I've literally never understood it, people in some countries have basically dropped religion completely, and yet in some places like the US somehow people still cling to it, what cultural, political, social, etc. stuff keeps it around?
Why are people still religious?
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Some people prefer to believe in something as opposed to nothing. As long as they don't try to indoctrinate people with whacky beliefs and their morals are sound I don't really see an issue with it tbqhwy.
What did you expect?
You don't understand it because your gubbernmint funded atheistic k-12 propaganda robbed you of the intellectual ability to grasp it. Sucks to be you
Some believe that religion is a way of life. Religion is where people base their lives on -- their morals, values, and their actions. Religion has an effect on a person's mental health. Health professionals must be aware of what religion their patient identifies with as it would aid in their healing their illness. Religion may be used as a way of healing as it is used to commit war.
Because it provides good moral grounding, gives them a sense of community, and allows them to explain random shit.
>Why are people still religious?
>I've literally never understood it
Clearly that's because you are stupid.
I am starting to like it more and more just because it is so hated.
> Deus Vult LARPer
> Everything I disagree with is fedora
They're indoctrinated from an early age.
I had an American friend in University, she told me she had to 'come out' to her parents as an atheist and was fearful of their reaction.
Americans force their religion on their children and it's reinforced by their school systems.
A significant portion of the flock in all sects of Christianity lost their faith a long time ago, that doesn't mean that the traditions and values that form the basis of our society need to be abandoned.
Study philosophy and comparative religion.
Consumerism and materialism is the religion of modern day society (as much as it attempts to cloak itself in science). With this as our god, it is no wonder people are full of despair or unbelief, if they fail to look beyond the veil presented to them by this society. Upon looking beyond the present day, to which we are born into, we find that what we call "religion", is simply the manifestation of the set of divine, eternal laws that govern everything in our universe, and give us a place and purpose in our universe, by no simple chance or accident.
Atheism and nihilism is entry-level questioning of a society that anyone not willfully ignorant, knows is profoundly sick. Studying and seeing far, however, we gain a better perspective on just how sick our society truly is, but also just how temporary this evil is; just how recent it is.
Fear not! No lie can last forever.
Because god is Maxis and this is SimCity10,000.
A sense of community and solace at times of uncertainty. Religion as an institution can be a force for the better or worse.
Islam is ruining the world and you're whining about American culture? Right.
No. You have it backwards.
Pick two
I Timothy 2:12
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
To be fair, we did de-nationalize Europe and rob them of their ancient traditions, through mass-media and consumer culture, as much as through the coercive spread of "liberal democracy".
It helps not getting depressed by giving meaning to life.
>inb4 "muh must protect my race"
Then what of the personal anecdotes I have received from talking to American people?
A lot of them never question the beliefs instilled by their society. They're comparable to other countries with strong religiosity like in the Middle East, obedient to what they've been told and also somehow believing this makes them better in someway.
The narrative that you need religion to uphold moral values is a lie.
My cousins, young children, were born in America and when they came to visit me they were able to recite all of these strange religious and patriotic verses. It was genuinely creepy.
The problem with this argument is that it paints religious people as weak subhumans who are mentally inferior.
It acknowledges the "opiates for the masses" narrative and makes every religious person a joke and ultimatively a weak human.
the "gives meaning in life" is always the worst argument available for trying to rationalize why someone is affiliating with something.
Obviously her parents failed by raising a daughter that wants to go to College instead of being stay at home daughter until she gets a suitor.
Well do you have a better reason?
Believing in sky daddy is a pretty sheeple thing to do.
Let me tell you retarded underage.
Majority of people are STUPID, they will behave as the culture or the media tells them how to act.
Religion can be a way to control, but also it can be a way to guide into a healthy life.
If you remove religion, people fall into degeneracy and faggotery.
People need Christianity, People need a God who will judge their actions, People need to fear God because at this point you should realize religion can be even more powerful than the law.
The golden age of civilization was when people feared God, when they valued chastity and public modesty, when their life goal was having a house and a family under God.
The decline of Christian values in society turned society into what it is.
When the church stopped shaming fags, you got San Francisco.
When the church stopped encouraging genre roles, you got feminism.
When the church stopped encouraging modesty, you got promiscuity.
Religion was best guide our society could ever hope to.
Not even once
I'll bet she's one of those lesbo """ministers"""
So I see you are a member eh
those arent christians. those are followers of cucktianity. anything goes! d-dont call us racist or sexist or homophobic plz!
