YKTD General

ITT: We discuss the ideas spread by the based triplord YKTD. Take a stroll through the archives and pick out some of your favourite moments.

His two tripcodes:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/username/yktd/tripcode/!!hn7ASgIZ1vE /

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/username/yktd/tripcode/!ZeXiY.i5UA /

Unfortunately, YKTD made his formal departure back in January but he has been dropping by on an informal basis every now again. In time, let's hope this based triplord gets his life back on the straight and narrow as I'm sure we all look forward to his thoughts and musings in the future.

Other urls found in this thread:


Praise be to YKTD!

!gWstogoTIc is also another trip of his.


>tfw no designated leftist

I miss him.

I'm sure he's alive

I miss him so much
Every night I wonder where he is and what he's doing now

Do you have the one with his last post before he left? Might unironically buy it.


I am particularly thankful for him giving us the term "anonymong". Such a powerful word.

Search archives for filename with "Cup1"


>tfw no gf to fuck in between posting on brit/pol/ all day

He truly had the patrician lifestyle.

I would have been his cocksleeve cumslut


He'll return some day

To judge the living and the dead
And his kingdom will have nio end

Same here in the USA... add that with divorce rates, inflation, immigration (less work for natives), plus games media and the internet. Unless you really fall in love. Who is going to bred just to breed. Fuck them! Enjoy niggers ripping your futures generations off spring to pieces. Niggers always try to take over everything. History proves it. I'm smart enough to not throw a child who is better than shitkins into the meat grinder with shit skins and I ain't no Rich privi KIKE or white or Rich immigrant fuck in general. aka dot heads who own all the gas stations in the usa. They will just take your shit one day like they always do. Like they even made laws for them to do. Like anti boycotting laws which are unconstitutional. Don't matter I hope niggers rip kikes to shreds one day world wide. Hell they are to blame for the plight being the brain child of European slave trading of niggers.

I think you walked into the wrong thread buddy, this is for YKTD worship only.

I read his posts.

Good. Spread the Gospel.




>designated leftist

He killed himself to death by his own hand

We are discussing the political ideas of one of the most influential thinkers on this board. Problem?

YKTD was an antifun soapbox faggot who couldn't handle the heat of the kitchen


>he thinks i'm new

The irony is I was here when we were all /new/

See what I did there


>having fun

Britpol has fallen into such a state. I think i'll quit.

I bet you don't

You'll never see this face again. I brought so many high quality posts and you'll never know who I was. It's all over. It's all lost.

was anyone else in the most blessed of threads?
do not reply to tripcunts.

>I brought so many high quality posts

like "what's your favorite kind of biscuit" and "i'm going the shop does anyone want anything" posts

I will miss you user, Garibaldi and a bottle of Smirnov and some tampons thx

Damn right I was, it was a great night


No tears now. Goodbye forever. We had some laughs user. Goodbye now. Remember me as I was... anonymous.



I'll miss you and... all this, but it's all finished. There's nothing left for me here. I'll never forget you user.

Bye my love


will he ever come back?

He's been dipping in and out over the past few months. I suspect somewhere down the road he will make a triumphant return.