Is having your first breakup the biggest red pill?

Is having your first breakup the biggest red pill?

>mfw never thought of it this way but it's completely true

You're not a real man until you've both had your heart broken and broken someone's heart

And you've never felt true love unless you've both hated the person and loved them.

It is indeed.


Almost 3 months on and still recovering but it's made me learn that Slavs aren't based afterall. Fucking slavs.

And guess what bro, they NEVER get easier.


My first redpill was getting laid by a young slut while being upfront about what i wanted to do the day after loosing my v card to an older roastie who i chased for 3 months. Then going to smash old roastie same day and realizing how trash she is when giving attitude about a bj so i threw her out my car and never heard from her again. Went from beta virgin to literal pimp overnight after that