Only way to drive back the mongrol hoards senpai
>I've literally never understood it
I've felt a connection to a higher power all my life. I really don't know what else to tell you.
You can't fathom the intelligent design. We need water to survive, and it exists in abundance. Explain why that is. We need oxygen to survive, it exists in abundance. Explain why that is? We need heat to survive, it is provided by the sun. Please explain why that is. I've picked these things specifically, because NONE of it can be explained by evolution. Gee, you might actually have to think of an argument rather than spamming the "evolution" button this time, sorry kiddo. You are an empiricist, you don't think anything could possibly exist out side of the realm of things that can be sensed. Well mathematics isn't empirical, does it exist? Mathematics are rational, the problems can not be touched or seen, but because the solutions are rational they exist. You are literally a brainlet, god is far beyond your comprehension. Though I will add that god is far beyond the comprehension of Judaea-Christians as well. That LARPing beast that commanded Abraham to nail his son to a plate is not god.
Study Gnosticism, Neo-platonism, Hermeticism, Plato, Platonis, Hegel, and Leibniz.... it could save your life
From the Screwtape Letters, Chapter 7:
>I have great hopes that we shall learn in due time how to emotionalise and mythologise their science to such an extent that what is, in effect, belief in us, (though not under that name) will creep in while the human mind remains closed to belief in the Enemy.
The demonic loves unbelief and the radical. It thrives in this uninquisitive, skeptical world.
I used to see the world as constantly intertwined with spirit. Then I became more jaded. But then I realized that it doesn't matter what other people think. The world is full of evil spirit and God simply is.
wheres the link? How is that possible?
>believes in big bang
>theory is about nothing becoming something through explosion
>this contracts the theory of matter and energy
> may as well believe in alchemy
When you realised existance of God makes more sense than no existance of God...
Why should I be an empiricist?
Can you answer that question?
> people in some countries have basically dropped religion completely,
and at the same time these countries have become slut-infested, sodomite-infested, STD-ridden shitholes
Really makes you think huh?
>The problem with this argument is that it paints religious people as weak subhumans who are mentally inferior.
What's funny is that being an atheist doesn't prevent you from believing in stupid bullshit
Not sure if bait or genuinely retarded, teach me your shitposting ways Straya
Watch Life of Pi. It's a pretty simple way comparison.
Neither story can be proven true:
Do you believe the ugly story of Pi surviving by eating his dead shipmates?
Or do you believe the story where he somehow manages to tame a starving tiger by feeding it fish?
In the end it doesnt really matter. Belief in God and practicing a religion (christianity) will benefit your life more than being an edgelord fedora wearing autist on a japanese basketweaving forum
There are many things you believe that you believe on pure faith, and yet you incessantly whine about people having faith in x or y proposition.
It's hilariously hypocritical.
Religion is a tool. Like any tool, if used properly it can be very beneficial, and help accomplish great things. While that same tool can be misused and cause more damage than good if used improperly.
Casting off religion entirely would be disastrous for everyone. Could you imagine the backlash if everyone was forced to give up their religion? While letting mussies go full shria law for instance would be equally bad if not worse. Or just look at all the child molesting priests the Catholic Church was protecting.
Basically too much of anything is usually bad.
God is absolute and infinitely more powerful and loving than we can ever imagine even after we join Him. We are all His children and He loves us all.
Liberal Christianity/Protestantism: Not even once.
Sup Forums only pushes Christianity to fight degeneracy and somehow fight (((them))). They don't really believe in it or practice it.
Protestants are way more conservative than cucklicks.
Statistically demonstrable fact.
Sup Forums isn't united on this issue
I'm a Christian and often when I mention that on here, a lot of retard fedorafags and pagans chimp out over it. There's also a pagan general thread
Problem of induction.
The belief that your sensory experience corresponds to reality is a faith commitment. Pure faith - nothing to support it.
It's comforting for people.
>Wew so glad we go somewhere when we die
>Wew so glad that I know I am right
>Wew so glad that my system of morality is objectively correct
>Wew so glad I know where humans come from
>Wew so glad that people who don't agree with me will be culled
It takes the hard work out of the work of being human
>what cultural, political, social, etc. stuff keeps it around?
a lot of bullshit, there's still a critical mass of peer pressure in a lot of communities.
