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that's what progressiveness gets you

Least you've gotten a reply back.
I am getting literally nothing. Trying to break my neetness by getting a job but no one is responding to my applications.

didn't have the requisite graduate degree and 10 years experience?

STEM degree and a white male?

Should have gone down to the NEETBUX office instead.

time to purge

We have pedro who will do it for the same as you but will work way shittier hours, speak spanish like the rest of the crew, have a family to feed so he cant run his mouth, and unlike you pedro wont look for a better job he'll work here his whole life

>tfw I can and do find work whenever I need to.

must be upsetting being a shitter. I am in college and have not much to do till class starts so I picked up a temp job at my apartment complex helping for turn around. 10/hr 60hrs a week guaranteed.

If only you were a fucking nigger.

Whatever spic they hired to do the job is taking then job PLUS welfare to Support his 4 kids and their households 6 shitty cars parked in front of his house taking up everyone's parking spots

Depends on where you live.
Here in socal practically every single entry level job is filled with illegals who work for 5/hour through salaries.

I live in the deep south. in a mid COL area. I feel bad for socal fags. I have family in Rancho Sante Fe and LA

just post on backpages or craigslist for $20 handjobs. You'll get plenty of responses

Kek, looks like someone's been browsing those government "Find me a job" sites that only actually exist for tax breaks.

>MBA from Duke
>apply for unpaid internship
>multiple rounds of interviews
>don't get the position

>you are not qualified to do a simple task that anyone can do
Fuck employers

>tfw dish washer is always used as a meme job title for the lowest of the low pleb work
>tfw op literally applied to be a DISH WASHER

>tfw NEETS are so worthless they aren't even good enough to wash dishes

When will you gas yourselves you fucking filth?

>Every state is the same

Euroshits get a pass but Goddamn, you should realize how large your country is.

Even better

The reason op didn't get the job, is because of all the spics in Canada now because Cuckdeau let them in after Trump

How is that liberalism working out for you?

>The absolute state of Cucknadians right now

Rancho Santa Fe is one of the whitest areas too, I work there as a private tutor occasionally during school.
I used to work in a kitchen in north county until I noticed the korean owner was skimming my pay (couldn't do anything about it because all the workers were under the table, so he didnt have to pay taxes). businesses are scummy as fuck around here.

How did you not get a job as a dish washer? Did you come off as an asshole? Act like you do drugs? Or otherwise dress like you're wealthy and don't need it?

>let's shame people who want to work and reward dipshits who don't

Imagine you need a dishwaser.

Do you hire some kid with no experience, who you need to teach not to put the plastics in the dishwasher, and how to get spots off, and other pointless shit that wastes your time, and then is going to quit in 6 months, or do you hire someone who's been doing it for 5 years?

probably over qualified

are there really people who wash dishes for 5 years and dont get the ambition to become a prep cook?

which makes you think, arent they just lying about the 5 years of exp on their resume?

we reward liars and reject honest people

I met a 35 year old white man in 2012 doing this.

Just pick a thing you are decent at and start doing that for people. It can be cleaning windows, mowing lawns or shoveling snow. Just put out some flyers in your area and knock on some doors. You don't have to have a boss.

Yes. Believe it or not, half of the U.S. population has an IQ below 100.

This hits way too close to home

>tfw one has a shitty explorer with a fucked up alarm that goes off every 20 minutes

>spend time getting 2 degrees, 1 STEM 1 Business
>friend in prison for violent assault for 6 years, gets BA in shitty subject through correspondence
>I graduate the same year he gets released
>I'm unemployed 6 months later
>He's employed at a law firm

Fuck this gay earth

It's your autism bro. Your felon friend probably has great social skills.

Not autistic at all.

His rich-ish parents got him the job. That's just how life works sadly.

Why is it so hard for people to find jobs?
I got a job at $14 an hour the same day I applied.

Also, it was his 2nd felony.

Happy he's employed, but depressed as fuck I did the right things in life and have nothing to show for it

Because too many apply for private sector jobs to ever get a shot at it and applying for public sector jobs expect you to just wait for months on end for an answer :)

Do you believe that that statistic isn't outdated?

Yes. There are people like that. When I had shitty hourly jobs in College many of my coworkers were just losers with no ambition. They were just content to do menial labor for $8/hr for the rest of their lives.

If you're too smart, people won't hire you for entry level jobs because they know you won't stay, you'll leave as soon as someone offers you better because you have experience, and then they need to train someone else.

But if you don't have any experience, then no one wants to hire you.

Catch 22 until you get lucky.

How much you want to bet the "interviewer" was a woman?

It's not possible for that statistic to be outdated.

Hi user,

Thank you for your interest in our Lead Software AI Architect role at KIKEBOOK. While many exceptional engineers apply for this role, we are faced with the difficult predicament of turning away great talent. Unfortunately, after our hiring board gathered your interview feedback, we have decided not to continue further with the hiring process.

Due to the nature of our hiring, we are not allowed to disclose any direct feedback or suggestions based on your interview performance. With that said, we invite you to reach out to us again in the next 12 months to revisit any future openings. We appreciate your time and wish you the best on your future endeavors.

