/balt/pol or what ever the fuck this cancer is called

me sliding into ww2 edition

Wrong pic fagg.here is better one.
Also post previus thread and coppy paste news from it.

aizver muti, janka

Better thread here.

Daily reminder to get on Twitter and follow these Latvian Right wing/Nationalist accounts:


beidz spamot savu sūdu, tu burtiskais autist


Oh, thats neat. Did your folks emigrate post WW2?

No, my great grandfather left fearing bolshevik expansion 2 decades in advance. That's why I need to learn the language for citizenship.

>It's not my fault
Not an excuse you can't come!This is homogenous country we don't need it to be ruined like western euro countries.

dumb cunt

Eh, he was right in the end I guess.

Yeah, the rest of the family got interned or killed in Russia for owning land

>dumb cunt
Neck yourself faggot
Ko gribi visādus pus filipīniešus te laist iekšā stulbaid kretīns.

A half flip with Latvian ancestry moving to Latvia isn't the whole fucking Philippines.

1000000 syrians moving to germany isn't the whole fucking syria.

Come to Latvia and start a cooking show.

You are more Filipinian then Latvian geneticaly.
>A half flip with Latvian ancestry moving to Latvia isn't the whole fucking Philippines.
Dosen't fucking matter, stay in Canada 25% ''Latvian'' 50% Fillipinian isn't Latvian, stay out keep our streets homogenous.


He should rather move to Lithuania or i have a better idea WHY MOVE AT ALL?Just stay in Canada.

because the subhuman mongrel fuck runs out of gibs and white women in his libtard shithole, so why not turn one of the last pure white nations into jewish scumfuckery as well?

I can't cook lmao

So I don't ruin my family line by mixing with a non-Latvian here in Canada. My Latvian-descended family doesn't know or care enough about Latvia to want to continue the bloodline so the responsibility rests on me

>So I don't ruin my family line by mixing with a non-Latvian
It has been ruined allready
and THIS


Since when does being half flip offer gibsmedats? The only benefit to being flip is being able to call leftist retards rayciss for the lulz

Dude there are no gibs in Eastern Europe and males are aggressive towards non-whites.

I'd say you should try it too, but knowing German autism you'll end up causing WW3 and kill more Europeans than muds.

>there are no gibs in Eastern Europe and males are aggressive towards non-whites.
Stay out don't come or you will end up like those Indian students who got beaten up in Riga and they needed medical help.
And you whant free helthcare and gibs from govt?HAHAHA Not so fast pedro, you need to have an actual jobe and work hard to actualy suceed here this is eastern europe this is not a welthere state like canada and western europe, geting woman is hard if you don't have jobe even more if you are not ethnic Latvian heck even if you are white european it's hard if you aren't ethnic white Latvian.And even if you get some fat leftist bich her parents still will do everything in their power to seperate you.
This is reality here.

Janka is a literal retard

Aiztaisi muti debīliķi, tev laikam garibās pusfilipīniešus šajā valstī ja?Nošaujies mēsla gabals, man liekās ka tu esi tas pus čigāns, gribi vēl tādus subcilvēkus šeit Latvijā kā pats ja?
PISIES ATPAKAĻ UZ nolādētais draņķi!


Most of them are afghanis and sudanis, syrians are minority among "refugees"

Comoletely irrelevant, smartass.


ikr i like to correct people


I don't know how much you have to drink to call subsaharian nigger that does not know a single syrian word a 'syrian'.

tu esi neironisks daunis, kas absolūti neko nezin pats par savu tēvzemi

Jā tieši tā laid pus filipīniešus iekšā lai visi nāk velns parāvis, novāc sevi.

Sasniedz 18 gauds, nožēlojamies atkritum

>Sasniedz 18 gauds
Es to drīzāk tev varētu pateikt
>nožēlojamies atkritum
Paskaties spogulī nekam nederīgais draņķi.

Tu vēl pamatskolu neesi pabeidzis

Any Latvians up for creating Lithuanian-Latvian commonwealth? We could call it Baltia

Chill out