somewhere
Describe your plan for fixing up the areas once the nigs leave.
>Put plants which are known to be incredibly invasive and easy to spread and throw their seeds into gardens
then you said
>Otherwise you will destroy you countries habitat and it will be impossible to rebuild.
Which one is it faggot? Go ruin your own country.
doing yardwork
demolish the crumbling ghetto houses
>native weeds that spread like hell don't exist
>Meme flag
>Twisting the thread into something completly different from the original point
It checks out.
Get greened nigger.
where do you live so some GGG guy throws kudzu all over your house
>Look for the berries that have already fallen from the vine, these are the ones that are almost guaranteed to grow. I have to cut mine back every year, otherwise they get out of control!
>idiots spreading blackberries acting like birds don't already do this
uh huh.
they dont spread them at the rate we can
Birds speed them randomly around, autists concentrate the spread to one lawn
Birds shit randomly.
Anons can easily drop these near porches and along the sides of houses.
you all should use species that can be gotten rid of easily with proper maintenance. The whole point is to leave the land usable afterwards.
>Implying laziness is purely racial, and not something that is possible for the whole species
Potential plants:
In the previous thread we talked about:
>Heracleum mantegazzianum
gives horrible blisters like pic related, tall, invasive
>Common ivy (Hedera Helix)
climbing plant, evergreen, hard to remove, fast growth, poisonous, can damage buildings
The plant's sap can cause extremely painful skin irritations
>Common hop
Climbing plant, can be invasive, kills other plants
relatively fast growth, hard to get rid of
>Japanese Knotweed
Damages buildings, undemanding, can literally grow everywhere, kind of unstoppable
Plant of mass destruction, really aggressive, unbelievably fast growth, strangles other buildings, uncontrollable, distributing it is illegal in the US
>goat head
Undemanding, its fruits are basically miniature spikes, hard to kill it fucks up your feet and bicycle wheel
birds don't spread them in targeted areas
Wrong pic.
pic related is the blisters caused by touching Heracleum mantegazzianum
>where do you live so some GGG guy throws kudzu all over your house
That's what I'm talking about, you guys are faggots. Go plant some kudzu in your own neighborhood. I'm sure it'll keep niggers out.
There you go again. No. Birds eating berries all day and shitting them out everywhere would spread seeds more efficiently than any shithead in this thread ever could for your entire lives.
They use squirrels and birds to spread seeds in habitat restoration because they do it better than people ever can. You guys are so fucking braindead.
Thats nice
(everyone just remind him how nice he is when he posts)
> gives horrible blisters like pic related, tall, invasive
So it will give me a cool shovel shaped blister?
Why don't you idiots organize to gentrify and rehabilitate blighted areas and ghettos?
But no, your bright idea is "seeds".
Sounds like a terrible idea. What you idiots fail to realize is that hard working white people will have to clean all this shit.
>Heracleum mantegazzianum
>gives horrible blisters like pic related, tall, invasive
Sounds really nice to the guys who have to clean this up. This is such a bad fucking idea.
Sorry ladies and germs, I'm going to be in and out, doing some work before the day is done and everyone heads out.
Speak hands for me.
I once heard of a man who rolled his entire body in it
He now is the shovel man
blistered like the very tool he uses
he plants kudzu in ghettos and kills ghetto
thats what the shovel man does
>Thinking its possible to rehabilitate niggers.
thats nice
>it's racial
Some may think that but in all honesty it's the culture that's the big issue. Blacks they are lazy niggers have their infrastructure fucked. The productive non-nigger ones will work hard to maintain their property. Which creates a big community of people where everyone helps each other out Mr. communist.
Really nice matey. One flaw though, if I may, birds tend to not shit where you want them too. I've never once had one crap in my manure pile, but have had them pebbledash windows.
Can you see why people aiming seeds in a certain area is better than the fickleness of wild fowl now?
>birds don't spread them in targeted areas
Why do you think property gets over grown anyways? How do you think the seeds get to the properties?
Birds just need a perch and they shit. It's not rocket science.
On the one hand, this is an absolutely retarded idea. On the other hand, there are clearly (((people))) that are strongly against anyone doing this.
It really soils my undergarments.
thats nice
You have no argument.
>t. lazy nigger in the ghetto that doesn't want to do yard work
See: >tfw you fuck up one comment, so you become a laughing stock until the thread's end.
okay sweetheart you win
were gonna keep doing it anyways
but your such a big smart boy
yes you are
It's so dumb it might work. And yes this (((american))) poster(s) is somewhat against it, so i believe it has some merit.
You are such a nice guy
>On the other hand, there are clearly (((people))) that are strongly against anyone doing this.
So people who don't want their local ecosystems full of invasive weeds are Jews now? The problem is, there are niggers everywhere and you idiots are retarded if you think ivy growing up a building is going to chase them away.
Wow, fuck dude you're right what were we thinking, obviously instead of spreading seeds we just build perches all around the area and hopefully birds who have recently eaten the desired plant will perch on those perches and shit out a seed.
We don't need more Kudzu in America.
sure thing hun
>Sup Forums is now george soros generating a refugee crisis for the sole purpose of fucking up the cities
is George Soros the good guy trying to show liberals the effects of their own stupid policies?
its already here
Can we use seeds that are only native to the area you live in? We don't need invasive weeds possibly spreading outside the ghettos.
>every seed a bird shits ever lands on specific detrimental areas of someone's property
Bolivian user reporting in.
Didn't get stabbed.
So spread it more? Fucking why?
sure thing my good (((man)))
birds are typically spreading native plant seeds, not invasive plants.
>gee this wild plant sure is harmful it's almost like we can weaponize it or something