I... I can't breath fellow magapedes... She is too strong... I have to admit... SHE FUCKING WON the popular vote... S-she... she IS the president

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Once you remove the illegal alien vote she lost by 4-5 million. Suck it.

Look at this loser

This is probably a troll post, but if not:
As a centrist, I really hope the left understands how much crying about the election still is turning people away from you. Let the Russia investigation run it's course and if nothing actually comes up then shut the fuck up and maybe go for your populist (aka popular, aka more voters) candidate next time.



Hillary stole five states.

Eat your daily portion of shit sweeties

>SHE FUCKING WON the popular vote
You mean the completely irrelevant measure in the elections of our republic?

HE FUCKING WON. get over it

Stand still you drumpfkin. She will fucking beat your ass!

I made such an ass out of myself before the election. My friends told me there was no way Donald Blumpf would win, but I refused to believe it. I went around telling everyone how Hillary was a stupid, ugly, useless loser who was going to lose the election and America would be made great again. How wrong I was. All my friends laughed at me and refuse to talk to me now that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the President of the United States of America. Sorry, fellow Drumpfkins, but I think it's time we face the facts... and end it all...

Goodbye... my friends...

Hilldawg approves this post


Stop being racist Dumftkin

this still makes me laugh

I just wish actual share-blue nd other election shills were forced to read these posts mocking them and their efforts

even months later, your tears are delicious

What is this "popular vote" I keep hearing about?
I don't see it anywhere in the potus election laws.



I just wish pic related happened so much...

FACT: JFK cheated to beat Nixon
FACT: Reagan committed treason to beat Carter
FACT: Perot was a Clinton plant
FACT: Bush stole 2000 (Florida)
FACT: Bush stole 2004 (Ohio)
FACT: Obama stole 2012
FACT: Hillary tried to steal 2016 but couldn't get it done

Prove me wrong.
(protip: you can't)

She won the booby prize; the prize given to losers to make feel like winners.

What are you babbling about, go outside

Lol she didn't win shit


Reminds me of Erdogan / Morsi third world gatherings

The US has become a joke


About 50 years too late for that.

>never provides source

ignored like everyone else who posts this

Don't worry, the impeachment will be even better

Please ingore and sage this shit..

Why didn't the electoral college vote for her?

Dipshits playing checkers when the rules are 5d Chess.
>Democrat crybabies


Complete and utter bullshit.
Carter was a wet noodle whom no one liked.
Perot was protoTrump and his charts were amazing. Pic related.
Gore was a pussy and a nightmare.
Ohio is whatever.
Obama would have to have died to lose to McCain-Palin.
2012. What? Romney was the biggest cuck evar.
2016, yes she failed to Arkancide enough people and burn enough black churches to win.
>Protip. I just did.

she won so hard that she lost. she did the 180.

I like when i win the booby prize with my wife