How are women like this treated in your country?

How are women like this treated in your country?

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Too well.

Hot women are treated like gods. Ugly women are treated like men.

I think he's referring to musrats.

I've never seen one so idk.

usually just go and pull that shit of their head with my guarda buddy's

I keep the peace but they know what i'm thinking.

I like the little sly look the old white guy is giving her.

she has a nice bum

Ignored for the most part, just like they want

He has a bomb next to his head... and she texting on the detonator

>tfw no qt 3.14 Muslim waifu

There are people here who would unironically prefer a white trash whore to a traditional muslim qt.

>b-b-ut my children wouldn't be white
Arabs are pretty close to "whites" genetically. Your children would look mediterranean at worst.

Like in their home countries by this point. A couple years more and the leftist cancer will have been beaten out of our own, then we hijack Islam again and leave the place.

Semite + European is what created the modern Jew retard


let me defuse it im a professional

Wow. Is her butt supposed to stick out that much, as a Muslim? I think they need to implement skirts or something.

>wear clothes to cover up your body
>still make them tight to show off your curves and ass

Women logic.


mgtow cuck detected. stay virgin america

Fuck off drumpf

won't be given a job except maybe cleaning jobs.

10/10 waifu material

Wait so do Muslim women wear the hijab at their actual wedding?

Rarely see them. When I've encountered them with other people, we usually give them a look of contempt then ignore them. Maybe talk about how ugly they are. Saw one pushing a baby carriage while driving and yelled "Allahu akbar" out the window. Silly stuff.

With respect.

>implying a wedding be about the bride

This. I always do this, or just stare at them and make them as uncomfortable as possible.

Fuck, I was walking my dog yesterday and saw two Muslim women in full garb. Ruined my day and my dog's walk.


*sniff* *sniff*
Thank you m'lady
*tips fedora*

I have never seen any muslim in person, Brazil is no country for this shit

Much better than Arab countries
Much worse than enrichment tm(aka Europa)

Smoking hot. I love arabic women. Probably the coolest hottest girl I've ever known is Libyan. She's not muslim but her father was hardcore. Sucks for him having three American daughters.

You must live in a shitty neighborhood

>Pls don't detonate.

that whore knows she is dressing like whore.... My brothers and I will rape her azz and beat her... With my shoe.

I would shove my dick in that ass


Yes, yes I do. They gave my dog dirty looks and made sure to keep their distance from me when we crossed paths on the side walk. I don't know... there didn't used to be so many muslims in this small town. They just sort of appeared. I see Muslim kids now, and hijabs and burkas are a regular sighting now. I've even seen a group of young muslims that was at least six strong in size.

Was just thinking that. She's a babe.

I'm a real Muslim and I hate women like that. These are not real believers but merely followers of a set of rules. They don't understand the point behind them.

>Laying with the enemy

wudberi al mudiq sohar ibn heraz

Hold me Sup Forums, I am not sure if I could resist

Usually i flirt with them and try to give them some dick

;_; I hate the men but the women are so hot sometimes, I assume aside from dirty refugee shits a few men are also kind of cool but why would they come here? They dont need us to leech off of.

bullied to oblivion
i once saw a rich arab couple walking in my city's shopping mall and they had like 7 favelados laughing their asses off mimicking them and making explosions sounds around them. the couple looked severely uncomfortable until the favelados went away

>pic somewhat related, the favelados looked like that

I'd get up and tell her right in the face what she is: A DIRTY DUNECOON and that she's not welcome. Then I'd pull the hijab off her hair and headbutt her right in the nose. Her nose breaks and she'd probably fall to the floor crying. I'd proceed to spit on her while shouting "Europa wird leben!!". By then some beta white knight would probably get up from his little seat and put his little cuckphone away and start saying to me that I can't do that and he'd probably call me an ignorant bigot. I look at him and call him a race traitor, I walk over to him (he proceeds to piss his pants at the sight of an alpha 6'3" muscular Aryan God walking over to him. I grab him by the throat and lift him up. I throw him to the other side of the cabin and slowly walk over to him. If some other cuckold tries to stop me I'd smash his head against one of those poles or just knee him in the groins. As I approach the white knight I redpill the other passengers on our Volk and heritage. I beat the living shit out of the white knight. While I'm doing this, the mudshit woman is probably getting up on her feet and looking for a way to run away. Ofcourse I don't let her get away so easily. I walk back over to her and roundhouse kick her ass back to Mekka. Sadly I have to get off the next stop but I'm not leaving without one final redpill on migration and race. As I leave the cabin, the now redpilled crowd sheers me on and thanks me for my bravery and wisdom.

