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There aren't any psychologically strong German guys to put the women in place, and so the women are going crazy.
>There aren't any psychologically strong German guys to put the women in place, and so the women are going crazy.
You should try being strong and enforcing good values instead of degeneracy in this shithole.
The pack's gonna bite you, mate.
True, NL is less cucked than Germany, although that hardly counts for something
This Germany needs to die
Weimar 2.0 but this time nobody cares
I can't read turkish
Kill the Jews in your country Germany it's gonna be gone soon
I hate women. The better I know them the more I hate them.
But that article was written by a progressive leftist woman at N24/welt
in my city there is a giant billboard of a blonde woman, tyrone and their baby. saying some shit about him being a refugee and his love for his new country...
just fucking kill me
Burn it
Behind every Marxist is a jew that programmed him
what are you talking about?
:/ we need an european country to die sooner...or the collapse will be systemic (Italy will have a population of 52 mil in 2065 with more than 20 mil of peopl with foreign background)... is Sweden close to collapse?
I don't speak kraut pls translate
You need to do something. Do something this is your homeland.
Sweden or france
Isn't this shit happening everywhere?
No.There aren't any niggers in the Balkans
They aren't worth it
All inaction is a vote for something.
I allways said that I love my nation But recently I just came to the same conclusion. This Germany has to die in order that we can live.
It feels FUCKING GOOD!!!
Don't be afraid of prostate orgasms.
No, it doesn't.
Anal sex can only lead to prolapse, anal infections, fissures, and bleeding.
Every gay man knows this.
Hard to fight your urges.
When i was younger and got my fingers wet with pussy when I was 15 I could only think of sex but now almost ten years later and having gained a lot of experience of how women actually "think" I am disgusted by them and realize that a strong patriarchy is necessary if we want to keep a stable society.
A lot of men are not better currently desu.
Absolutely. In fact we should accelerate its downfall, the faster it comes the better our chances are since we are bringing it faster down than the kikes have planned which creates chaos in their little scheme
Stupid cunt. Both aren't native dutch. So go fuck yourself spaghetti eating moor rape baby.
No true scotsman fallacy
>moor rape baby
scheiß neger
The pleasure is beyond this world.
Are you retarded? Amerifat proxy?
Go read a book retard.
Why didn't you post an English translation nigger?
Hörens jung isch kann dischens och über minne bock spanne un dir ordentlisch im boppes ficke
I can't read Arabic. What does it say?
You need to explain nigger.
The Irish don't have any genetic ties to moors.
So the kikes want to destroy the rest of the world, so they can become the ubermench their book talks about, correct?
What are those two things with the number on that tank?
Spray paint a black eye with purple spray paint on that bitch.
is this steven crowder?
I dont know why they do that, maybe it is not even a big scheme but just the result of their parasitic way of life, it will be up to the next Himmler to find it out, what I care about is that they are stopped.
Turret extensions of the Panzer 4. They were used to store stuff of the crew and were accessible through the turret so they could put off and on jackets and have food there and whatnot. It seems that they got a spare one with them for what ever reason
>has a doctorate in moving to berlin
Sorry, I don't speak arabic
They are the 'chosen people'. They've always been unapologetic supremacists.
please no, If you destroy your shitty nigger infested country you'll probably come to mine and I don't want another german invasion
are they putting something in the food unironically? the water?
Sucks to be you then. Enjoy their nigger leftovers, korwin :^)
>implying German invasions werent the best things to ever happen to Poland
Translation please, I don't speak Arab.
We should have killed you all after WWII. No hard feelings
Why dont you start with yourself?
I dont speak arabic, someone translate plz
Never let women have too much power.
Another day in goimany.
The only reason we rlae not as bad as Sweden is that Merkel party is actually the conservative one.
Well our government isn't self proclaimed frmminist either.
Still the german and the swedish males are almost the same.
We were on the wrong side dumb ass. Hitler didn't start killing the Jews till after France declared war.
Is Germany ripe for a revolution? Krauts pls respond
can someone complete the translation? from what i gather:
the new sexual __ the women
the germans love their sexual fantasies_ out - especially young women. Sex parties, Amateur porn, Prostate massages: The _ _ are _ - a new sexual revolution?
