Do trans deserve rights?

Do trans deserve rights?

Trance, Rock and Jazz.

yes. they have rights as god granted them to them. but they don't need or deserve special protections, if that is what you mean

Excuse me

They deserve to be treated like human beings but not like extra special snowflakes.

The right to be the first on the line to the gas chamber.

They have rights. I assume you are asking if they deserve some sort of special status though.

Sure, up to the point that it involves effort by other people. If other people have to take a class to learn your pronouns or other stupid sensitivity bullshit, you are now invading other people with your personal business.



they are mentally-ill. They need to have some of their rights restricted, similar how to a full blown autistic adult has some limited rights. it's irresponsible otherwise, as irresponsible as encouraging blind people to drive.

They already do. I mean, if you killed a faggot in the 1500 you'd get celebrated for 2 nights. Now you can't even say you don't like sucking dicks without getting your ass thrown in jail.

What rights have they been denied that everyone else gets? The answer is none. They have not been denied any rights. Despite the pity party, we are remarkably tolerant of their disgusting agenda to the point of watching Jazz Jennings have his life destroyed with nothing more than morbid curiosity that would be afforded a car crash.

Am I against Trans gendered mentally ill reprobates having rights? No. They are free to fuck up their own lives as they please. Am I against them being afforded privileges based upon their own mental incompetence? Absolutely not.

I want to do research on the state of a transgender woman's and man's mind at my liberal University but I doubt I'll be able to acquire funding, let alone a lab/team at my University

They already have constitutional rights like any citizen. What the LGBTSJCUDBWHEIFNF... whatever, folks want are exclusive privileges they don't deserve.

Trans have rights. The same laws cover them as anyone else -- always did as for as I know.

Right to be gassed.

Yes, and lefts

They deserve their brains blown out

None at all



this is why no one takes you guys seriously.
can you please gas the zionists, not some harmless people?

Kill yourself, degenerate

I fucking hate trans, but I think gays are alright

Name a right that I have that a transsexual does not.

last I checked anyone could buy a gun, drive a car, get a job, and own property.

the same as anybody else

Yes. They deserve the right to get a free helicopter ride.

They have the same rights as everyone else. Same with fags or normal people.

Everyone deserves rights fag

>tfw leftists believe that oppression is the sum of micro and macroaggressions
>therefore, a white person can't get dreads and a tan and be black
>they can stop at any point
>they haven't lived with racism
>but a man can wear a dress and suddenly understand what it's like to be a woman

"I will not call a male “she”; thirty-two years of suffering in this androcentric society, and of surviving, have earned me the title “woman”; one walk down the street by a male transvestite, five minutes of his being hassled (which he may enjoy), and then he dares, he dares to think he understands our pain? No, in our mothers’ names and in our own, we must not call him sister."

The left is a schizophrenic mess with an incoherent ideology. I miss when people were at least consistent in their arguments.

>Going into any bathroom they feel matches their gender
Hell no (rapists will turn into trannies)
>being accepted by society
>everything else
Sure fuck it

we need to focus on giving human rights to artificial intelligence and robots so capitalists wont use them as slave labor and actually have to pay wages for the work they put inw where its taxed by the govt and those taxes are provided to the people who are out of work due to automation

yes but robots first

Why is Bret Baier so mad?


found the tumblr fag


I am a member in the Trans community and I do not think we deserve extra rights, I dont get butthurt when people call me a fag jokingly, and if someone calls me a pronoun I dont use I don't cuss them out for hours, alot of trans people are super sensitive and just need to smoke a bowl and relax.

>weed smoker
degenerate pls go

kek I said smoke a bowl doesn't mean I personally smoke weed, but even if I did who fucking cares.

Trans : NO
Traps: Depends on how cute and feminine they are

>Do trans deserve rights?

Yes. The exact same rights I have.

/I don't have the right to order you to use a certain pronoun.

only german traps then

This. Classical liberalism is like throwing acid in their faces.

I wouldn't say i like the idea of trans and multiple genders for a second but its human rights and not gender specific but if people "identify" as a non human then they don't.

Let me tell you something, user. Rights are just the politically correct term for entitlements used by Freemasons. The laziest of the negroes will present it as his right to continue his destructive lifestyle, or the communist who goes on strike will present it as his right to try and overthrow government or protest private property. They insult God and nature by such claims, and must be put to rest by the bullet or rope. You have what you earn and work for. In America, we have the Bill of Entitlements. The French seem to be the only ones to understand this, as rights and entitlements both have the same word of droits. You are not entitled to anything in life, not even life, as the state has full authority to revoke it if they see you as a destructive force. Labour for respect and freedom, and don't act as though you something is your right. God judges you by your quality.

Yes. They deserve exactly the same rights as anybody else, and nothing more. Most progressives seem to think 'deserve rights' = 'gibs me dat'