Thank you,

Yes it is. The test isn't constantly adjusted to fit the population.

It literally is.

So one's IQ is defined relative to the average IQ?

Either A, this means that your IQ is continually in flux, because the average IQ is always in flux, and that you'd have to test everyone constantly for accurate results, or
B, IQ itself is undergoing inflation, and what was once considered normal IQ(ie. 100) is now less.

Either way, that's bullshit.

Just become a criminal OP. Buy credit card data online and use those to buy items that you resell. Or start a webshop with Stripe intergration and use stolen credit cards to "buy" your own items. You will need a solid bank 'drop' to move funds into, but that's easy enough to get

I know some smart women, but I know way more dumb women.

My last manager was the latter, like literally had no business in her position. It was a highly technical area at a non-inconsequential place. She was in charge of people with HIGH levels of education.

She had no degree.

She was 24.

Literally everyone she was in charge of was older and more educated.

It was infuriating. She couldn't even use Word, and needed help when writing e-mails to have her spelling checked/corrected.

Why she never figured out how to spell check herself, I will never know.

Got sick of responses like this, started writing a novel so that at least I can be productive.

plant cp on his pc or drugs in his car

Both are true. Your letter B even has a name, it's called the Flynn Effect.

I'm sorry IQ tests aren't the magic objective perfect infallible intelligence detectors you thought they were.

Yep worthless incompetent slacker rich kids get set up with easy no-work overpaid status jobs through their family's network of friends at the country club, see it happen over and over.

I didn't get a job for 6 months now I am an actuary. Keep trying.

>did 4 years in office job while at uni
>did 2 years in internship in related field
>literally 2 years of unemployment
>constant carousel of interviews, follow ups, etc
>recently been working at the mall

its not always sunshine and rainbows.

Lol, no he's my buddy. He fucked up, but we grew up together. Not mad at him, just employment in general.

Fucking kek you're lucky to at least be able to say "muh illegals." Here in Aus shitskins aren't taking many jobs, yet everyone is miraculously unemployed

>tfw STEMfag got rejected from shelf stacking and servo jobs 10 times in a row, no interview, only automated rejection emails a week after applying

Maybe I should just go live innawoods with a pagan waifu and have 25 kids on welfare just to stick it to the boomers, fucked if I'm paying for those pensions all my life.

oh believe me I know.
my parents moved into an old white lower class neighborhood 30 years ago and one by one as the old whites die off new mexican families moved in. the lady across the street died last year and the family that moved in is cancer. They have like 10 cars that I know of an the guy drives a hauling truck for work which is long like 2+ cars. i have to park blocks away from my house!

Same, worked through college, did internships, clubs, leadership positions, the works.

I'm hoping if I just start aiming lower/outside of my desired areas I'll get some traction.

I wouldn't feel too bad about the online rejections. There is a high probability that
A)Your resume/application wasn't even looked at
B)They already knew exactly who they were going to hire, tailored the ad specifically for them, and posted it just for the legal requirements

Seen it happen many times.

>No user, don't bring your resume directly to us in person, use our online system
Get fucked

Claim former work experience of similar skill at businesses that are no longer extent. If you want to cook at Ruby Tuesdays or Beef O'brady's, claim you used to work at Bennigan's. If you want to be a clerk at fucking...Ross, claim you had the same position at Bebe's. Want to be a clerk at a Pharmacy? You totally did that before at any chain that wasn't CVS, Walgreens, or Rite-Aid...because apparently Rite-Aid is still a thing. Who fucking knew? They could actually call and check.

Anyway, your goal is, "What're you gonna do, call and check?" You want to make it so they can't. At all, because it's now impossible. It sounds stupid and blatant as fuck, but God help us all, it fucking works. I never suspected it would back when we were brainstorming the concept on /r9k/, but I got so many retail offers based on my 'past experience' manning the register at Movie Gallery and Hollywood Video that I'm a believer now.

Create your own job instead of applicating for slavery

Fuck you.

Jamal who arrived from Somalia yesterday needs this job more than you to support his 7 children.

I've had this idea, but that's reallllly hard to do without capital. Hard to get a business loan with a fuck ton of student loan debt and no equity.

It's not and nor is it US specific, you fucking nigger-tiered ape.

Lie about job history.

If you need references give friend phone numbers.

Unemployment on your resume is worse than being prison for raping an infant.

Literally NOBODY actually looks up and calls your work history unless they have a reason to(i.e gossip got around that you lied about it).

t. lied about degree and got a career and have had it for 8 years now

>I got so many retail offers based on my 'past experience' manning the register at Movie Gallery and Hollywood Video that I'm a believer now.

this. is. brilliant.
I'm gonna try this.

I have two bachelor's degrees and can't find a job.

>.because apparently Rite-Aid is still a thing. Who fucking knew?

rite-aid is the largest pharmacy chain

never had a gf. lives with dad. like 40 years old. tries to start e-drama all day out of frustration. not even qualified to wash dishes !


no you don't.

go take a picture of them with a Sup Forums sign or gtfo loser.

CVS is actually the biggest right now. Walgreens might merge with rite aid.

