If you are against LGBT, you are against freedom.
You can't cherrypick aspects of freedom you like and disregard the ones which hurt your feelings. If you value freedom you have to accept all of it or you are a hypocrite.
If you are against LGBT, you are against freedom.
You can't cherrypick aspects of freedom you like and disregard the ones which hurt your feelings. If you value freedom you have to accept all of it or you are a hypocrite.
Other urls found in this thread:
If you are against pedophilia, you are against freedom.
You can't cherrypick aspects of freedom you like and disregard the ones which hurt your feelings. If you value freedom you have to accept all of it or you are a hypocrite.
guess i'm against freedom then.
Adults can consent.
Children can't.
Your argument is moot.
LGBT are free to be faggots, just as long as I'm free to call them all faggots, and say why being a faggot is for faggots.
If you are against me wanking through your letterbox while singing zipedeedoodah you are against freedom
My only issue with fags is how they believe waving your sexuality around publicly is acceptable. I'm really into bdsm but the only person who knows that is my wife.
This guy gets it
Either everyone gets freedom, or nobody does
Okay. Sodomy should be morally shunned by society and in an ideal legal system would be punishable. That's my stance, I'm not going to be bullied into changing it by a weaselly argument about "freedom" whatever the fuck that really means.
>If you value freedom you have to accept all of it or you are a hypocrite
pure freedom means i can commit atrocities like rape and murder and get off scot free.
there's always a limit, kid.
So you're saying I'm not free to do that? Sounds like you're against freedom.
Best post.
And now an entire audience on a Mongolian throat singing discussion forum
>just as long as I'm free to call them all faggots
You're free to call them whatever the fuck you want.
and people are free to react however they feel is appropriate to your comments.
And? Freedom isn't the highest good. Libertarians/liberals need to get fucked.
Sup Forums is not real life
I don't care about "freedom" and I don't care about you. You were given an inch and you took it a mile. Now we have to put limits back in place, because people are fundamentally weak children who necessitate a certain amount of structure and boundaries. Sure, they may fight against it, but the fact that it exists will give them something to occupy themselves with so they don't spill over and cause actual damage elsewhere.
No, but it's based on a lot of true stories
If you are against brainwashing children to thinking homosexuality is a mental mutation disorger, you are against freedom.
You can't cherrypick aspects of freedom you like and disregard the ones which hurt your feelings. If you value freedom you have to accept all of it or you are a hypocrite.
I'm against slavery and sin is slavery.
if ur against pedosexuals then ur a bigot whos against freedom.
I don't think any amount of telling kids being gay is good or bad morally will change if your kids are actually gay. They might repress it more around you but that is probably not good for their mental health.
wrong because they all chose to be faggots
people who choose to be murderers should be put to death by the state
faggots should be put to death by the state
kill yourself faggot
>if you value freedom you have to accept degeneracy
If you value freedom, you'll accept my right to express my opinion of you faggots. I never have a shit until you started ruining the mental health of children
>Children can't.
but according to the faggot comunity hey can consent to sex changes and become literal drag queens?
gotya moron.
If you are against homophobes, you are against freedom.
It's not freedom. It's """(((freedom)))""". It is the exact opposite of freedom, because acting out your lust, in addition with having zoophilia-tier desires, depraves you of any sort of free enactment. You'll become slave to unnatural and most likely learned behavior and tho whole of society supports this highest act of emasculation there is. Same goes for homo women.
And let's not talk about trans fags. It's a mental illness that must be acted upon rather than being encouraged by society. But guess what ? It's trendy. It's mundane.
And to add to all this, enabling faggotry is easy shekel generation.
I doubt hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgery is very healthy either, but that's not stopping them from mutilating themselves
If you are against free speech, you are against freedom.
You can't cherrypick aspects of freedom you like and disregard the ones which hurt your feelings. If you value freedom you have to accept all of it or you are a hypocrite.
i'm a fag and i say they can't
LGBT =/= every gay person
Explain to me how refusing to support a mental sickness is against freedom?
>LGBT =/= every gay person
what is the no treu scottsman fallacy?
If you're against schizophrenia, you're against freedom.
homosexuality is caused by toxoplasmosis, transgenderism is caused by xenoestrogens in the water from flushed birth control pills and BPA.
The redpill that turns you against the gay agenda is when you realize they were already free to corn hole each other and this whole movement has really been about expanding government *into* our private lives in order to alter our culture, morality, and psychology.
Your kids are taught in school that gay= straight. There's nothing disordered about it, nothing "off." Yet there so obviously is. That's a problem. And this misrepresentation lures impressionable youngsters into a degrading and unsatisfying lifestyle.
We are at the point now we're "It's my religion!" is the only excuse anyone can make to get exemption from the faggotry. There needs to be a secular anti-gay movement.
This guy gets it
Studies show that homoexuals are far more likely to be pedophiles. How is that freedom loving?
Ok, so I do have the freedom to disassociate from faggots?
There is no such thing as freedom or consent
shut up faggot
I'm kinda agreeing but total freedom also implies that it should be fine to show displeasure to the whole excessive LBGTxxxx thing that is being forced down our throats in the last years.
>You can't cherrypick aspects of freedom you like and disregard the ones which hurt your feelings
Why not?
If you are against rape murder and genocide, you are against freedom
You can't cherrypick aspects of freedom you like and disregard the ones which hurt your feelings. If you value freedom you have to accept all of it or you are a hypocrite.
seems fine.