I'd explode in her, if you know what I mean.

We know what you like, faggot.

That ass though.

> Portland, Oregon

Other than this supposed "stabbing at the TriMet" which nobody has any video or images of, I think they do pretty well here.

I see a lot of ME/North African's at the big mall and at Walmart and Target. They really love Subway sandwiches, for some reason.

They are given three days food and water and then banished.

They look like witches

there is literally no difference between man and woman, gender is a social construct don't you forget

I loudly say I disapprove of Islam because Muhammad married a 6yr old and had sex with her when she was 9. I then say Islam is not a religion, but a political thing and everyone who wears a hijab shows she likes terrorism.

She's one of those Muslimas who just wants to get defiled by BWC, she'd get along fine here

lol, this is great. im going to use this quote

>They invited me
>What else could I do?

Not sexually assault a young boy?

Look at her, do a doubletake to confirm you saw correctly, then stare for a few seconds, knowing that this might be the last time you see one, then move on with our life. Thats how rare they are.


Well she is clearly very hot and wearing right tight robes that show her curves. She would probably be treated much more nice than a normal looking MUslim.

I tear her ass up like she were a little boy on Thursday

Her dressing like that defeats the whole purpose of the Hijab, just like the feminists who goes around naked saying they aren't sex objects.

>How are women like this treated in your country?
pic related

Trap Thursday?

More appropriate to refer to my state, Vermont, who are raging cucks asking for a stabbing spree. They have gay pride rallies/parades and such at the UVM campus, while all the Muslims are hidden away in places like Rutland and Colchester, which is only a few miles down the road. It's so bizarre living here, everyone's a hipster, a braindead "liberal" or a so-called conservative who is really little more than a pussy with supposed morals. Then you see hyper practicing Muslims, fully garbed with like eight children. The cultural clash in palpable and yet the shallow and vapid white population continues to *fight the federal government* by importing more minorities and utter mismatches to the region. To answer your question, Muslim women are worshiped here for their bravery or some kind of bullshit.

Wood Convert or die

Far better than they should be.

id blow in her

I live in Dearborn so no one cares


I live in south london and see this shit all the time

I honeslty dont mind hot muslim girls dressed in that shit desu

They're stoned. Showing your curves is haram.

saw one mixed nog at rio federal university once using that

looked deep into her eyes to make sure she wouldnt ever lift her face again

bitch better keep hiding behind that burka

Nice bod.
But still an ugly hook nose monkey.

Cant wait to invade

How are you still alive mate?

Why would you invade your 2nd greatest ally?

It doesn't matter how cute they are senpai when theres a dozen ugly ones and a dozen more angry male Muhammads. Don't think with your dick man.


In Peru we still lynch and burn muslims. We throw pig blood and skulls at mosques so they leave to Brazil or other places.

If they are hot, they are treated like every other woman. If not they are ignored. Hm..

If their face isn't covered they get started at by sexual predators.

>white bitch dressing in a skin tight burka
>100% sure shes not a muslim too

Yo niggah, When russia or NK gonna man up and nuke us ......

By any other women you mean sitting in the corner watching immigrants sodomized them?


I can disarm it

I know right. Even shorts leave more to imagination, that dress is leggings tier- You can se her panties. islam is illogical

Go say hi next time. See if they explode.

>skin tight burqa

What a timeline. Don't even get me started on those Muslim womens manicured feet they like to tease with, it's like foot porn.

I'd treat her to dinner after respectfully asking her father how much she costs.

I mean fuck it, I'm not married, why not this chick?

Not worth the risk. I don't want my dog to be killed.

>Burka is supposed to make woman sexually unappealing when she is outside
>Bitch wears it skin tight

Hot muslim women is my fetish desu Sup Forums. I want to alahuakbar the shit out of them, if you catch my drift.

Nice fantasies but we both know none of it is true

Yea mussys have no love for doggos. Appreciation for Man's Best Friend is a good litmus test for whether or not a given people are garbage.

>Literal nig behavior
Didn't expected better from a latin monkey

Savagely gang rape her with my friends and family for showing her hands.