The right doesn't need weaklings who kill themselves like leftists. Women should be kept at home in private. Not trying to promote themselves for attention from strange men and exposing herself to a brutal world. Imagine being her man and failing to protect her from things she obviously could not endure. Y
Keep your women off social media.
S to spit
Other urls found in this thread:
social media was a mistake
>t. ahmed muhamad yasheed
what we should be really doing, you fat sweaty shit, is raising our daughters to be stronger, to rise to the occaisson
why on earth do you want for literally HALF the population to be limpwristed weaklings
what scope is that a nikon monarch?
Leupold. They always have that gold ring around the objective. If you could zoom in you'd see the model and magnification range listed on there.
yeah i thought monarch because it had gold on the dial covers, you'd think a pro wouldnt use such a cheapo scope.
>why on earth do you want for literally HALF the population to be limpwristed weaklings
As if females are capable of more? Fuck off.
Anyone who kills themselves over what a leftists, niggers, liberals, jews, faggots, or anyone else, frankly, deserves to die.
>Sorry but not sorry
your americans whores might be not
you guys don't what real women even are
my grandmother could kick yer ass without breaking a sweat
Killing for fun is as degenerate as anything. Nothing of value was lost.
No scope headshot.
Leupold are top quality.
I would go back in time and murder your grandmother in her prime so hard that you would never be born.
So you don't care about conservation if wildlife or are you just ignorant?
shut the fuck up hadji
my grandma would agree with you on this
>being this mad
>killing animals for fun is a precondition to conservation
Kike tier logic
>Shoots innocent animals like she's some bad ass
>Gets bullied on social media and kills herself
I think she was overcompensating for something.
You're not white. Nice try.
she wrestled a wolf
she could easily take a Sup Forums shitposter like you
Hunters are responsible for more wildlife conservation than you dopey hippies. Go protest a KFC, you bleeding gash.
keep going tard
>my grandma wrestled a puppy
Hahaha I'm not a stupid dog. I would rape her. There's nothing you can say to change that.
Really, you're the one killing them by not hunting and participating in wildlife restoration that has saved some endangered species. Murderer.
Here you go. Educate yourself, you inner city crackhead.
i wouldnt be surprised that a worthless dipshit like you doesnt even know what a wolf is
wew nice argument
But user, she has a pussy, how dare you not feel sorry for her.
I'm not surprise a snownigger like you believes in tall tales about your grandma wrestling wolves. She probably got raped by another snownigger and liked it so much she just lied to your grandfather.
So much for the tolerant left
Omar from the Taliban amirite?
>wew nice argument
>shut the fuck up hadji
Here we see an example of how the nigger does not have the cognitive ability to think beyond the present moment. Abstract concepts of past and future elude him.
if any of you seriously want to enlighten yourselves about hunting, please listed to this
>when somebody finally posts who isn't from reddit
>but muh vortex ima operator
Thanks. I always make it a point to mention this because it seems that even a lot of people who support hunting don't realize how it makes conservation possible. It's such an ignorant leftist reaction to get angry and start flinging poo.
Great company, great product, great customer service.
took a 60 year old leupold to the their headquarters, got it back like new. no charge
still more believable then the anti women utopia bullshit you're trying to sell
>animal rights activists
disgusting. Fucking idiots had a dog when they were growing up and watched disney movies and are now convinced "humans are the ebil bad guys and animals are innocent and pure." They need to grow the fuck up
They don't love animals, they love the power they have over animals. A pet cat can't hurt you like a human can. You have control over it.
These pieces of shit are nothing but narcissistic children devoid of any shred of empathy
>anti women utopia
>thinks women are for wrestling wolves
What, you mean nature? A woman's purpose is to make babies. That's a pro-woman position.