Really it's been dead for a while, mainline's been dead, evangelicals took poison by becoming a GOP bitch group and with Faggard they've started to submit, just a matter of time.
why is the Jew in a Taco Bell?
>My cousins, young children, were born in America and when they came to visit me they were able to recite all of these strange religious and patriotic verses. It was genuinely creepy.
It's going down for them, it takes a while for these things to die off but it's still just a matter of time, for good and ill.
Except there is, we've many ways to measure nature, and where our senses fail us we recognize it and are able to discern what is actually happening. Unless you're talking strictly on a high school level philosophy level, in which case you're just a dumbass.
>people listening to post menopausal women >
now that's unbelievable
>i don need no relign 4 moral
Take like an hour and sit down and try to discern just exactly how fucking stupid you are. Religions are the holders of morality. Ethics. Period. Without religion, there is not, THERE COULD NOT BE, an axiomatic "I have faith that life is good/meaningful," and without that, you cannot make a moral. YOU LITERALLY CANNOT. Try imagining a world without morals, you nihilist genius. It wouldn't last a week.
No - you only "measure" nature based on your sensory experience of "nature". You can't measure anything before you're supposed to have observed it via some sense. But since that sense doesn't necessarily correspond to anything true or real at all, it pure unadulterated faith that you pretend your senses are a reliable path to understanding reality.
So, high school tier philosophy it is.
>without that, you cannot make a moral
goatfucker pls
Hand wave all you want - you're on the same epistemological level as flying spaghetti monster worshippers ^_^
Thanks for proving my point. Don;t worry son, in 5-10 years from now you'll grow out of your kiddy level existential knowledge.
Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift.
Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.
Great substantive rebuttal!
Full of epic wins senpai!
Sure jogs my noggin'!
There is no future without God. Every since Europe strayed further away from God, abandoning traditional values and common sense - we've been in a downwards spiral.
I still don't understand people can't two and two together. Every problem we're facing right now stems from a secular idealogy and mindset.
The idea that some resurgent Christianity is going to swoop in and save Europe is insane. Islam is the only answer to the West's ills.
>social-sexual confidence scam attacking people who don't conform becasue they think having children makes them special
gee i wonder why it doesnt go away....
p.s. i will give you tons of shit but only after you die if you upvote this nu-pol post
dude my existential knowledge is much deeper and profound than yours
He's right you fucking retard. Hurr Durrr matter can not be created or destroyed oh unless it fits my meme narrative.
Because the alternative is just as bad if not worse. Dawkins and friends were able to absolutely crush the opposition so thoroughly because the "opposition" was fucking Jack Chick and William Lane Craig. And don't start with Catholicism. The Catholic Church lost the moment they let a bunch of Kikes in the media paint them as being an entire organization of pedophiles by just reporting the truth. Covering up and defending pedophilia killed Catholicism in the minds of millions of Americans and just cemented "hurr hurr the pope is SATAN!11!!!!!" in the minds of millions more.
And that doesn't even get into the fact that, despite Wolfsheim shilling Thomism on /sci/ and getting blown the fuck out, Christianity doesn't have any answers to the problems we face in the West and crushes any attempt to find said answers. And that doesn't even get into the fact that basic observation of reality and the march of scientific discovery have dealt savage blows to the Christian narrative. Christianity is only going to continue to die unless it does a complete 180 on many, many, MANY things it has held dear for hundreds of years. Namely, the fact that Christianity is inherently multicultural and universalist. The Papacy is fully prepared for Spics and Nogs to inherit the Earth and sees no problem with tearing down everything our people have built as long as the Pope gets his tithes and everyone is Christian.
And no, "MUH ORTHODOXY" won't solve anything, if we're importing a completely foreign denomination then you open the floodgates to ANY foreign religion what so ever which just exacerbates the problems we face.
>And that doesn't even get into the fact that basic observation of reality and the march of scientific discovery have dealt savage blows to the Christian narrative
Such as....?
The Big Bang doesn't say that something came from nothing, it says that everything was compressed into a single point in space and time and then, for some reason, that point began to expand. By all current methods we can't know what happened before the expansion began, only what happened during the expansion and the point at which everything was just a single point in space and time.
This is taught in elementary schools. Christianity cannot handle basic facts of reality that are taught to GRADE SCHOOLERS and you mean to tell me you've got the perfect idea on how to fight consumerism all figured out? You mean to tell me that you don't even know what a theory is yet you intend to solve the inverse correlation between wealth and birthrates?
