Laura Loomer sent this to James Allsup recently, tell me Sup Forums, where have you seen this type of language? JIDF is real, & Jews like Loomer start their careers there.
Laura Loomer's JIDF tricks
Other urls found in this thread:
Oy vey, the goyim are onto us! Shut it down!
>censoring the pic
kys swiftly
>censoring the pic
Yeah, that's suspect... unless the female really did get BLACKED
Destroy her (family ties, education, income, personal secrets) and move on. She is pretty much irrelevant alt-lite crap anyway, but she is annoying enough to deserve it
who do u think it is user? I'm not that familiar with this sub-tier e-celebs to make a guess
That's James Allsup's girlfriend, he censored the pic himself.
About time someone on pol acknowledged James Allsup, he's very well spoken and definitely the future of the movement. He doesnt shy away from race realism and even discussed fascism at length.
Pretty sure Laura Loomer is mad cos James Allsup criticised her and Posobiec when they disrupted the Trump-Caesar play in NYC
got any pic of her?
btw Wew lad, another alt-kike cuckold
He's fine, but this is more about Loomer and why she would dig through Allsup's girlfriends facebook, edit a photo with "Blacked" then dm it to Allsup with "muh dick" bantz. This is done on Sup Forums every day to anyone that openly opposes Jewish control over right wing politics.
Loomer is an obnoxious Jewish attention whore. She's like the kikes who go to a Death In June gig, pretend to be into the music and aesthetic, but then squeel to security every time a Skinhead shows up.
>another alt-kike cuckold
Edit any pictures lately Chaim?
Can I get a basic gestalt on these people?
why is his gf taking pics with tyronne is the real question, Allsup
Wait so is the pic real or edited? Regardless its a scummy thing to do
Allsup is an alt right sympathiser whos called out alt liters like Loomer in the past for being just as unintelligent as their left wing counterparts.
oh hey
She was trying to claim he was a fag a few months ago over fb message when she was involved in that witch hunt trying to say spencer fucked boys
I knew Loomer was garbage the moment her and that obvious plant Jake Posobiec decided to disrupt a performance of Shakespeare.
Our enemies do not understand art. They cannot appreciate that art is designed to make you question (and, in turn, strengthen) your beliefs. The alt-light has no ideas, so they can only use a clown-show version of MSM tactics, devoid the sembla nce of respectability the MSM has by virtue of their institutional knowledge.
These people are gossip columnists pretending to be polticians. There is no place for them in the movement.
Loomer is not helping change the minds about her people AT ALL. In fact she's making it worse Everytime I hear something about this chick
> dat photoshop
Post more pls
>call someone 'alt-lite'
>they respond by trawling your facebook for a pic of your girlfriend, add a 'blacked' logo and mail it you in private convo and talk shit about tyrone.
Not her fault if Allsup can't handle Sup Forums bantz.
This is why we need to attack the BBC jewmeme in the popular culture, not say "oh white guys have big dicks too!" but actually emasculate black males the way asians are. post black dudes with small dicks. not average dicks. small dicks.
Can fix the nose, can fix the lips, can fix the eyes, can fix the ears, can die the hair, can take voice and diction classes to lose the accent
But you can't remove the jew soul. Forever tainted.
Did she photoshop her chin and nose?
Women cannot resist photoshopping themselves it seems.
Loomer is a crazy kike lady who stormed the stage in NYC during the rendition of Julius Caesar.
The other guy is an "alt right" "nazi" so she's trolling him by photoshopping "Blacked" in the corner of a picture of his gf.
Its banter. Nothing important.
Who is James Allsup?
>Call someone an ugly alt-lite JIDF plant for months
>she DMs you calling your girlfriend a niggerlover accompanied with publicly posted photos
>get so rectally ravaged from the bantz you have to take screenshots of the exchange and then run to Sup Forums for help
damn, don't dish it out if you can't take it goy
I'm friends with Laura.
She can be trusted.
ill just drop this here
I can tell you from personal experience that you can always tell a jewess from a white girl (even disregarding appearance) by the way they act sexually. White women act... normally. Jewesses though? They are these hyper-sexual succubi who will say and do the most ridiculous shit in order to bed the goyim.
I've always known from adolescence not to mess with jewesses, but that doesn't stop them from trying. They're downright predatory; it's like with jews, the sex roles are reversed, and it's the women that go on the prowl trying to persuade men to fuck them. It's fucking insane. They'll keep trying to convince you to fuck the, even with no-strings-attached.
I have noticed this as i grow keen to their characteristics.
Interesting how they use sexually promiscuous women to further their brand while the ugly troll men are in the back room counting cash.
did you that video of her hitting on Mike Ma
Remember, this is a jew who considers themselves "right-wing".
Oh hello beautiful girl, why don't you come over here with me
Remember, this is a jew who considers herself "right-wing".
That was unbelievably cringy, you could see the guy trying to escape but she kept pulling him back.
>tfw recognize all those tits except bottom right
Margaret Maclennan