just so we can continue to talk
Kraut and the question of ethics, also fuck him
Other urls found in this thread:
leftypol is mad kek
losing their shit and resorting to caps now
You know what to do.
Start reporting his shit.
What the fuck happened, why should I care
You shouldn't care. Fuck off.
kraut and the skeptic community on yt and twitter have made a clear stance against doxing , targeting someones employment and the like. however kraut decided to contact one rage after the storms employers and it spiraled from there
He proved he's a hypocritical, anti-free speech fag. Waiting for him to pop in and be smug as ever, as he's been known to before.
What did Rage do? I don't really follow into e-celeb much so excuse my nigger-tier brain
I'm not entirely sure, but from what I've gathered, there was some popular centrist chick who signaled once against the jews, and instantly lost her Youtube channel, patreon, and was fired from her job. And it's this guy's fault. (?)
So, E-celeb shit, but fuck this Kraut nigger anyway.
Is Krautypoo german? We should report him to the government for all the icky things he says about Muslims.
so essentially his community either needs to stick to the muh pure centrism and no far right members or stick to we love freedom of speech and hate islam
post a facts-heavy video on race realism
She was alt-lite and made a video coming out as a race realist.
made some "alt-right" videos basically something about jews and race realism
he sadly fled Germany to Vienna
>Wow, you think trannies are mentally ill and have expressed so? Actions have consequences!
>Wow, you think the propensity for African Americans to commit violent crimes is linked to IQ and have expressed so? Actions have consequences!
All I'm seeing here is one group of shitlib leftists acting exactly like another group of shitlib leftists who happen to be contrarian.
>be Kraut
>see reasonable response
>shit I can't debate this.jpg
Like potty.
its about the image they like to project , the skeptics like to project free speech so this is very damaging to that group of "shitlibs" in the public eye potentially
Here's a link to his Patreon if you want to hit him where he makes his money:
Report him to the platforms he uses. The most minuscule action beats any amount of words.
dont forget to call everyone who isnt you or far left scum!
for the retards among us, can you explain how to report a patron account?
>but not about race
Why not?
The """""skeptic""""" community are only centrist in name. They take any opportunity they can to virtue signal to, and team up with, the leftists and bash the right.
they've always been that way. Sarcuck of Mossad thinks it's purity spiraling to call people out for shilling for extremely dubious companies but watch him back Kraut on this and say it's for the sake of community
First off, we don't know if any of this is true at all.
Pic related in previous OP had no echoes around his name which is kind of suspicious to me.
if you do this, report him for Islamophobia and racism specifically. anything else Patreon won't respond to
THIS. As a nigga in Africa this Kr*utfag will be the first on the day of the beheading.
Wow look at this racist video.
OP, in future, include a link to the last thread so people can look at old links/evidence.
he did report her and contact her employers it was just that he was not the only one who did so, but the fact he did likely provided a signal boost and caused others to do so
He admitted it on twitter and there is an archive of the tweet you fucking retard.
sorry, i'm bad at op things
Might have to do with that post being a month old?
He's literally admitting he made that tweet on his twitter. Stop trying to concern troll his way out of this.
>damage control
You fuckwads are bad at this.
He claims to have not contacted Rage's employer, but then acted all smug when she was told to reform her thinking.
I fucking posted you a link, lefty fag
Go check it yourself on his account or fuck off
Jeff Holiday currently sperging on twitter
this gymnastics this guy does to avoid the IQ question
How many thousand people does he have as twitter followers? He tweeted about reporting her, and was admitted by the employer to have been "one of the first to report her". That means that most of the rest who reported her probably only did it because Kraut told them to.
I doubt Patreon is going to be happy supporting such racists and Islamophobes on they're progressive platform
>Heine avatar
Is that guy jewish??
Oh, haven't seen archive though.
Send me a link.
I'm happy to be corrected.
Which link you fucking slovene nigger?