Via Google translate:
"The new sexual adventures of women"
>should have killed you all
>you all
>why don't you start with yourself
Seriously Klaus just end it, you can't even read correctly, how can you be trusted to not fuck up Europe for the 3rd time in 100 years.
>just fucking kill me
just drive a shitty german made car and that just might happen hans.
Of course going to war with Hitler was a bad idea for the future of Europe, but that mongoloid forced our hand by forcing America into the War.
If it weren't for the Nips stirring shit in the Philippines and China, we could have stayed neutral.
Japan's sole role in WWII should have been keeping Russia from counterattacking on the Osfront.
Hitler was a retard with no idea what he should have done
The new sexual "adventure-lust" of Women
Germans are living out their sexual fantasies - especially young women. Sexpartys, am pornos, muh dick rubbing: The possibilities are needless! Is this a new sexual revolution?
I mean as the supposed victors shouldnt you not be 56% white and not be degeneracy central and not harbor 6 million jews and not have non whites being a majority in 20 years? Just asking
We're surrounded by Mestizos to the south. Some could always have gotten in.
You're directly taking Moslems and Africans from their nations and putting them into yours.
>Unironically thinks that korwin is a typical polish name
Well I'm not surprised
I dunno man, each time you pay us a visit a lot of people magically disappear
Op is a faggot
You're going to have to put it in English. I don't speak Turkish.
barely anyone misses them in most cases though
>implying you are not importing third worlders since the immigration act of 1965.
You created this world we live in, you fought for jewish hegemony.
Ahh, so it is the Wiemar Republic revisited. Disappointing but not surprising.
You mispelled "gracious", idiot.
Read the thread retard
Thankfully the leaders of your country compensate it by giving us a small portion of your GDP in gibs each year. Neat!
Nah, it's the >not native Dutch fallacy.
Jk, you're post is literally not an argument.
Now serious talk, Pavel, you are taking those gibs but they are poison. Since they are bound to certain conditions.
Cultural Marxism spreads in Poland and the Baltics every day as we talk, once we are gone you will be next.
I know you like to delude yourself into thinking that you played everybody and like to rejoice in your blind hatred of Germans that this is happening.
But watch closely what will happen in the next years, they will never stop.
I don't speak arabic
Danke, herr Doktor
Gern geschehen.
Then it must be burnt down.
If not by you then by someone from another area if you wish to avoid reprisals.
Drench in petrol or lighter fluid, throw match, run like hell.
Do it at night.
Pretty sure Gramps wasn't thinking about greater Zion when he crossed the channel.
Yep. France is ripe for implosion.
Nice copypasta Hans, I'll save it for later
>delude yourself
I'm not deluding myself, just enjoying the peaceful and prosperous times while they last
>blind hatred towards germans
Tbqh I hold nothing against your people, now stop larping as a fucking political scientist and embrace the fact that Sup Forums is a satirical board that should not be taken seriously
Then why is Malcolm Turnbull still breathing
I don't need to be a kraut to understand what this means.. ;)
lol polack you embarass yourself with your jew lies
>Drench in petrol or lighter fluid, throw match, run like hell.
Industrial solvents like acetone are cheaper.
Germans answer this for me :
Who controls the media and newspapers in germany? Provide FACTS, not conspiracy shit.
Also post your job and weight, pls tell me our not a fat incel.
>I'm not deluding myself, just enjoying the peaceful and prosperous times while they last
So guess what the Germans did from 1945-1990
I studied political science for one semester but changed to law. However Sup Forums contains more truths than any msm site or wikipedia. You just got to weed out the bullshit and ironic shitposting.
Sup Forums is very real
Why doesn't anyone ever translate German sources on here anymore?
>The New Lust After Sexual Adventure in Women
>Germans increasingly indulge their sexual fantasies - young women more so than all others. Sex parties, amateur porn, prostata massages: Opportunities are varied - a new Sexual Revolution?
So ultimately it's nothing and this thread is shit, but the propaganda is still disgusting.
The allies per law.
Art. 139, German Basic law
Hey, how's it going. Ummm I don't read or speak FUCKING GERMAN or whatever that language is that's only spoken in one fuckin country.