I guess you're going to ignore the various fudge factors and holes in the Big Bang Theory then
Look, a trip fag who thinks he's smart. You do realize he's talking about instruments, not our senses, and the fact that you're posting your retarded fallacies on this board means there is some level of objective truth to the mechanics of reality beyond human sense or else you'd just be wacking your pud to rocks, right? Wait, don't answer that. It was a trick question.
Heres a lesson in "faith": do you believe you have a brain? Have you ever seen it?
Such as demonstrated in , and for starters. To list more, the Earth not being six thousand years old, evolution, pre-historic population movements, Levantine history, etc etc etc.
The biggest, most single glaring flaw, is the fact that revelation is absolutely crucial to Christianity. Buddhism can adapt to modernity because the non-existence of the Buddha doesn't invalidate his doctrines. The same is true of Confucianism. Taoism and Hinduism are outside of this paradigm entirely as they encompass a vast array of beliefs. But Abrahamic religions are defeated by their utter reliance on revelation. If Moses, Jesus, and Muhammed didn't exist then there's no reason to be a Jew (religiously, ignoring the ethno part of Judaism's ethnoreligion), a Christian, or a Muslim.
And that is BAD. The proper answer to "Jesus didn't exist" should not be "no, you're wrong" it should be "lmfao who cares". It means that Christianity will lose as we gain further insights into how the world works. It means that the very real spiritual void cannot be filled by Christianity because Christianity can't fill the void even if it were static, never mind the fact that the void is constantly expanding because of modernity.
>instruments, not our senses
What instruments can you make use of without your senses, exactly?
What precludes the earth being two seconds old?
Your whimsical fancy?
Make up your mind: Is the Big Bang proof that Christians can be LE SCIENTIFIC XD because a Catholic Priest came up with it, or is it quackery because the Bible contradicts it? You've never even taken the time to look up what the Big Bang theory actually states and you aim to critique it based on "fudge factors" and "holes"?
And all of this is just a roundabout way of you helping me prove what I've been saying in and . You're arguing about the validity of stellar cosmology and basic astronomy in order to justify revelation because your entire religion falls apart if revelation does. You can't justify why you should be a Christian if Jesus wasn't real.
This bitch is going to burn in hell
I'm suggesting that the Big Bang theory has many unproven/faulty aspects in it, and in an attempt to salvage it, nu-scientists make up concepts to fit this theory. That is the definition of a fudge factor.
Example: dark matter, dark energy, inflation
Try jumping out of a tenth floor window and tell me if your senses don't correspond to reality.
I bet you're the life of the party, Mr. Just-learned-of-brain-in-a-jar. For all intents and purposes, your philosophy is just that, in the real world your "axiom" holds just as much weight as flying spaghetti monsters. You have the viewpoint of someone outside the sim, but you exist in it, so prove yourself right, I'll wait. Meanwhile I can definitively say my basic 5 senses work and what's more than that-and really all that matters- I can prove it with the scientific method. Sit and theorize already thought thoughts, that may be all you'll do.
This push into the right wing so far you lost your mind into religion.
No let them burn. Let them all destroy themselves.
Those are unrelated to the Big Bang theory and are expansions upon the initial theory of cosmological expansion. And it doesn't escape my point:
>this is just a roundabout way of you helping me prove what I've been saying in (You) and (You). You're arguing about the validity of stellar cosmology and basic astronomy in order to justify revelation because your entire religion falls apart if revelation does. You can't justify why you should be a Christian if Jesus wasn't real.
What precludes you sucking dick at this very min-
Oh, you ARE sucking dick at this very minute. Gas yourself, degenerate.
fuck off and let people worship who they want faggot. i dont cry about you wanting to take it in the ass and i dont flip shit when you want to turn your penis into a vagina and pretend that makes you a woman.
>all powerful being intelligently designed the universe down to the atom
>an infinitely compressed singularity just existed and blew up
Which floor is the 10th?
You're about as philosophically honest as a snake oil salesman - I'd rather an unrepentant liar hand wave and call me crazy than be a dishonest dogmatic twat~
>Meanwhile I can definitively say my basic 5 senses work
Yeah - you can SAY whatever you want.
Squares are circles, and I'm 6' tall and 7' tall by the same measure. Wew lad don't you love spewing words?
>that foregrip
Substantive rebuttal senpai!
>Which floor is the 10th?
The one before the 11th and after the 9th.
>Those are unrelated to the Big Bang theory
how so?