How does one define "white"?
How does one define "white"?
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a pygmy
All europeans, some arabs, some southern south americans who arentspics?
small cock, oppressive and insecure behavior, neurotic and basically evil.
For fucks sake, look in the mirror, if you don't smile cause you're white, then you aren't white.
End thread.
Everyone I don't like
Also just look at somebody, whiteness is obvious.
Mainland Europeans + UK heritage
>of gemanic, celtic, nordic, or iberian blood
Don't try and slip moors in there
Pink Nipples
as long as these races donĀ“t interbreed, i am fine. othwerwise we would lose the diversity.
include slavs, i like russian compilations videos.
Having 80% or more Jewish or European ancestry
Ancestry test, above 80% europid
So sovtern europeans are white? LOLZ
You have no idea do you idiot?
Define OP
If you pass the pencil test, you are white
>The pencil test is a method of assessing whether a person has Afro-textured hair. In the pencil test, a pencil is pushed through the person's hair. How easily it comes out determines whether the person has "passed" or "failed" the test.
I bet you don't ask your black friends "what makes somebody black" you know damn well what makes somebody white and that's why your asking that question to us and not niggers or spics.
>(((1 post by this ID)))
Wrong Shlomo, Jews are Semitic and have nothing to do with whites.
Even Ashkenazi's only have small amounts of white DNA. the Jews are mostly white meme needs to fucking stop.
its the other way around you fucking idiot, they are mostly white. Why the fuck do you think Ashkenazi jews looks white and sephardic jews look more middle eastern? Take a wild guess. But go ahead and be stubborn, don't take my word for it, just look it up.
Daily reminder Jews are WHITE!
Americans only.
even Sup Forums has realized what you are and is distributing #'s accordingly
Sup Forums: 1
Hook Nosed Kike: -6 billion
If someone has Jewish blood and "looks white", as Sup Forums says, what then does that make them
You are either Germanic or you are not.
Jews pass the pencil test though. So they must be white according to Sup Forums!!!
Why can't Sup Forums fucking EXPLAIN what they mean by white? No one here has any set-in-stone definition of "white" when referring to "white" people
How many innocent people they murdered.
White = protestant
You can't, 'white' is term whipped up by Jews to stir divisions I use European Caucasoid instead
Aryan people. The other white looking people are not really white.
arguing who and what is "white" to dismantle the idea that whites are superior is a textbook example of jewish arguing. And I'm 100% jewish.
So are Koreans considered white, too?
Somehow oppressive AND insecure?
Usually, if someone looks white, they are white. There is no cut-off point; once a person has no discernible non-white traits, we can assume the white genes are dominant enough to make any non-white genes they may have irrelevant.
The lack of a crystal-clear definition is something the left will usually pick on, apparently forgetting how difficult it is to accurately define anything in nature. Ask a biologist how hard it is to define a species, and yet we know they exist. The same applies to race. We can see with our own eyes that people can be sorted into different groups based on their racial phenotype. And that's what we should be focused on, not trying to find a super accurate definition for something we can see exists.
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