But it's totally cool to give your kid hormone blockers and dress them up in girls clothes because they can totally consent to that and it's never forced on them or pressured into it by their psychopath parents
>. If you value freedom
nice try but i dont believe in "freedom"
also youre a fucking hypocryte if you valeu freedom so much why should others not have the chance to disagree with faggots and call them faggots? why should they be forced to bake cakes for faggots?
you dont believe in freedom faggot.
Bull crap. Look at these gay couples who adopt kids. They tend to create abominations. One day they walk in and the kid is playing with a barbie, twisting its head off or something like that. Next thing you know the gay parents are encouraging there child that playing with barbie is a good thing and that it may mean your transgender and should explore the possibility. Gay parents should NOT be allowed to adopt children. We all know it.
You are against my freedom for killing fags.
I liked it better when you were nazis :(
Actually mon frere, I have the freedom to disagree with lgbtq+. Fags gonna fag but that doesn't mean I need to be forced by law to bake them a cake.
It's about governments spending trillions to push it, not about individual faggots you cocksucking trash.
No I am not. I want my kids to be free of LGBT propaganda and degeneracy, hence, I am for freedom. Do you want to take that freedom away from me and my kids?
exactly full freedom doesnt exist you either have the freedom to not bake the cake for fags or you dont theres no inbetween.
I am against non gassed jews, if that makes me anti freedom then so be it
Who said I supported freedom to begin with? Murder all gays.
I'm fine with gay folk. I'm not ok with the liberal agenda that seeks to give them special rights.
Why do you hate freedom?
>They tend to create abominations
There are examples of awful gay parents, but to say it is normal is probably unfair. Statistics for this sort of thing probably aren't very accurate at this point as the idea is fairly new.
>Next thing you know the gay parents are encouraging there child that playing with barbie is a good thing and that it may mean your transgender and should explore the possibility.
I'm still yet to be convinced that its possible to turn a child gay/transgender through propaganda and persuasion. Yes you can probably trick a boy into wearing a dress but that wont change his brain chemistry.
So you are fine if you had kids they could get molested by perverted weirdos?
Pedophilia is a fucking fetish. It is not normal.
I value my freedom to be against this fagottery
You can't cherrypick aspects of freedom you like and disregard the ones which hurt your feelings.
If you value freedom you have to accept all of it or you are a hypocrite.
The thing is that the lgbt movement changes in terms of for what and whom it actually advocates for. If all they eanted eas tolerance tgat would be the end of it for me, but it is a progressive movement, so the criteria for success constanty changes. Freedom does not mean that impositions need to be made on the general populace in order to gain greater acceptance or value in the public's eye.
heterosexual relationships are legitimit
homosexual ones aren't
Your argument is moot
great argument fag
Yeah, sure. Fuck your freedoms. Taking away freedom is a corollary of giving other people freedom.
I'm not condoning that. I'm saying people have the right to live openly as gay.
butt sex isn't freedom. its oppression.
What are you ? 12 ?
Pedophelia and homosexuality are one and the same
Homosexuality is a fucking fetish. It is not normal.
The only faggots that should exist are the ones on my flag.
>lower adult age to 14
Not giving you faggots any more ground. Already ruined white countries with this crap.
special rights like what, user.
>You can't cherrypick aspects of freedom you like
Yes you can you HIV filled degenerate faggot
I wear my AIDS as a badge of honor faggot.
You have none or else you wouldn't shame people with this illness.
And where is our freedom you dumb fucking retards? You're indoctrinating our kids even in preschool. Where is my freedom to raise my kids how ever the fuck I want? You are forcing your sexual perversion down our kids throat. I consider that a form of pedophilia, you are transforming OUR kids in to objects of your sexual perversion.
A real Buddhist monk once said to me that I'm one of the most Buddhist people he knows (although I am not a Buddhist) but you lefty shitheads are forcing me to go full Nazi.
People have the right in the US to be whatever they want, gay, straight, attack helicopter. And what you do behind closed doors is your own business. But when you start forcing the other masses to go along with your dillusion is when the line should be drawn. There's a reason that gender roles and societal norms exist. The people from the past weren't stupid. Rejecting the lessons and teachings that our ancestors have handed down to us is foolish and we are now reaping the results of ignoring their warnings
You mean if I'm against gay mafia from threatening to rape and murder Russian antigay activists I'm anti freedom. If I'm against compelled speech like baking gay wedding cakes. If I'm against The gay OTO child rape cult I'm against freedom.
Freedom never meant being degenerate. Freedom, in the sense of the enlightenment, means freedom for scientific exploration and productive creativity. By creativity it mean things that increases mankind's power to exist. What does homosexuality do to increase man's power to exist?
What value does freedom have unless it is linked to increasing man's power of existence?
You are allowed be homosexual, but having tons of unprotected sex only produces disease and corrupts your mind. All at the cost of productive people.
Agreed. We should have inspectors in every American home making sure of proper condom use.
Then I'm against freedom now please go suck Muhammad off
Free to be subhuman.
even the rabbi disapprove of your faggotry
I'm for a healthy culture and society, so if that means taking away your freedom to spread psychological and physical disease so be it.
Yes it is. The purpose of society is to safeguard the general welfare of individuals. It is not a demigod for the people under it to serve. Legal policy should be based on preventing evident harm and upholding the rights and freedoms of it's people. Being gay doesn't cause evident harm, unless you're a retarded collectivist playing 6 degrees of oppresion/jewish subversion.