What the fuck is up with Musk?
>Messiah complex
>Thinks women should be stay-at-home wives
>Openly nationalistic
And now makes anti-semitic comment on Zuck
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
What the fuck is up with Musk?
>Messiah complex
>Thinks women should be stay-at-home wives
>Openly nationalistic
And now makes anti-semitic comment on Zuck
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's also said in private before that non-whites are "subhuman savages."
He should be redpilled after his wife was cucking him
I can buy that.
How would you know? He said it to you?
That said, he did grow up South African. Afrikaans, even.
>makes anti-semitic comment on Zuck
Are you talking about the A.I. debate they are having?
Not to me, but every once in a while the audio clip gets uploaded to youtube, but he has so much money he always gets it taken down fast.
He's a well known closet white nationalist.
What did he say about Zuck?
so no source then
oh ok ill just take your word for it
>inb4 google it
No god dammit! You open that fuckign thread you will fucking give those links.
That he's a stupid Jew
Here's your source: biznews.com
>Musk was severely bullied throughout his childhood, and was once hospitalized when a group of boys threw him down a flight of stairs and then beat him until he lost consciousness.
>pro-carbon tax
End of discussion.
Isn't he a kike?
Musk is a cuck who sells hype and develops and apple tier vehicles.
>firmly nationalistic
>Canadian South African American
He's from South-Africa. You don't get more red-pilled than living on THE CONTINENT.
she gave him a dozen children, and he dedicated himself to spaceships.
She earned that money..
t. Reddit
>Thinks women should be stay-at-home wives
say no more.
>>And now makes anti-semitic comment on Zuck
Cool, I might find a little respect for him now.
Isn't he a Kike as well though?
true, but for wagecucking i see the appeal of like 2 bucks in electricity charge for the soul sapping commute.
Based AF
ohh wow a business man who is mostly known for his work on electric cars and renewable energy is for a tax that would hinder all other kinds of cars and energy production and would because of this increase his profit dramatically?
how dare he?!
>more african-american than african-americans
>He doesn't live as close as possible to work.
>"I deserve things because of my vagina"
Leave this place and never return
after you mentioned it i looked it up and as far as i can tell he is not jewish
>he doesn't work from home
This should be on the goddamn list of rules
>He makes less then 40K a year.
>But he holds few fond memories of growing up in SA, which he left as soon as he could, boarding a plane for Canada at 17.
Yeah that's definitely him in private explicitly saying non-whites are "subhuman savages." Nowhere in the article does it substantiate what the first user claimed.
He's a shill. Read any legitimate science journal and you'll notice musk is either illiterate or CIA shill
he is correct, jobs are drying up but the people who are willing to work only doubling, so next solution before we're ready for UBI type of system is to put women back "out of work" and into home for family care and allow males to earn enough to support entire family on a single salary and less time spent at the work-place.
I believe banning women from work should come with banning women from voting also, deep down women want it and hate working to support themselves.
Wow you germans are still obsessed with the jews, no idea why? the country of Israel is the wests strongest wall to the east, the jews are our strongest ally on the middle-eastern border.
Its time to bury and forget Hitler and the Nazis, they were shit anyway.
The Jews or Israelians are our strongest allies in the middle east. The Palestinians or the Lebanese are the ones we hope to win heart of, the Lebanese have always been friends of Sweden and they ar the key to peace in the middle-east.
No idea how to solve this since the Palestinians/Lebanese will never get their full territory back because of the the Israelians but the Israelians were here first several thousand years ago.
I think we hope they could come to common terms in the eye of a bigger enemy. The map of the world is being redrawn right now.
The west against the east is becoming the new old threat again but this time with two of our strongest allies in total disarray.
Europe will have to come together to repel the latest threat and we can expect little to no help from our former allies.
This is it, can Europe evolve into a benign overpowering superpower or will we split up for the pickings of Russia/China and India.
we are talking about a guy who is a literal genius versus a kike w/ Asian wife whose claim to fame is a social network.
WTF I love Elon Musk now,
Not only that, but his personal obsession and mission in life is explicitly to safeguard human civilization against cataclysm by creating an (eventually) self-sustaining colony on Mars.
It's not just a matter of asteroids and other such existential threats -- I have no doubt that he has thought through the possibility of global human civilization suffering a slow, self-inflicted collapse into dysgenic ruin as in South Africa. He sees that we have what may be only a brief window of civilizational capacity to start a Mars colony, and he's arguing that we should devote our efforts to that fully while we still can.
Zuckerberg is an idiot about AI. These technodeterminists are as bad as hermeneutic gnostics in destroying humanity. Musk will lead us out into the Solar System if we are willing to build new businesses around his enterprises.
Then how has he undercut the entire global satellite launch market? I'll give you a hint. Will Pomerantz describes it as "what happens when rockets start to obey Moore's Law."