This isn't the same tweet you moron.
he said he hates Germany for obvious reasons and fears that staying there will endanger him or sum shit
i think it's more because of internet laws than anything. he's a jewtuber and German jewtube blocks many anti-sjws so that you can't even see their channel with a german ip
11 thousand i think, but he gets retweeted by much bigger guys so maybe even more have seen what he has done.
thanks austrianbro
Why did he even report her to employers? What did he stand to gain?
Look down this page, and you can see him posting things like "Words should not be illegal", and "Virtue signaling destroys free speech". What a disingenuous cunt.
He's part jewish. Must be why.
Virtue signaling, mostly.
He is against Right-Wingers. It's a small ideological victory.
he is now saying several things
1- i didnt contact the employer at all
2- i was one of a large group who only tweeted at them (the employer)
3- she never worked there in the first place but was still fired from that place???
what does he mean by these?
>im glad i did this , fuck the alt-right nazis
>it wasn't actually my fault look at this email!
fuck snownigger
Oh shit it's real.
I'm sorry then. I really thought this was another character assassination thread.
Here's archives of his tweets (pic related):
honestly I like this chick, how can we support her?
>inb4 Patraeon
He posted an email from her former employer containing her name. So now he's basically doxing her. He's a cunt.
He's trying to cover his ass clumsily. Take the contradicting pics and combine them into a pic to drive the point home.
>The Alt-Right is a bunch of pathetic fat lonely stupid trolls and I'm superior in every way, huahuahua.
She went 1488
Why would there be a character assassination on a smug lefty we'd all hate anyways?
his feed but i think he is deleteing some of them heres one twitter.com
I just don't get these people's endgames at all. Like what society can he point to that was multicultural and multi-ethnic that lasted and was successful?
they're going all out
Friendly reminder: You're not ever going to fuck her.
You mean Rage?
Just spread the word in support of her. I feel like more Sup Forumsacks need to get their views out there, and support their allies.
she did what Lauren southern and these other kikesses would never do
claimed whites are the superior race and brought facts to back it up
>reform your thinking
>literal thought policing
>but a company has the right to discriminate based on repugnant ideas.
help me make sense of this pls
Skeptics are cryptolefties. When will you 'muh shills' fags finally understand it?
retards like him dont even know what friends are
people who remember your name arent your friends
people witch whom you can talk about EVERYTHING and they dont sell you out are friends - and we have them
but you might, she's from switzerland
Oh hi Rage, I knew I heard you live in Switzerland.
How is it in the mountains of neutrality?
Wait? If Rage didn't work at Kipper, then what the hell is going on?
its less about rage and more about ideals at this point my dude
It's not secret he's a lefty though. I believe he's a proud social democrat.
His videos are god-tier compared to other $kā¬ptic$ but this thing in particular sucks from him.
you're still iodine deficient, leftard degenerate scumfuck.
fuck right off back to leftypol
Who already reported him to Patreon?
We need to take this seriously Sup Forums, he handed us this opportunity on a fucking silver platter. Let us let him know his actions have consequences as well
A company has the right to fire its employees based on what they do, but not on some YouTube asshole telling them they have to.
His videos are shit. You sound like a faggot.
Wow, I didn't think he'd be backpedaling this bad.
Kraut on suicide watch.
she has been fired from a place that she doesn't work at? look at their statement in the op. stuff isnt adding up if you are on krauts side.
Ass covering.
Kraut sounds like he's malfunctioning
He's a bosnian subserbian degenerate gypsy, what did you expect from that low IQ ottoman rape abomination
I did my part
This is why you should never trust a German.
Even if he claims to be half anglo
>ewhores creating drama for attention and shekels
well color me surprised
@RealKraut isn't the real Kraut and Tea though. Faggots.
seriously, if a guy was saying the shit she is saying i would support him just as much. i listen to fucking styx who refuses to say whites are better than other races at all, yet alone that other races are subhuman savages
Lmao have fun getting cucked by Achmed.
Bosniak is the word you're looking for, and no, I'm not Bosniak.
I thought you had a good understanding of multikulti society but I forgot you probably never get out of your room.