Being homosexual is not an achievement. Gay pride isn't real.
Gays destroyed in one image
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It clearly applies under 'verb.'
>John's kike masters held pride in how much nigger cock John could suck on a daily basis.
That's not a verb. The verb in your example is "held". Did you mean pride in the skill of dock sucking (verb)? That's still not pride in being homosexual which is neither a skill nor achievement.
the pride is in not hiding your sexuallity in the face of discrimination, refusing to be shamed, and collectively standing up for your rights.
No it isn't. That may be the facade, but the truth is gays are trying to be proud of being degenerate. They have the same rights,but they need to be unacceptable because they get off on it.
they need to be unacceptable because they get off on it.
sounds very familiar.
Because you're gay.
>or from qualities[...] that are widely admired
Everyone loves us but you Nazi homophobes. Your outnumbered, Suck my dick.
... it sounds familiar because it's the M.O. of this board.
Gays are not widely admired. At nest, weaker individuals are afraid to voice their disgust.
It's an achievement to come out and tell people you're gay, even in parts of Europe and America. Suicide rates among LGBTetc teenagers are still far higher than their hetero counterparts.
Having the same rights on paper doesn't mean a lot when you're far more likely to experience violence, family exclusion, poor mental health etc because of something you didn't choose and can't change.
Maybe that's because being gay is a mental abnormality and your life doesn't really matter since you're the last of your bloodline by nature. You know this and so does everybody else, no matter how much we pretend to ignore it.
twice the pride
double the fall
Doesn't make any sense to view bloodlines on an individual basis, not in terms of the survival of the species - and "abnormalities" are necessary to improve the overall genetic health of the herd.
The mental health issues are pretty obviously the outcome of living in a discriminatory society under the threat of violence.
Although the latest evidence points to homosexuality as the result of the mother's body flushing the womb with oestrogen in response to the testosterone produced by a male zygote, and the chance of this happening increases with each male child.
No they aren't you retard. Pride is not to celebrate sexuality but to celebrate the hardships they have to endure because of shit stains like you
Buttsex or not, hollow pride is one of the worst sins.
So you are using the definition of a word to try and fuck over leftist idiots? Guess what, they are one step ahead of you! Remember when 'woman' meant someone without a penis? Yep, they are just changing definitions now. Your argument is thus invalid. Check-mate, Drumpfkin!!!
gay pride is a response to homophobes saying they need to stay in the closet because it's shameful to be gay, get mad about it bigot
Your fork is a dead end. Nature has deemed you a genetic failure with no innate desire to breed with the opposite sex.
It's not pride then.
>Remember when 'woman' meant someone without a penis?
It still does.
It's still not pride. Btw how do you suck cocks with those can opener teeth?
They will just change the definition.
if gays can have "Pride" in being
...then I can have pride in
Time for a "White-Pride" Parade!
It really doesn't look likely to be genetic, senpai, but yes, I will most likely not reproduce (although the tech exists nowadays). But so what? I'm not some kind of animal with only the basest of desires, spreading my seed around like some kind of horny neanderthal.
It's immoral frankly to shit out more of your own kids anyway, when there are plenty stuffing our orphanages and care homes. I don't view this individually, as I said, I view it socially, cos I'm a commie as well a a fag. ;)
"it's not pride then" - lol come on, try again. This is like people saying "I can't be homophobic, I'm not scared of gays and phobia means fear."
Don't you understand that words can have multiple meanings that change over time? Language is organic, as is society.
>it's the M.O. of this board.
It isn't you fucking freak.
>It's immoral frankly to shit out more of your own kids anyway
Only if you are brown. The world needs first world white people.
>Remember when 'woman' meant someone without a penis?
>It still does.
Maybe to us normal people, but there is a growing number of people who don't see it that way. And they are the ones who also think being a bum-bandit is something worthy of 'pride'.
Sodomy was literally banned less than 10 years ago. In another 10 years people won't even bat an eye at being gay.
Stop being fucking retarded. Did you even finish reading the definition? Christ sakes.
>hurr durr, it's not widely admired
It could be widely admired within their own group. It's not up to you to dictate what "widely admired" means, it's flexible.
>only the basest of desires
You are a Sodomite. You base your identity on your sodomy.
Also pride is a sin
Proverbs 16:5
Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.
I am proud not being gay.
And being white is?
Given the European and North American contributions to science, arts, engineering and technology, there's nothing wrong with it.