>he still doesn't understand those are internal hires

A business under massive amounts of unneeded Federal regulations can't simply fill a position with one of their own employees. They have to be posted publicly for a time. Except you don't want them to be filled. So, you post impossibly high standards for pay no one with those qualifications would actually accept.

If someone from outside the company with 10 years of database management experience is willing to work for $12/hr then you say "fuck it..." and hire the desperate Paki and bleed him for all he's worth. What usually happens is the position sits unfilled for 30 days due to no applicants, then you can legally just give the job to an internal hire who already knows what he's doing and has probably been temping for that job since the last guy quit anyway.

Trying to get a security guard job soon. Does anyone have any experiences being one?
I currently work at a grocery store as cashier

>Walgreens might merge with rite aid
Can confirm this is happening.
Wife has worked for them for 5yrs and merger happening around the holidays.
Don't know if she'll still have a job around Christmas.

>mfw currently warehouse worker going back to school to be biomedical equipment technician

Graduted 2 months ago with a degree in economics. Thinking of just training hard and taking the test next summer to become a firefighter in a shitty nig-infested city near me

Go work at a supermarket you cunt

The McDonalds down the street gets on average 400 applications every time a position opens. Walmart gets over a thousand because unlike liberal fairy-tale land deep inside their own assholes Walmart pays better and gives far better benefits than every "mom & pop" store that Plebbit masturbates over. So every retail employee in the city applies whenever a Walmart position opens up.

Now lets say you're a hiring manager. You've got 1200 resumes on your desk for an overnight shelf-stocking position. After you round-file all the Laquishas and Tyrones, you're left with a few hundred applicants fresh out of high school who've never even worked a day in their life at a summer job... or a few hundred people who already have retail experience. Fifty of those have both experience as stockers and are already on night shift. Now it's your job to pick one. Just one.

1,199 people are going to be rejected for one hire, and every one thinks it's something person. Or they come here and blame it on the Jews.

>offer sloppy blowjobs for $30
>$60-180 easily
>love sucking dick anyway
>most days are impotent middle aged men who suck me off and I still get paid

Get on my level of fagtasticness you peasants

Here you go.

i stand corrected.

No worries friend.

Checked your digits too.

Probably just going to kill myself if I can't find something soon. I don't have any form of fulfillment any more. I fell for the college meme and can't find work anywhere. I've applied at grocery stores, walmart, lowes, anything just for some form of income. You'll also notice I graduated magna cum laude as well. None of it matters.

t someone who fell on his feet and thinks everything is hunky dory

Where the fuck do you live? Holy shit

Hello fellow unemployed econfag

Start a business doing the goyim's tax returns. You can do it out of your house. There is some old retired accountant that does tax prep in our town. Lazy motherfuckers (probably libs...) will pay $40 just to have someone else fill out their a 1040EZ.

Don't settle for becoming a slave when you can own your own plantation.

Hello fellow mistake maker.

I'll look into it. The area I live in is fairly saturated with accountants though, so i'm not sure it would leave anywhere.

.. said the man in the orthopaedic shoes

If you are in the USA. They are hiring tard wranglers. Caregiver exemption was repealed last year and most providers are still short handed trying to keep workers under overtime.

So on my first day when they figure out I'm full of shit because it's painfully obvious that I'm clueless and need to be trained, what then?

Wow. I got the first happened to me. I left $14 to make $50.

Public sector like government work? People should just go to staffing agencies. Its not career but it experience.

A small rural town full of conservatives, with a poz'd liberal fuckhole of a college right in the center. Population roughly 30k.
We're also the county seat, so all the surrounding villages which are lucky to even have more than one chain fast food restaurant are also searching our city for jobs.

Killing yourself is not the answer. At the very least, just rack up more debt and go back to school. Do something you're really passionate about this time like art or computers. Just stay in school forever until you find a job, and then you don't have to make payments.

That's a much better idea than killing yourself.

>fairly saturated with accountants
Do it slightly cheaper say about 5 bucks cheaper

I cooked in a kitchen where the dishwasher had been there for something like 24 years. He had some clown tattoos, not icp, just scary looking clowns

I refuse to believe you didn't get at least an interview with walmart after college

>Entry level
>Bachelors in Scrubbing is required
Just fuck my employment history up senpai

Haven't gotten literally anything. Whether you choose to believe or not is up to you, and frankly I could care less at this point.

I refuse to be a leach on the system. I'll make this work one way or i'll take my exit. That simple.

*one way or another.

>Tfw got a database management job I fucking despise right out of college
>It says DB Management as my job title but its literally high school shit, but they wanted a degree
>Fucking miserable, literally the most underhanded company I have ever worked for.

Just passed the 3 year mark. Starting to sort out my resume and decide how I can twist the truth based on what job I apply for next.

Spent all my savings helping my brother after his house got robbed in broad daylight and he got shot. He needed help with some stuff, and a bunch of unforseen expenses came up for me and I bled out my megar savings. So I am dead broke and have some debt (Hurr retarded family convinced me a car payment/student loan payment is the norm and I was too fucking retarded to think for myself)

Im only 27 its not too late to fix it RIGHT?!