We only really have the same rights in states with anti discrimination(anti trust) laws. Those laws prevent a polarized community from starving out a minority they don't like.
In a big city using anti discrimination laws to say force a bakery out of business is a misuse. I'm still pissed that happened.
Pride one of the 7 deadly sins
I see a lot of people at pride just trying to be as shocking and vulgar as they can. Eugene pride was too much for me I got triggered and went home.
But only a small fraction of white people are responsible for those things. The bulk are just riding their coat tails. Only the individuals that "achieved" those things deserve to have any pride in them.
We're always told that having pride in your race (literally only if you're European/white) is bad, but having pride in screwing your own sex is supposed to be a good thing? Only under Jewish influence could this be possible.
Wow we have a real Nostradamus here. Predicting the past flawlessly.
I think they are both bullshit. Only thing one can really be proud of is things they have achieved.
If this thread had proceed anything, it's that Sup Forums is by majority a bunch of faggots. It may as well be tumblr now
You can't be proud of family achievements?
My spouse and I have evidence of hormonal issues in our genes. I am androgen/estrogen insensitive. My spouse has a testosterone production issue.
Get yourself dna tested at a place like and then run the data through Might give you some peace of mind.
Is being proud of buttsex hollow pride?
I'm waiting for the zoophilia and necrophila pride. At least the necros will have cool parades.
I'm a eunuch. I just live as women do. I don't have any illusions about my sex but I do have a tendency to look to women for my roles instead of men.
Spent my whole life trying to hide it only to be constantly reminded I was male failing. Honestly I didn't know I was proper gay till other people told me. They weren't nice about it so I dismissed their assertions.
After my ex and I divorced I said fuck it and transitioned.
That is some serious kink you are into.
Dog blowjobs are already legal in Canada.
>gays are proud about being gay
>they kill themselves when people are mean to them about being gay
Doesn't sound like pride
Pro-gay is basically anti-survival so go figure.
I hate the concept of that pride parade shit. It makes about as much sense as being proud of your blood type or eye colour.
>tfw proud of being O negative with blue eyes
there's a difference between being a homosexual, and being the kind of in-your-face faggot who parades around at pride, half naked and covered in dildos.
Which type do you think OP has a problem with dude? Personally I don't even care for people running around getting in my face about how straight they are either. If fags left me the fuck alone I wouldn't care.
But there goes my fucking prime minister...
I understand that some gay people have trouble because they perceive themselves as unacceptable or whatever. They have trouble telling their parents, friends. I get that. But how does that translate to fucking thousands of people in your life? Promoting such degenerate behavior?
By all means, coming out of the closet should be easier. But that's a battle for people to accept you as 'born that way', you must know that some may not. But is that the battle pride parade faggots are fighting? Are people running around limp-wristed and high pitched doing the world a favor in any way at all?
Is being a huge fucking degenerate and advocating that behavior going to help your case at all? If you were born that way, live and die that way. It's a fact, you shouldn't feel pride in a fact. You should be unafraid, not liberally unashamed and disgusting in public.
DESU I think a pride parade is fine to a degree. Imagine if there we doctors, engineers, artists (not 'artists'), car mechanics, and other professionals well dressed and going for a march to show that they contribute in a good way to society. That'd be fine. A celebration of them being 'normal, just born that way like some people are'. Like, cool stuff that'd be another parade I look at or ignore.
That's not what we have. I start to perceive it as beyond a mental disorder when people need to show off, hell even FEEL COMFORTABLE showing off degeneracy like that.
Same goes for BLM. Imagine if minority groups went out there tastefully and rationally to show off the good work that they do. If they Actually did something to take pride in. Again, they do not and I am rightfully disgusted.
>Being proud that you like to get poop on your penis.
You might as well define yourself as a person as someone who likes to play with poop.
When I hear someone define themselves as gay. I'll I can think of is someone walking into a room and saying, 'hello everyone, I just want you all to know that I play with poop. Please don't think I'm weird, I'm totally normal. I just thought you all should know how brave I am for liking poop on my penis.' You may all carry on.
>Not even RH -
What a faggot
For sure - but this is not me. I've never been to pride, only been to a gay bar a couple of times - but the historical importance of pride as a tool for liberation and equality is without question.
I think a lot of the promiscuity comes from the fact that gays couldn't settle down and form family units for centuries, it alway had to be a quick encounter in the woods or the public toilets, or you risked death. That kind of collective memory won't go away quickly (and let's not pretend that straight youth aren't all fucking each other, at least around here haha)